We consider a time-optimal control problem on the plane with a circular vectogram of velocities and a non-convex target set with a boundary having a finite number of points of discontinuity of curvature. We study the problem of identifying and constructing scattering curves that form a singular set of the optimal result function in the case when the points of discontinuity of curvature have one-sided curvatures of different signs. It is shown that these points belong to pseudo-vertices that are characteristic points of the boundary of the target set, which are responsible for the generation of branches of a singular set. The structure of scattering curves and the optimal trajectories starting from them, which fall in the neighborhood of the pseudo-vertex, is investigated. A characteristic feature of the case under study is revealed, consisting in the fact that one pseudo-vertex can generate two different branches of a singular set. The equation of the tangent to the smoothness points of the scattering curve is derived. A scheme is proposed for constructing a singular set, based on the construction of integral curves for first-order differential equations in normal form, the right-hand sides of which are determined by the geometry of the boundary of the target in neighborhoods of the pseudo-vertices. The results obtained are illustrated by the example of solving the control problem when the target set is a one-dimensional manifold.
This work was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Theorems 3.1 and 3.3 were proved by P. D. Lebedev with the support of the project no. 18–01–00221; Theorem 3.2 was proved by A. A. Uspenskii with the support of the project no. 18–01–00264).
P. D. Lebedev, A. A. Uspenskii, “Construction of scattering curves in one class of time-optimal control problems with leaps of a target set boundary curvature”, Izv. IMI UdGU, 55 (2020), 93–112
\by P.~D.~Lebedev, A.~A.~Uspenskii
\paper Construction of scattering curves in one class of time-optimal control problems with leaps of a target set boundary curvature
\jour Izv. IMI UdGU
\yr 2020
\vol 55
\pages 93--112
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This publication is cited in the following 4 articles:
Lebedev Pavel, Uspenskii Alexander, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1881, Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: Recent Trends, 2023, 292
Pavel D. Lebedev, Alexander A. Uspenskii, “Combined algorithms for constructing a solution to the time-optimal problem in three-dimensional space based on the selection of extreme points of the scattering surface”, Ural Math. J., 8:2 (2022), 115–126
P. D. Lebedev, A. A. Uspenskii, “Analytic-Numerical Approach to Construction of Minimax Solution to the Hamilton–Jacobi Equation in Three-Dimensional Space”, J Math Sci, 262:3 (2022), 291
A. A. Uspenskii, P. D. Lebedev, “O strukture singulyarnogo mnozhestva resheniya v odnom klasse prostranstvennykh zadach upravleniya po bystrodeistviyu”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. un-ta. Matem. Mekh. Kompyut. nauki, 31:3 (2021), 471–486