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Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 2020, Volume 62, Issue 3, Pages 434–441
(Mi ftt8475)

This article is cited in 15 scientific papers (total in 15 papers)

Optical properties

Quantum size effects in germanium nanocrystals and amorphous nanoclusters in GeSi$_x$O$_y$ films

M. P. Gambaryana, G. K. Krivyakinab, S. G. Cherkovaa, M. Stoffelc, H. Rinnertc, M. Vergnatc, V. A. Volodinab

a Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk
b Novosibirsk State University
c Université de Lorraine, Institut Jean Lamour UMR CNRS 7198 B.P. 70239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-lés-Nancy, Cedex, France
Abstract: Films of nonstoichiometric germanium–silicon glasses of two types–GeO$_{x}$[SiO]$_{(1-x)}$ and GeO$_{x}$[SiO$_{2}$]$_{(1-x)}$–are deposited onto cold Si (001) substrates by evaporating GeO$_{2}$ and SiO (or SiO$_{2}$) powders simultaneously in high vacuum. Film samples in their initial (as-deposited) state and after being annealed at 550 and 650$^\circ$C for 1 h are investigated using IR and Raman spectroscopies and electron microscopy, and their photoluminescence (PL) is studied as well. Raman spectroscopy shows that, in contrast to the initial GeO[SiO$_{2}$] film, the initial GeO[SiO] one contains clusters of amorphous germanium, their size being $\sim$3 nm, as found by electron microscopy. The presence of Si–O, Ge–O, and Si–O–Ge bonds in the films is established by IR spectroscopy. Clusters of amorphous germanium are found in both films after annealing at 550$^\circ$C, while germanium nanocrystals are formed in the films subjected to annealing at 650$^\circ$C. For the initial films, a broad band with a maximum at 1050 nm is registered in their low-temperature PL spectra, which may originate from such defects as oxygen vacancies and overstoichiometric germanium atoms. Annealing causes structural changes in the films and affects their PL behavior. The films containing germanium nanoclusters give rise to PL with a maximum at 1400–1600 nm, with the defect-related signal being diminished. The temperature dependence of PL intensity exhibits a decreasing behavior, but PL is observed to temperatures as high as 200 K. The contribution of germanium nanocrystals formed at the annealing stage to PL is discussed.
Keywords: germanosilicate glasses, germanium nanoclusters, photoluminescence, quantum size effect.
Funding agency Grant number
Russian Foundation for Basic Research 19-07-00367
The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 19-07-00367).
Received: 25.09.2019
Revised: 23.10.2019
Accepted: 23.10.2019
English version:
Physics of the Solid State, 2020, Volume 62, Issue 3, Pages 492–498
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
Language: Russian
Citation: M. P. Gambaryan, G. K. Krivyakin, S. G. Cherkova, M. Stoffel, H. Rinnert, M. Vergnat, V. A. Volodin, “Quantum size effects in germanium nanocrystals and amorphous nanoclusters in GeSi$_x$O$_y$ films”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 62:3 (2020), 434–441; Phys. Solid State, 62:3 (2020), 492–498
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by M.~P.~Gambaryan, G.~K.~Krivyakin, S.~G.~Cherkova, M.~Stoffel, H.~Rinnert, M.~Vergnat, V.~A.~Volodin
\paper Quantum size effects in germanium nanocrystals and amorphous nanoclusters in GeSi$_x$O$_y$ films
\jour Fizika Tverdogo Tela
\yr 2020
\vol 62
\issue 3
\pages 434--441
\jour Phys. Solid State
\yr 2020
\vol 62
\issue 3
\pages 492--498
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