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Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 2020, Volume 62, Issue 11, Pages 1807–1815
(Mi ftt8246)

This article is cited in 4 scientific papers (total in 4 papers)


Features of high-frequency EPR/ESE/ODMR spectroscopy of NV-defects in diamond

R. A. Babunts, D. D. Kramushchenko, A. S. Gurin, A. P. Bundakova, M. V. Muzafarova, A. G. Badalyan, N. G. Romanov, P. G. Baranov

Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg
Abstract: The methods of high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron spin echo (ESE) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) are used to study the unique properties of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond in strong magnetic fields. It is shown that in strong magnetic fields ($\sim$3–5 T) there occurs an effective optically induced alignment of populations of spin levels resulting in filling the level $M_S$ = 0 and emptying of the levels $M_S$ = $\pm$1, that makes it possible to record ODMR using the change in the intensity of photoluminescence which reaches 10% at resonance. It is demonstrated that the efficiency of the alignment has the same order as in zero and low magnetic fields. The samples were preliminary studied by the ODMR method in zero magnetic fields that allowed accurate determination of the main parameters of the fine structure and hyperfine interactions with nitrogen nuclei, as well as dipole-dipole interactions between the NV center and deep nitrogen donors in the form of a nitrogen atom replacing carbon, N$^0$. Hyperfine interactions with the nearest carbon atoms (isotope $^{13}$C) were observed in the high-frequency ODMR spectra, that opens up opportunities for measuring the processes of dynamic polarization of carbon nuclei in strong magnetic fields using optical methods. It is assumed that narrow ODMR lines in strong magnetic fields can be used to measure these fields with submicron spatial resolution. A new method for recording ODMR of NV centers with microwave frequency modulation has been developed, which simplifies the technique of measuring high magnetic fields. A significant increase in the intensity of the ODMR signal was demonstrated when a strong magnetic field was oriented along the symmetry axis of the NV center.
Keywords: electron paramagnetic resonance, EPR spectrometer, frequency modulation, spin, NV defect.
Funding agency Grant number
Russian Foundation for Basic Research 19-52-12058
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
The work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant no. 19-52-12058 and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the framework of ICRC, project TRR 160.
Received: 20.06.2020
Revised: 20.06.2020
Accepted: 30.06.2020
English version:
Physics of the Solid State, 2020, Volume 62, Issue 11, Pages 2024–2032
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
Language: Russian
Citation: R. A. Babunts, D. D. Kramushchenko, A. S. Gurin, A. P. Bundakova, M. V. Muzafarova, A. G. Badalyan, N. G. Romanov, P. G. Baranov, “Features of high-frequency EPR/ESE/ODMR spectroscopy of NV-defects in diamond”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 62:11 (2020), 1807–1815; Phys. Solid State, 62:11 (2020), 2024–2032
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by R.~A.~Babunts, D.~D.~Kramushchenko, A.~S.~Gurin, A.~P.~Bundakova, M.~V.~Muzafarova, A.~G.~Badalyan, N.~G.~Romanov, P.~G.~Baranov
\paper Features of high-frequency EPR/ESE/ODMR spectroscopy of NV-defects in diamond
\jour Fizika Tverdogo Tela
\yr 2020
\vol 62
\issue 11
\pages 1807--1815
\jour Phys. Solid State
\yr 2020
\vol 62
\issue 11
\pages 2024--2032
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