The energy thresholds and ignition delays of pressed samples of a stoichiometric pyrotechnical mixture of ammonium perchlorate and ultrafine aluminum are studied as functions of the diameter of the laser spot created by a millisecond laser pulse. A clearly expressed size effect is found. A characteristic size determining the boundary between the wide and narrow beams of the laser pulse applied is determined. The influence of optical properties of the examined composition on the behavior of the size dependences is discussed. The relation between the nature of the size effect and the laws of light scattering in the volume of powdered pyrotechnical mixtures is considered.
V. V. Medvedev, E. P. Ageeva, V. P. Tsipilev, A. N. Yakovlev, “Size effect in laser-induced initiation of a pyrotechnical composition (ammonium perchlorate and ultrafine aluminum)”, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 44:6 (2008), 77–82; Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 44:6 (2008), 685–689