In a paper of Croot, Lev and Pach and a later paper of Ellenberg and Gijswijt, it
was proved
that for a group $G=G_0^n$, where $G_0\ne \{1,-1\}^m$ is a fixed finite Abelian group
and $n$ is large, any subset $A\subset G$ without 3-progressions (triples $x$, $y$, $z$
of different elements with $xy=z^2$) contains at most $|G|^{1-c}$
elements, where $c>0$ is a constant depending only on $G_0$. This is known to be
false when $G$ is, say, a large cyclic group.
The aim of this note is to show
that the algebraic property corresponding
to this difference is the following: in the first case, a group algebra
$\mathbb{F}[G]$ over a suitable field $\mathbb{F}$ contains a
subspace $X$ with codimension at most $|X|^{1-c}$ such that $X^3=0$. We discuss which
bounds are obtained for finite Abelian $p$-groups and for some matrix $p$-groups:
the Heisenberg group over $\mathbb{F}_p$ and the unitriangular group over
$\mathbb{F}_p$. We also show how the method
allows us to generalize the results of [14] and [12].
Keywords:group ring, zero divisors, arithmtic progressions, $p$-groups.
Fedor Petrov, “Combinatorial results implied by many zero divisors in a group ring”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 58:1 (2024), 104–116; Funct. Anal. Appl., 58:1 (2024), 80–89