In this paper, we investigate the spectrum of the differential operator $T$
generated by an ordinary differential expression of order $n$ with $\mathrm{PT}$-symmertic periodic $m\times m$ matrix coefficients. We prove that if $m$
and $n$ are odd numbers, then the spectrum of $T$ contains all the real line. Note
that in standard quantum theory, observable systems must be Hermitian
operators, so as to ensure that the spectrum is real. Research on $\mathrm{PT}$-symmetric
quantum theory is based on the observation that the spectrum of a $\mathrm{PT}$-symmetric
non-self-adjoint operator can contain real numbers. In this paper, we discover
a large class of $\mathrm{PT}$-symmetric operators whose spectrum contains all real axes.
Moreover, the proof is very short.
Keywords:differential operator, $\mathrm{PT}$-symmetric coefficients, real spectrum.