We define a Grothendieck ring of pairs of complex quasi-projective varieties (consisting of a variety and a subvariety). We describe $\lambda$-structures on this ring and a power structure over it. We show that the conjectual symmetric power of the projective line with several orbifold points described by A. Fonarev is consistent with the symmetric power of this line with the set of distinguished points as a pair of varieties.
Keywords:complex quasi-projective varieties, Grothendieck rings, lambda-structures, power structures.
The work of the first author (§§\ref{sec:lambda} and \ref{sec:Example}) was supported by the grant no. 21-11-00080, of the Russian Science Foundation,
https://rscf.ru/en/project/21-11-00080/. The work of the last two authors was
supported by a competitive Spanish national grant MTM PID2020-114750GB-C32.