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Computer Research and Modeling, 2017, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 621–638
(Mi crm87)

This article is cited in 3 scientific papers (total in 3 papers)


The tests for checking of the parallel organization in logical calculation which are based on the algebra and the automats

A. V. Koganov

Scientific research institute of system analysis (FSE GSC NIISI RAN / FSE GSC SRISA RAS), Nakhimovsky st. 36, corp. 1, Moscow, 117218, Russia
Full-text PDF (495 kB) Citations (3)
Abstract: We build new tests which permit to increase the human capacity for the information processing by the parallel execution of the several logic operations of prescribed type. For checking of the causes of the capacity increasing we develop the check tests on the same logic operations class in which the parallel organization of the calculations is low-effectively. We use the apparatus of the universal algebra and automat theory. This article is the extension of the cycle of the work, which investigates the human capacity for the parallel calculations. The general publications on this theme content in the references. The tasks in the described tests may to define in the form of the calculation of the result in the sequence of the same type operations from some algebra. If this operation is associative then the parallel calculation is effectively by successful grouping of process. In Theory of operations that is the using the simultaneous work several processors. Each processor transforms in the time unit the certain known number of the elements of the input date or the intermediate results (the processor productivity). Now it is not known what kind elements of date are using by the brain for the logical or mathematical calculation, and how many elements are treating in the time units. Therefore the test contains the sequence of the presentations of the tasks with different numbers of logical operations in the fixed alphabet. That is the measure of the complexity for the task. The analysis of the depending of the time for the task solution from the complexity gives the possible to estimate the processor productivity and the form of the calculate organization. For the sequence calculations only one processor is working, and the time of solution is a line function of complexity. If the new processors begin to work in parallel when the complexities of the task increase than the depending of the solution time from complexity is represented by the curve which is convex at the bottom. For the detection of situation when the man increases the speed of the single processor under the condition of the increasing complexity we use the task series with similar operations but in the no associate algebra. In such tasks the parallel calculation is little affectivity in the sense of the increasing efficiency by the increasing the number of processors. That is the check set of the tests. In article we consider still one class of the tests, which are based on the calculation of the trajectory of the formal automat state if the input sequence is determined. We investigate the special class of automats (relay) for which the construction affect on the affectivity of the parallel calculations of the final automat state. For all tests we estimate the affectivity of the parallel calculation. This article do not contained the experiment results.
Keywords: parallel calculation, psychological test, algebra, associativity, formal automat.
Funding agency Grant number
Russian Foundation for Basic Research 16-01-00166а
This work was supported by RFBR grant no. 16-01-00166а.
Received: 21.11.2016
Revised: 23.05.2017
Accepted: 20.06.2017
Document Type: Article
UDC: 519.7, 612.821, 519.8
Language: Russian
Citation: A. V. Koganov, “The tests for checking of the parallel organization in logical calculation which are based on the algebra and the automats”, Computer Research and Modeling, 9:4 (2017), 621–638
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by A.~V.~Koganov
\paper The tests for checking of the parallel organization in logical calculation which are based on the algebra and the automats
\jour Computer Research and Modeling
\yr 2017
\vol 9
\issue 4
\pages 621--638
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