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Computer Research and Modeling, 2018, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 103–112
(Mi crm122)


Mathematical modeling of thermophysical processes in the wall of the baker cyst, when intra-cystic fluid is heated by laser radiation 1.47 $\mu$m in length

S. A. Chernjad'eva, A. V. Zhiljakovb, V. I. Gorbatovc, N. Yu. Korobovab, N. I. Sivkovad, A. V. Aretinskye, A. I. Chernookovf

a State Medical University of Higher Professional Education “Ural State Medical University”, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Repina st. 3, Ekaterinburg, 620000, Russia
b GAU of public health services of Sverdlovsk region “The regional specialized center of medical rehabilitation “Lake Chusovskoe”, Mira st. 1, village Chusovskoe Ozero, Ekaterinburg, 620053, Russia
c Federal State Budget Educational Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural State Mining University” (FGBOU IN UGGU), Kuibyshev st. 30, Ekaterinburg, 620144, Russia
d FGAOU VPO “UrFU named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin”, Mira st. 19, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russia
e OOO “PET – Technology” OP, Soboleva st. 29/8, Ekaterinburg, 620036, Russia
f Closed Joint Stock Company “Center of Phlebology”, per. Sivcev Vrazhek 45/1, Moscow, 119002, Russia
Abstract: The work is devoted to the study of the theoretical value of destructive influence on normal tissues of an organism by infrared radiation that goes beyond the treated pathological focus. This situation is possible if the direct laser radiation on the tissues is extremely long-acting. The solution to this problem can be the uniform distribution of heat inside the volume through indirect heating of the liquid, which contributes to minimal damage to the perifocal structures. A non-stationary thermophysical model of the process of heat propagation in biological tissues is presented, allowing to carry out studies of energy transfer from internal liquid contents of Baker's cyst heated by infrared laser radiation of a given specific power through a certain thickness of its wall to surrounding biological tissues. Calculation of the space-time temperature distribution in the cyst wall and surrounding fat tissue is carried out by the finite-difference method. The time of effective exposure to temperature on the entire thickness of the cyst wall was estimated to be 55$^\circ$Ñ on its outer surface. The safety procedure ensures the exposure duration of this value is not more than 10 seconds.
As a result of the calculations carried out, it is established that there are several operating modes of a surgical laser that meet all the safety requirements with a simultaneous effective procedure. Local one-sided hyperthermia of the synovial membrane and subsequent coagulation of the entire wall thickness due to heat transfer contributes to the elimination of the cavity neoplasm of the popliteal region. With a thickness of 3 mm, the heating mode is satisfactory, under which the exposure time lasts about 200 seconds, and the specific power of the laser radiation in the internal medium of the liquid contents of the Baker cyst is approximately 1.
Keywords: mathematical analogy, biological tissue, heat transfer, heat capacity, Baker's cyst, process modeling, thermocoagulation.
Funding agency Grant number
Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere
The work was supported by at the expense of the grant under the “Start-1” program, issued by the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere” (Innovation Promotion Fund).
Received: 21.08.2017
Revised: 19.01.2018
Accepted: 24.01.2018
Document Type: Article
UDC: 616.768.3-006.38
Language: Russian
Citation: S. A. Chernjad'ev, A. V. Zhiljakov, V. I. Gorbatov, N. Yu. Korobova, N. I. Sivkova, A. V. Aretinsky, A. I. Chernookov, “Mathematical modeling of thermophysical processes in the wall of the baker cyst, when intra-cystic fluid is heated by laser radiation 1.47 $\mu$m in length”, Computer Research and Modeling, 10:1 (2018), 103–112
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by S.~A.~Chernjad'ev, A.~V.~Zhiljakov, V.~I.~Gorbatov, N.~Yu.~Korobova, N.~I.~Sivkova, A.~V.~Aretinsky, A.~I.~Chernookov
\paper Mathematical modeling of thermophysical processes in the wall of the baker cyst, when intra-cystic fluid is heated by laser radiation 1.47 $\mu$m in length
\jour Computer Research and Modeling
\yr 2018
\vol 10
\issue 1
\pages 103--112
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