
International Conference "Fields & Strings 2024"
(February 5–10, 2024, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)

The conference Fields and Strings 2024 aims at gathering researchers working on string theory, quantum fields, supergravity, mathematical physics and their applications to report on the recent progress in the fields.

Problems of field theory (both quantum and classical) and string theory at any scale cover a huge set of topics of modern interest: from condensed matter physics to integrable hierarchies, from classical gravity and sigma-models to quantization of fields out of thermal equilibrium. Being very different in scope and possible applications these topics have significant overlaps in either the research object or the employed methods which usually serve as growth points for new ideas and novel approaches. The main goal of the conference Fields and Strings 2024 is to provide a site for researchers actively working in such intersecting areas to discuss current status of the fields and work on open problems of mutual interest.

All oral talks will be in person on the blackboard and will be translated online. The translation link will be provided to registered applicants.

• Sigma models
• Supergravity
• String theory
• Quantum fields





Advisory Committee
Aref'eva Irina Yaroslavna, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Buchbinder Iosif L'vovich, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region
Derkachov Sergei Èduardovich, St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Ivanov Evgeny Alexeevich, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region
Morozov Aleksei Yur'evich, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow
Nersesyan Armen Petrosovich, Yerevan State University
Reshetikhin Nikolai Yur'evich, Tsinghua University
Slavnov Nikita Andreevich, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Smilga Andrei V, Université de Nantes
Tseytlin Arkadii Aleksandrovich, Imperial College London
Vasiliev Mikhail Andreevich, P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Yung Aleksei Viktorovich, B. P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Organizing Committee
Bykov Dmitrii Vladimirovich, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Gubarev Kirill A, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Krivorol Viacheslav Aleksandrovich, Institute for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Matushko Mariya Georgievna, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Musaev Edvard Tavakkulovich, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Slepov Pavel Sergeevich, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Financial support
The conference is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the grant to the Steklov International Mathematical Center, agreement no. 075-15-2022-265).

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Steklov International Mathematical Center

International Conference "Fields & Strings 2024", Moscow, February 5–10, 2024

February 5, 2024 (Mon)
1. Opening
D. V. Bykov
February 5, 2024 09:30–10:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
D. V. Bykov
2. Integrable systems and 1+1 field theories on elliptic curves and its degenerations
A. V. Zotov
February 5, 2024 10:00–10:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. V. Zotov
3. DT Invariants and Exponential Networks
Mauricio Romo
February 5, 2024 11:30–12:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Mauricio Romo
4. Skew Howe duality, limit shapes and matrix models
A.A. Nazarov
February 5, 2024 12:30–13:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A.A. Nazarov
5. Is the Euclidean path integral always equal to the thermal partition function?
D. V. D'yakonov
February 5, 2024 13:05–13:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
D. V. D'yakonov
6. YB deformations of sigma-models and integrable systems in CFT
A. V. Litvinov
February 5, 2024 15:30–16:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. V. Litvinov
7. Supersymmetric $\mathbb{CP}^1$ deformation and RG Flows
A. Pribytok
February 5, 2024 16:30–17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. Pribytok
8. Structure of renormalization constants in the MS-like schemes containing poles and logarithms
V. V. Shatalova
February 5, 2024 18:05–18:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
V. V. Shatalova

February 6, 2024 (Tue)
9. Non-commutative integration method and its application to certain problems in QFT
A. A. Magazev
February 6, 2024 10:00–10:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. A. Magazev
10. Towards non-perturbative frameworks for matrix models
A. V. Popolitov
February 6, 2024 11:30–12:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. V. Popolitov
11. Top-down holographic model for the composite Higgs scenario
O. O. Novikov
February 6, 2024 12:30–13:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
O. O. Novikov
12. K-inflation: the legitimacy of classical treatment
Yu. A. Ageeva
February 6, 2024 13:05–13:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Yu. A. Ageeva
13. Knots, Racah matrices and Topological quantum computer
A. A. Morozov
February 6, 2024 15:30–16:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. A. Morozov
14. Yet another way from field theory to gravity
A. A. Sheikin
February 6, 2024 16:30–17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. A. Sheikin
15. Effective graviton mass in de Sitter space
D. Sadekov
February 6, 2024 17:30–18:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
D. Sadekov
16. Interacting quantum fields in de Sitter spacetime
Haidar Sheikhahmadi
February 6, 2024 18:05–18:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Haidar Sheikhahmadi

February 7, 2024 (Wed)
17. Exact results for the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence
Alessandro Sfondrini
February 7, 2024 10:00–10:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
18. Tensionless limit of pure-Ramond-Ramond AdS3/CFT2 superstring
Ryo Suzuki
February 7, 2024 11:30–12:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Ryo Suzuki
19. Holographic Beta-Function for Quark-Gluon Plasma with Heavy/Light Quarks
P. S. Slepov
February 7, 2024 12:30–13:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
P. S. Slepov
20. Magnetic catalysis in holographic model with two types of anisotropy for heavy quarks
A. Hajilou
February 7, 2024 13:05–13:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. Hajilou
21. Stokes phenomenon in Chern-Simons theory
P. A. Putrov
February 7, 2024 15:30–16:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
P. A. Putrov
22. Oscillons in weakly nonlinear scalar models
V. E. Maslov
February 7, 2024 16:30–17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
V. E. Maslov
23. Discussion session
E. T. Akhmedov, I. Ya. Aref'eva, D. V. Fursaev
February 7, 2024 17:05–18:30, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute

February 8, 2024 (Thu)
24. The Bailey lemma and 3d mirror symmetry
I. B. Gahramanov
February 8, 2024 10:00–10:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
I. B. Gahramanov
25. BPS Algebraic Structures Related to Toric Calabi-Yau Manifolds
D. M. Galakhov
February 8, 2024 11:30–12:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
D. M. Galakhov
26. Nonequillibrium Green's functions and its analytic properties for mixed states
N. M. Kolganov
February 8, 2024 12:30–13:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
N. M. Kolganov
27. Wilson networks in AdS and global conformal blocks
Vladimir Khiteev, K. B. Alkalaev
February 8, 2024 13:05–13:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Vladimir Khiteev, K. B. Alkalaev
28. Chern-Simons theory: duality, integrability and topology
A. V. Sleptsov
February 8, 2024 15:30–16:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. V. Sleptsov
29. Towards Catastrophe theory for Khovanov-Rozansky homology
A. S. Anokhina
February 8, 2024 16:30–17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
A. S. Anokhina
30. Lie algebras and Geometrical Configurations of Points and Lines
Mane Avetisyan
February 8, 2024 17:30–18:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Mane Avetisyan
31. QM scattering amplitudes through the lens of homotopy transfer
T. Sulimov
February 8, 2024 18:05–18:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
T. Sulimov

February 9, 2024 (Fri)
32. Higher-spin theories
D. S. Ponomarev
February 9, 2024 10:00–10:55, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
D. S. Ponomarev
33. From massive higher spins to Kerr black holes
Alexander Ochirov
February 9, 2024 11:30–12:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Alexander Ochirov
34. Breaking higher-spin symmetry
V. E. Didenko
February 9, 2024 12:30–13:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
V. E. Didenko
35. $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal higher spin supermultiplets
Nikita Zaigraev
February 9, 2024 13:05–13:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Nikita Zaigraev
36. Zamolodchikov tetrahedron equation: algebra, topology and mathematical physics
D. V. Talalaev
February 9, 2024 15:30–16:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
D. V. Talalaev
37. Simplest quiver Yangians and family of Schur/Jack type polynomials
N. S. Tselousov
February 9, 2024 16:30–17:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
N. S. Tselousov
38. Boundary CFT, Information Paradox and Entanglement Islands
D. S. Ageev
February 9, 2024 17:30–18:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
D. S. Ageev
39. Checkerboard CFT
Mikhail Alfimov
February 9, 2024 18:05–18:35, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Mikhail Alfimov

February 10, 2024 (Sat)
40. Branes, quantum toroidal algebras and R-matrices
E. A. Zenkevich
February 10, 2024 11:30–12:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
E. A. Zenkevich
41. BPS counting in string compactifications
Junya Yagi
February 10, 2024 12:30–13:25, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Junya Yagi
42. Cluster algebras, 3D integrable systems and 3D gauge theories
S. Alexandrov
February 10, 2024 14:05–15:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
S. Alexandrov

Poster session
43. Defect CFT's by 3-vector deformations
Sergey Barakin
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
44. Entanglement entropy in de Sitter: no pure states for conformal matter
A. I. Belokon
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
45. The divergences of effective action in 6D, N=(1,0) supersymmetric four-derivative gauge theory.
Alexandra Budekhina
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
46. Calculation of the critical dimension of viscosity in the lambda-point vicinity
D. Davletbaeva
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
47. Dispersion relations in Kerr-AdS/CFT holography
O. V. Geytota
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
48. Properties of octupole nonlinear electrodynamics
D. E. Groshev
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
49. Symplectic extension of the Haag-Araki axiomatics and its applications in the physics of causal geodesic structures
Evgeniy Gudkov
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
50. Particle creation in expanding universe with flat start
Kirill Kazarnovskii
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
51. Closed 4-braids and the Jones unknot conjecture
Dmitriy Korzun
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
52. Classical and quantum aspects of particle dynamics on a flag manifold
Andrew Kuzovchikov
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
53. Divergences in 6D N=(1,1) SYM
Boris Merzlikin
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
54. Algebraic Structures Behind the Yang-Baxterization Process
Cansu Özdemir, Damla Altunkaya
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
55. Generating cosmological perturbations at Horndeski bounce
P. K. Petrov
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
56. Trivector deformations on compact isometries
Timophey Petrov
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
57. XXX spin chain with local Hamiltonian and it's dualities
Rostislav Potapov
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
58. On differential equations for banana Feynman integrals
Maxim Reva
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
59. Blinking island for a black hole in a cavity
T. A. Rusalev
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
60. AdS/CFT approach to the early universe phase transition within composite Higgs scenario
Andrey Shavrin
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
61. Some puzzles and discrepancies around Feynman diagrams
P. A. Suprun
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
62. UV/IR fixed points of a 3D holographic model
M. K. Usova
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
63. Hypergeometric limits of the hyperbolic hypergeometric beta integrals
Ali Mert Yetkin, Reyhan Yumuşak
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
64. Quantum matrix spectrum and symmetric functions
Mikhail Zaitsev
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
65. Backreaction issue for the black hole in de Sitter spacetime
K. V. Bazarov
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
66. The limit shape for bc-type correlation kernel from skew howe duality
Anton Selemenchuk
February 10, 2024, Poster session, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
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