For non-contact 3D measurements in hydrodynamic tunnels by photogrammetry methods, it is necessary to refine the standard model of image formation in the camera by taking into account an effect of refraction of rays at the boundaries of optical media, namely, at an air-glass boundary and glass-working fluid boundary. The article presents a model of image formation for shooting in a working environment that includes various optical media and methods for calibrating an optical system for 3D measurements of the coordinates of scene objects, while taking into account the real boundaries of the optical media. Experimental results on calibrating the system of three-dimensional measurements when an object image is formed by rays passing through two optical boundaries are discussed.
optical 3D measurements, calibration, refraction, ray trajectories in inhomogeneous media, three-dimensional sensing, unknown parameters estimation, accuracy.
The reported study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) under project No. 19-29-13040.
Received: 20.04.2020 Accepted: 14.07.2020
Document Type:
Language: Russian
V. A. Knyaz, D. G. Stepanyants, O. Yu. Tsareva, “Optical system calibration for 3D measurements in a hydrodynamic tunnel”, Computer Optics, 45:1 (2021), 58–65