Computational nanotechnology, 2017, Issue 3, Pages 52–58
(Mi cn146)
Study of influence of physical and chemical properties of oxides fluxes on the weld formation durin mig welding of stainless steel
R. M. Saidova, M. Kuschb, P. Mayrb, K. Hoeferb, B. Kh. Gafurova, I. G. Atabaeva, J. Z. Akhadovac, D. R. Komilovaa, Z. S. Mukhitdinova, Y. Huangd a Institute of Material science, SPA «Physics-Sun» Academy of Science of Uzbekistan
b Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
c International Solar Energy Institute
d Lanzhou University of Technology, China
This article presents the results of research on the effect of physical and chemical properties of chemical compounds used in the gas-powder mixture for their feeding to the welding zone during MIG welding. The results obtained allowed to determine the influence of the thermodynamic and physical-chemical properties of individual oxides used in the gas-powder mixture, to the morphology of the welded joints and to identify recommendations for the selection of oxides compounds based on optimal physical and chemical properties that ensure to obtain the qualitative welded joint for A-MIG welding of the stainless steels.
physical and mechanical properties of chemical compounds, gas-powder mixture, feeder, MIG welding.
R. M. Saidov, M. Kusch, P. Mayr, K. Hoefer, B. Kh. Gafurov, I. G. Atabaev, J. Z. Akhadov, D. R. Komilova, Z. S. Mukhitdinov, Y. Huang, “Study of influence of physical and chemical properties of oxides fluxes on the weld formation durin mig welding of stainless steel”, Comp. nanotechnol., 2017, no. 3, 52–58
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/cn146 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/cn/y2017/i3/p52