Computational nanotechnology, 2017, Issue 3, Pages 45–51
(Mi cn145)
Features of weld bead geometry of stainless steels during pulsed A-MIG welding
R. M. Saidova, I. G. Atabaeva, J. Z. Akhadovab, D. R. Komilovaa, M. Kuschc, P. Mayrc, K. Hoeferc, Y. Huangd a Institute of Material Science, SPA «Physics-Sun» Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
b International Solar Energy Institute
c Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
d Lanzhou University of Technology, China
This article presents the results of research on the peculiarities of the weld bead geometry of stainless steel CrNi18-10 during of pulsed metal inert gas welding (A-MIG) and the influence of the thermodynamic and physicochemical properties of oxides used as fluxes in gas-powder mixtures used for pulsed A-MIG welding. The obtained research results allowed to determine the influence of thermodynamic and physico-chemical properties of individual oxides used in gas-powder mixtures on the quality of weld bead geometry and to identify recommendations for the selection of oxide compounds for pulsed A-MIG welding of stainless steels that would provide quality formation of weld beads.
physical and mechanical properties of chemical compounds, gas-powder mixture, feeder, pulsed metal inert gases welding.
R. M. Saidov, I. G. Atabaev, J. Z. Akhadov, D. R. Komilova, M. Kusch, P. Mayr, K. Hoefer, Y. Huang, “Features of weld bead geometry of stainless steels during pulsed A-MIG welding”, Comp. nanotechnol., 2017, no. 3, 45–51
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https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/cn145 https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/cn/y2017/i3/p45