2013, Volume 280
Orthogonal series, approximation theory, and related problems
Collected papers. Dedicated to Academician Boris Sergeevich Kashin on the occasion of his 60th birthday
Volume Editor: S. V. Konyagin Editor in Chief: A. G. Sergeev
Abstract: This volume marks the 60th birthday of the outstanding scientist Academician Boris Sergeevich Kashin. The volume is composed of papers by colleagues and students of Kashin from Russia and abroad. The papers deal
with the theory of orthogonal series, approximation theory, harmonic analysis, and related fields of function theory.
ISBN: 5-7846-0125-3 (978-5-7846-0125-4)
Full text:
Orthogonal series, approximation theory, and related problems, Collected papers. Dedicated to Academician Boris Sergeevich Kashin on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 280, ed. S. V. Konyagin, A. G. Sergeev, MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, Moscow, 2013, 303 pp.
Citation in format AMSBIB:
\book Orthogonal series, approximation theory, and related problems
\bookinfo Collected papers. Dedicated to Academician Boris Sergeevich Kashin on the occasion of his 60th birthday
\serial Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova
\yr 2013
\vol 280
\publ MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
\publaddr Moscow
\ed S.~V.~Konyagin, A.~G.~Sergeev
\totalpages 303
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Additional information
Orthogonal series, approximation theory, and related problems
Collected papers. Dedicated to Academician Boris Sergeevich Kashin on the occasion of his 60th birthday
This volume marks the 60th birthday of the outstanding scientist Academician Boris Sergeevich Kashin. The volume is composed of papers by colleagues and students of Kashin from Russia and abroad. The papers deal with the theory of orthogonal series, approximation theory, harmonic analysis, and related fields of function theory. |