Prediction of the time series from short data samples was considered. An expert-statistical approach based on specially designed methods for joint use of the subjective and objective data was proposed for handling this problem. Its solution relies on the scheme of expert-statistical processing called the analog method.
A. S. Mandel', “Method of analogs in prediction of short time series: an expert-statistical approach”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2004, no. 4, 143–152; Autom. Remote Control, 65:4 (2004), 634–641
\by A.~S.~Mandel'
\paper Method of analogs in prediction of short time series: an expert-statistical approach
\jour Avtomat. i Telemekh.
\yr 2004
\issue 4
\pages 143--152
\jour Autom. Remote Control
\yr 2004
\vol 65
\issue 4
\pages 634--641
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