This article is devoted to the problem of calculating an exact upper bound for the functionals of the generalization ability of a family of one-dimensional threshold decision rules. An algorithm is investigated that solves the stated problem and is polynomial in the total number of samples used for training and validation and in the number of training samples. A theorem is proved for calculating an estimate for the functional of expected overfitting and an estimate for the error rate of the method for minimizing empirical risk on a validation set. The exact bounds calculated using the theorem are compared with the previously known quick-to-compute upper bounds so as to estimate the orders of overestimation of the bounds and to identify the bounds that could be used in real problems.
threshold classifier, generalization ability, combinatorial theory, probability of overfitting, complete cross-validation, Rademacher complexity.
The authors are deeply grateful to the referees for careful consideration and
valuable comments, which were taken into account during editing and contributed to the
improvement of the presentation.
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