This article is cited in 3 scientific papers (total in 3 papers)
A Modal Logic That is Complete with Respect to Strictly Linearly Ordered $A$-Models
V. F. Murzina Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
An axiomatization is furnished for a polymodal logic of strictly linearly ordered $A$-frames: for frames of this kind, we consider a language of polymodal logic with two modal operators, $\Box_<$ and $\Box_\prec$. In the language, along with the operators, we introduce a constant $\beta$, which describes a basis subset. In the language with the two modal operators and constant $\beta$, an $L\alpha$-calculus is constructed. It is proved that such is complete w. r. t the class of all strictly linearly ordered $A$-frames. Moreover, it turns out that the calculus in question possesses the finite-model property and, consequently, is decidable.
calculus, polymodal logic, strictly linearly ordered $A$-frame, decidability.
Received: 24.12.2004
V. F. Murzina, “A Modal Logic That is Complete with Respect to Strictly Linearly Ordered $A$-Models”, Algebra Logika, 44:5 (2005), 560–582; Algebra and Logic, 44:5 (2005), 313–325
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