- The moduli space of 2-dimensional algebras.
Communications in Algebra. 2000. Vol. 28. No. 9. P. 4481-4488 (with A.Z. Ananin).
- Commutative rings of differential operators connected with two-dimensional abelian varieties.
Siberian Math. Journal. 2000. Vol. 41. No. 6. P. 1148-1161.
- On nonlinear equations integrable in theta functions of nonprincipally polarized abelian varieties.
Siberian Math. Journal. 2001. Vol. 42. No. 1. P. 98-106.
- Real commuting differential operators connected with two-dimensional abelian varieties.
Siberian Math. Journal. 2002. Vo;. 43. No. 1. P. 97-113.
- Commutative rings of differential operators corresponding to multidimensional algebraic varieties.
Siberian Math. Journal. 2002. Vol. 43, No. 5. P. 888-898.
- On Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian tori in CP2.
Siberian Math. Journal. 2003. Vol. 44. No. 6. P. 1039-1042.
- On new examples of Hamiltonian-minimal and minimal Lagrangian submanifolds in Cn and CPn.
Sb. Math. 2004. Vol. 195. No. 1. P.85-96.
- On Hamiltonian-Minimal and Minimal Lagrangian Submanifolds in Cn and CPn.
Dokl. Math. 2004. Vol. 69. No. 3. P. 352-354.
- A ring of commuting differential operators of rank 2 corresponding to a curve of genus 2.
Sb. Math. 2004. Vol. 195. No. 5. P. 711-722.
- The Novikov-Veselov hierarchy of equations and integrable deformations of minimal Lagrangian tori in CP2.
Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports. 2004. Vol. 1. P. 38-46(http://semr.math.nsc.ru in Russian)
- Spectral subvarieties of a principally polarized Abelian variety.
Russian Math. Surveys. 2004. Vol. 59. No. 5. P. 969-970.
- Commuting rank 2 differential operators corresponding to a curve of genus 2.
Funct. Anal. Appl. 2005. Vol. 39. No. 3. P. 240-243.
- Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems corresponding to singular spectral curves.
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Math. 2006. Vol. 255. P. 169-184 (with I.A. Taimanov).
- On some algebraic examples of Frobenius manifolds.
Theoret. and Math. Phys. 2007. Vol. 151. No. 2. P. 604-613 (with I.A. Taimanov).
- On one family of conformal flat minimal Lagrangian tori in CP3.
Math. Notes. 2007. Vol. 81. No. 3. P. 329-337.
- Commuting difference operators with polynomial coefficients.
Russian Math. Surveys. 2007. Vol. 63. No. 4. P. 819-820.
- Relationship between symmetries of the Tzitzeica equation and the Novikov-Veselov hierarchy.
Math. Notes. 2007. Vol. 82. No. 4. P. 569-572.
- Discrete analogues of the Dixmier operators.
Sb. Math. 2007. Vol. 19. No. 10. P. 1433-1442.
- On a Family of Conformally Flat Hamiltonian–Minimal Lagrangian Tori in CP3.
International Mathematics Research Notices. 2008 Vol. 2008. rnn078 (with Dafeng Zuo).
- Spectral data for Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian tori in CP2.
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Math. 2008. Vol. 263. P. 112-126.
- On commuting differential operators of rank 2.
Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports. 2009. Vol. 6. P. 533-536 (http://semr.math.nsc.ru in Russian).
- On polynomial integrals of a mechanical system on a two-dimensional torus.
Izvestiya: Mathematics. 2010. Vol. 74. No. 4. P. 805–817.
- Finite-gap minimal Lagrangian surfaces in CP2.
OCAMI (Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute) Studies Series. 2010. Vol. 3. P. 185-196.
- Baker-Akhiezer modules on rational varieties.
SIGMA. 2010. Vol. 6. 030 (with I.A. Melnik).
- Zero level of a purely magnetic two-dimensional nonrelativistic Pauli operator for spin-1/2 particles.
Theoretical and Math. Physics. 2010. Vol. 164. No. 3. P. 1110–1127 (with P.G. Grinevich and S.P. Novikov).
- New Reductions and Nonlinear Systems for 2D Schr\"odinger Operators.
arXiv: 1001.4300 (with P.G. Grinevich and S.P. Novikov).
- 2D-Schrodinger Operator, (2+1) evolution systems and new reductions, 2D-Burgers hierarchy and inverse problem data.
Russian Math. Surveys. 2010. Vol. 164. No. 3. P. 580–582 (with P.G. Grinevich and S.P. Novikov).
- Baker-Akhiezer Modules on the Intersections of Shifted Theta Divisors .
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences. 2011. Vol. 47. No. 2. P. 353–567 (with Koji Cho and Atsushi Nakayashiki).
- Rich quasi-linear system for integrable geodesic flows on 2-torus.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A. 2011. Vol. 29. No. 1. P. 81-90 (with Misha Bialy).
- Cubic and quartic integrals for geodesic flow on 2-torus via system of hydrodynamic type.
Nonlinearity. 2011. Vol. 24. P. 3541-3554 (with Misha Bialy).
- Two-dimensional Pauli operator in magnetic field.
Low Temperature Physics. 2011. Vol. 37. No. 9-10. P. 829-833 (with P.G. Grinevich and S.P. Novikov).
- Baker-Akhiezer modules, Krichever sheaves, and commutative rings of partial differential operators.
Far Eastern Mathematical Journal. 2012. Vol. 12. No. 1. P. 20-34 (with Alexander Zheglov).
- New semi-Hamiltonian hierarchy related to integrable magnetic flows on surfaces.
Cent. Eur. J. Math. 2012. Vol. 10. No. 5. P. 1596-1604 (with Misha Bialy).
- Intersections of quadrics, moment-angle manifolds, and Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian embeddings.
Funct. Anal. Appl. 2013.
Vol. 47. No. 1. P. 38–49 (with Taras Panov).
- From polynomial integrals of Hamiltonian flows to a model of non-linear elasticity.
Journal of Differential Equations. 2013. Vol. 255. No. 10. P. 3434-3446 (with Misha Bialy).
- Commuting higher rank ordinary differential operators.
Proceedings of 6th European Congress of Mathematics. 2013. P. 459–473.
- Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian submanifolds in toric varieties.
Russian Math. Surveys. 2013. Vol. 68. No. 2. P. 392–394 (with Taras Panov).
- Discretization of Baker-Akhiezer modules and commuting difference operators in several discrete variables.
Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society. 2013. Vol. 74. No. 2. P. 261-279 (with Atsushi Nakayashiki).
- Self-adjoint commuting ordinary differential operators.
Inventiones mathematicae. 2014. Vol. 197. No. 2. P. 417-431.
- Periodic and rapid decay rank two self-adjoint commuting differential operators.
Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, 2014. Vol. 234. P. 309-322.
- Integrable geodesic flows on 2-torus: Formal solutions and variational principle.
Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2015. Vol. 87. No. 1. P. 39-47 (with Misha Bialy).
- On the eigenfunctions of the one-dimensional Schrodinger operator with a polynomial potential.
Doklady Math. 2015. Vol. 91 No. 2. P. 171-172 (with B.T. Saparbayeva).
- On the nonrelativistic 2D purely magnetic supersymmetric Pauli operator.
Russian Math. Surveys. 2015. Vol. 70. No. 2. P. 299-329 (with P.G. Grinevich and S.P. Novikov).
- On commuting differential operators with polynomial coefficients corresponding to spectral curves of genus one.
Doklady Math. 2015. Vol. 91. No. 3. P. 281-282 (with A.B. Zheglov).
- Commuting difference operators of rank two.
Russian Math. Surveys. 2015. Vol. 70. No. 3(423). P. 557 - 559 (with G.S. Mauleshova).
- One-point commuting difference operators of rank 1.
Doklady Mathematics. 2016. Vol.93. No. 1. P. 62 - 64 (with G.S. Mauleshova).
- Commuting ordinary differential operators with polynomial coefficients and automorphisms of the first Weyl algebra.
International Math. Research Notices. 2016. Vol. 2016. No. 10. P. 2974-2993 (with A.B. Zheglov).
- Commuting self-adjoint differential operators of rank two.
Russian Math. Surveys. 2016. Vol. 71. No. 4. P. 751-779.
- Commuting Krichever-Novikov differential operators with polynomial coefficients.
Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016. Vol. 57. No. 5. P. 819-823 (with B.T. Saparbayeva and A.B. Zheglov).
- On polynomial integrals of the fourth degree of Birkhoff billiard.
Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 2016. Vol. 295. P. 27-32 (with M. Bialy).
- Algebraic non-integrability of magnetic billiards.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical". 2016. Vol. 49. No. 45 (with M. Bialy).
- Algebraic Birkhoff conjecture for billiards on Sphere and Hyperbolic plane.
Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2017. Vol. 115. P. 150-156 (with M. Bialy.).
- Spectral curve of the Halphen operator.
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 2017. Vol. 60. No. 2. P. 451-460 (with D. Zuo).
- Integrable magnetic geodesic flows on 2--torus: new examples via quasi-linear system of PDEs.
Communications in mathematical physics, 2017. Vol. 351. N. 3. P. 993-1007 (with S.V. Agapov and M. Bialy).
- Angular billiard and algebraic Birkhoff conjecture.
Advances in Math., 2017. Vol. 313. P. 102-126 (with M. Bialy).
- On commuting ordinary differential operators with polynomial coefficients corresponding to spectral curves of genus two.
Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 2017. Vol. 54. No. 5. P. 1669-1675 (with V.N. Davletshina).
- In search of periodic solutions for a reduction of the Benney chain.
Journal of Math. Physics, 2017. Vol. 58. No. 11. (with M. Bialy).
- Energy functional for Lagrangian tori in CP2.
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. 2018. vol. 53. No. 4. P. 583-595 (with Hui Ma and D. Zuo).
- One-point commuting difference operators of rank 1 and their relation with finite-gap
Schrodinger operators.
Doklady Mathematics. 2018. Vol. 97. No. 1. P. 62-64 (with G.S. Mauleshova).
- A survey on polynomial in momenta integrals for billiard ploblems.
Philosophical Transactions of the royal society A. Math., phys. and engineering sciences. 2018. Vol. 376. No.2131. (20170418) (with M. Bialy).
- Polynomial nonintegrability of magnetic billards on the sphere and hyperbolic plane.
Russian Math. Surveys. 2019. (with M. Bialy).
- Algebraic non-integrability of magnetic billiards on the Sphere and Hyperbolic plane.
http://arxiv.org/abs/1802.06582v1 (with M. Bialy).
- On Rank Two Algebro–Geometric Solutions of an Integrable Chain.
http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.02017 (with G.S. Mauleshova).