Applied Mathematics & PhysicsResearch Bulletin of Belgorod State University. Mathematics. Physics (till 2019), a research peer-reviewed journal, publishes results of open research conducted by scientists from research institutions and universities, as well as by independent researchers.
Articles in the journal are published free of charge and on the results of peer review. The Editorial Board of the Journal works only with authors of articles.
The journal is included in the List of Higher Attestation Commission of peer-reviewed scientific publications where the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences in the following groups of scientific specialties should be published:
1.1. Mathematics and mechanics:
1.1.1. Real, complex and functional analysis (physical and mathematical sciences),
1.1.2. Differential equations and mathematical physics (physical and mathematical sciences),
1.1.4. Probability theory and mathematical statistics (physical and mathematical sciences),
1.1.5. Mathematical logic, algebra, number theory and discrete mathematics (physical and mathematical sciences),
1.1.6. Computational mathematics (physical and mathematical sciences);
1.2. Computer sciences and informatics:
1.2.2. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages (physical and mathematical sciences);
1.3. Physical sciences:
1.3.8. Condensed matter physics (physical and mathematical sciences).
Editor in Chief
Vasilyev, Vladimir Borisovich
Deputy Editors
Noskov, Anton Valer'evich
Sitnik, Sergei Mikhailovich
Executive Secretary
Chernova, Olga Viktorovna
Editorial Board
Alimov, Shavkat Arifdzhanovich
Alkhutov, Yuriy Alexandrovich
Ashyralyev, Allaberen
Belyakov, Andrei Nikolaevich
Blazhevich, Sergei Vladimirovich
Dabagov, Sultan Barasbievich
Diblik, Josef
Fedorov, Vladimir Evgen'evich
Glushak, Alexander Vasilevich
Kozhevnikova, Larisa Mikhailovna
Kulikov, Anatolii Nikolaevich
Lomov, Igor Sergeevich
Malay, Nikolay Vladimirovich
Men'shikh, Valerii Vladimirovich
Muravnik, Andrey Borisovich
Nazarov, Alexander Il'ich
Panov, Evgeny Yur'evich
Penkin, Oleg Mikhailovich
Polovinkin, Igor Petrovich
Radkevich, Evgenii Vladimirovich
Savotchenko, Sergey Evgen'evich
Shibkov, Aleksandr Anatol'evich
Shishkina, Elina Leonidovna
Shitikova, Marina Vyacheslavovna
Soldatov, Alexandr Pavlovich
Virchenko, Yuri Petrovich