Let M={(M,N,f,Q)∣M,N,Q∈R-Mod,N≤M,f∈HomR(N,Q)}M={(M,N,f,Q)∣M,N,Q∈R-Mod,N≤M,f∈HomR(N,Q)} and let LL be a nonempty subclass of M.M. Jirásko introduced the concept of LL-injective module as a generalization of injective module as follows: a module QQ is said to be LL-injective if for each (B,A,f,Q)∈L(B,A,f,Q)∈L there exists a homomorphism g:B→Qg:B→Q such that g(a)=f(a),g(a)=f(a), for all a∈Aa∈A. The aim of this paper is to study LL-injective modules and some related concepts. Some characterizations of LL-injective modules are given. We present a version of Baer's criterion for LL-injectivity. The concepts of LL-MM-injective module and ss-LL-MM-injective module are introduced as generalizations of MM-injective modules and give some results about them. Our version of the generalized Fuchs criterion is given. We obtain conditions under which the class of LL-injective modules is closed under direct sums. Finally, we introduce and study the concept of ∑∑-LL-injectivity as a generalization of ∑∑-injectivity and ∑∑-ττ-injectivity.