Necessary and sufficient conditions are found under which two completely decomposable torsion-free Abelian groups of rank 2 have isomorphic automorphism groups. An answer is obtained to the question of under what conditions a completely decomposable Abelian group of rank 2 is uniquely determined by its group of automorphisms.
V. K. Vildanov, V. A. Gaidak, E. A. Timoshenko, “On determinability of a completely decomposable rank 2 group by its automorphism group”, Vestn. Tomsk. Gos. Univ. Mat. Mekh., 2020, no. 68, 23–32
\by V.~K.~Vildanov, V.~A.~Gaidak, E.~A.~Timoshenko
\paper On determinability of a completely decomposable rank $2$ group by its automorphism group
\jour Vestn. Tomsk. Gos. Univ. Mat. Mekh.
\yr 2020
\issue 68
\pages 23--32
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