The problem of determining the stress-strain state of the thick-walled misaligned tube under internal pressure on
steady-state creep is considered. The task linearization with the perturbation method is carried out. The second approximation of this problem is defined. The effect of misalignment of the tube on the stress-strain state considering the second approximation is analyzed.
steady-state creep, pertubation method, thick-walled misaligned tube, second approximation.
Original article submitted 14/IX/2013 revision submitted – 26/XI/2013
A. D. Moskalik, “The application of perturbation method to problem of misaligned tube in conditions of steady-state creep”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 4(33) (2013), 76–85
\by A.~D.~Moskalik
\paper The application of perturbation method to problem of misaligned tube in conditions of steady-state creep
\jour Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.]
\yr 2013
\vol 4(33)
\pages 76--85
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This publication is cited in the following 4 articles:
Moskalik A.D. Radchenko V.P., “Analytical Solution to the Boundary Value Problem of Steady Creep of a Nonaxisymmetric Thick-Walled Tube Under the Action of Internal Pressure”, Mech. Sol., 54:5 (2019), 807–818
A. D. Moskalik, “Analiz reshenii zadachi ustanovivsheisya polzuchesti dlya nesoosnoi truby na osnove pervogo i vtorogo priblizhenii metoda malogo parametra”, Materialy VIII Vserossiiskoi konferentsii po mekhanike deformiruemogo tverdogo tela. Ch. 2 (Cheboksary, 16–21 iyunya 2014 g.), eds. N. F. Morozov, B. G. Mironov, A. V. Manzhirov, Chuvash. gos. ped. un-t, Cheboksary, 2014, 65–67
V. P. Radchenko, A. D. Moskalik, I. E. Adeyanov, “Sravnitelnyi analiz priblizhennogo analiticheskogo i konechno-elementnogo reshenii dlya nesoosnoi truby”, Vestn. Sam. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 3(36) (2014), 79–93
A. D. Moskalik, “Priblizhennoe analiticheskoe reshenie zadachi dlya truby s ellipticheskim vneshnim konturom
v usloviyakh ustanovivsheisya polzuchesti”, Vestn. Sam. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 4(37) (2014), 65–84