In this work, a fractional dynamic system that describes high-frequency geoacoustic emission with heredity was proposed and investigated. The model is a system of two connected linear oscillators with nonconstant coefficients and Gerasimov-Caputo fractional order derivatives. Each oscillator describes a dislocation source of geoacoustic emission. The model is built on the assumption that interaction between sources occurs only through radiation. The presence of heredity indicates a change in the intensity of such interaction. For a fractional dynamic model with Gerasimov-Caputo derivatives, local initial conditions are valid, i.e. the Cauchy problem is posed. Further in the work, based on the Gerasimov-Caputo approximation of fractional derivatives, a nonlocal explicit finite-difference scheme is constructed for the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem. The numerical solution is visualized. Oscillograms and phase trajectories were constructed using a numerical algorithm for various values of the orders of fractional derivatives in the Maple computer algebra environment. Some interpretation of the simulation results is given.
The research was carried out within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 22-11-00064 on the topic «Modeling of dynamic processes in the geospheres taking into account heredity».
\by R.~I.~Parovik
\paper Fractional model of geoacoustic emission
\jour Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki
\yr 2023
\vol 45
\issue 4
\pages 24--35
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This publication is cited in the following 2 articles:
D. F. Sergienko, R. I. Parovik, “Ob odnoi sisteme svyazannykh lineinykh ostsillyatorov s drobnym treniem i nepostoyannymi koeffitsientami dlya opisaniya geoakusticheskoi emissii”, Vestnik KRAUNTs. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 49:4 (2024), 36–49
A. A. Solodchuk, M. I. Gapeev, D. F. Sergienko, R. I. Parovik, Mathematics of Planet Earth, 12, Hereditary Models of Dynamic Processes in Geospheres, 2024, 83