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Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 1953, Volume 8, Issue 3(55), Pages 3–20 (Mi rm8203)  

This article is cited in 16 scientific papers (total in 16 papers)

The concept of entropy in the theory of probability

A. Ya. Khinchin
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
Language: Russian
Citation: A. Ya. Khinchin, “The concept of entropy in the theory of probability”, Russian Math. Surveys, 8:3 (1953)
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by A.~Ya.~Khinchin
\paper The concept of entropy in the theory of probability
\jour Russian Math. Surveys
\yr 1953
\vol 8
\issue 3
Linking options:
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/rm8203
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/rm/v8/i3/p3
  • This publication is cited in the following 16 articles:
    1. R. Aragona, F. Marzi, F. Mignosi, M. Spezialetti, “Entropy and compression: a simple proof of an inequality of Khinchin–Ornstein–Shields”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 56:1 (2020), 13–22  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi
    2. A. V. Kolesnichenko, “K konstruirovaniyu termodinamiki neadditivnykh sred na osnove statistiki Tsallisa–Mendesa–Plastino”, Preprinty IPM im. M. V. Keldysha, 2018, 023, 28 pp.  mathnet  crossref  elib
    3. A. V. Kolesnichenko, “K postroeniyu neadditivnoi termodinamiki slozhnykh sistem na osnove statistiki Kurado–Tsallisa”, Preprinty IPM im. M. V. Keldysha, 2018, 025, 40 pp.  mathnet  crossref  elib
    4. A. V. Kolesnichenko, “K razrabotke statisticheskoi termodinamiki i tekhniki fraktalnogo analiza dlya neekstensivnykh sistem na osnove entropii i razlichayuschei informatsii Reni”, Preprinty IPM im. M. V. Keldysha, 2018, 060, 44 pp.  mathnet  crossref  elib
    5. A. R. Nurutdinova, “Modifikatsiya modeli i metoda «pryamogo-obratnogo khoda» dlya identifikatsii avtomatnykh markovskikh modelei”, Uchen. zap. Kazan. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-matem. nauki, 160, no. 3, Izd-vo Kazanskogo un-ta, Kazan, 2018, 578–589  mathnet
    6. A. V. Kolesnichenko, “K vyvodu v ramkakh neekstensivnoi kinetiki stepennogo raspredeleniya chastits i kriteriya termicheskoi ustoichivosti dlya samogravitiruyuschikh astrofizicheskikh sistem”, Preprinty IPM im. M. V. Keldysha, 2016, 078, 39 pp.  mathnet  crossref
    7. Yu. G. Smetanin, M. V. Ulyanov, A. S. Pestova, “Entropiinyi podkhod k postroeniyu mery simvolnogo raznoobraziya slov i ego primenenie k klasterizatsii genomov rastenii”, Matem. biologiya i bioinform., 11:1 (2016), 114–126  mathnet  crossref
    8. Zaripov R.G., “Algebraicheskoe predstavlenie gruppy entropii v statisticheskoi termodinamike neekstensivnykh sistem”, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. fizika, 55:1 (2012), 17–22  elib
    9. Yasinskii I.F., Yasinskii F.N., “Termodinamicheskii formalizm dlya issledovaniya i konstruirovaniya algoritmov i neironnykh setei”, Vestnik ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo energeticheskogo universiteta, 2012, no. 5, 51–54  elib
    10. Portnov V.S., Ibatov M.K., Mekhtiev A.D., Yurov V.M., Mausymbaeva A.D., Yugai V.V., “Teoreticheskie modeli i metody v geofizike”, Nauchnoe obozrenie, 2012, no. 5, 197–204 Theoretic models and methods in geo-physics  elib
    11. A. R. Nurutdinova, S. V. Shalagin, “Mnogoparametricheskaya klassifikatsiya avtomatnykh markovskikh modelei na osnove generiruemykh imi posledovatelnostei sostoyanii”, PDM, 2010, no. 4(10), 41–54  mathnet  elib
    12. A. G. Bashkirov, “Renyi entropy as a statistical entropy for complex systems”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 149:2 (2006), 1559–1573  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib
    13. V. M. Zakharov, B. F. Eminov, “Statisticheskii analiz lineinoi slozhnosti regulyarnykh tsepei Markova”, Issled. po inform., 10, Otechestvo, Kazan, 2006, 37–50  mathnet
    14. A. M. Sedletskii, “Analytic Fourier Transforms and Exponential Approximations. II”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 130:6 (2005), 5083–5255  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
    15. Yu. G. Rudoi, “Generalized Informational Entropy and Noncanonical Distribution in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 135:1 (2003), 451–496  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib
    16. V. M. Zakharov, N. N. Nurmeev, F. I. Salimov, S. V. Shalagin, “Klassifikatsiya stokhasticheskikh ergodicheskikh matrits metodami klasternogo i diskriminantnogo analiza”, Issled. po inform., 2, Otechestvo, Kazan, 2000, 91–106  mathnet
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