A convex, subharmonic or plurisubharmonic function respectively on the real axis, on a finite dimensional real of complex space is called a function of a finite order if it grows not faster than some positive power of the absolute value of the variable as the latter tends to infinity. An entire function on a finite-dimensional complex space is called a function of a finite order if the logarithm of its absolute value is a (pluri-)subharmonic function of a finite order. A measurable set in an m-dimensional space is called a set of a zero density with respect to the Lebesgue density if the Lebesgue measure of the part of this set in the ball of a radius r is of order o(rm) as r→+∞. In this paper we show that convex function of a finite order on the real axis and subharmonic functions of a finite order on a finite-dimensional real space bounded from above outside some set of a zero relative Lebesgue measure are bounded from above everywhere. This implies that subharmonic functions of a finite order on the complex plane, entire and subharmonic functions of a finite order, as well as convex and harmonic functions of a finite order bounded outside some set of a zero relative Lebesgue measure are constant.
entire function, subharmonic function, pluri-subharmonic function, convex function, harmonic function of entire order, Liouville theorem.
The research is made in the framework of the development program of Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center of Privolzhsky Federal District, additional agreement no. 075-02-2020-1421/1 to agreement no.
\by B.~N.~Khabibullin
\paper Liouville-type theorems for functions of finite order
\jour Ufa Math. J.
\yr 2020
\vol 12
\issue 4
\pages 114--118
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This publication is cited in the following 3 articles:
Anton Baranov, “Cauchy–de Branges Spaces, Geometry of Their Reproducing Kernels and Multiplication Operators”, Milan J. Math., 91:1 (2023), 97
B. N. Khabibullin, “Integrals of a difference of subharmonic functions against measures and the Nevanlinna characteristic”, Sb. Math., 213:5 (2022), 694–733
B. N. Khabibullin, “Global boundedness of functions of finite order that are bounded outside small sets”, Sb. Math., 212:11 (2021), 1615–1625