In the paper we study a mixed problem for a first-order differential equation with an involution.
It is written by means of a differential operator with an involution acting in the space functions square integrable
on a finite interval. We construct a similarity transform of this operator in an operator being an
orthogonal direct sum of an operator of finite rank and operators of rank 1. The method of our study is the method of similar
operators. Theorem on similarity serves as the basis for constructing groups of operators, whose generator is the
original operator. We write out asymptotic formulae for groups of operators. The constructed group allows us to introduce the
notion of a mild solution, and also to describe the mild solutions to the considered problem.
This serves to justify the Fourier method. Almost periodicity of bounded mild solutions is established. The proof of almost periodicity is based on the asymptotic representation of the spectrum of a differential operator with an involution.
method of similar operator, spectrum, mixed problem, group of operators, differential operator
with involution.
The work of the first author is supported by the Ministry of Equcation and Science of Russia in the framework
of the project part of state task (project no. 1.3464.2017/4.6). The work of the second author is supported by
RFBR (project no. 16-01-00197).
A. G. Baskakov, N. B. Uskova, “Fourier method for first order differential equations with involution and groups of operators”, Ufa Math. J., 10:3 (2018), 11–34
\by A.~G.~Baskakov, N.~B.~Uskova
\paper Fourier method for first order differential equations with involution and groups of operators
\jour Ufa Math. J.
\yr 2018
\vol 10
\issue 3
\pages 11--34
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This publication is cited in the following 19 articles:
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