A planar tree has a convex minimal realization if it is planar equivalent to a locally minimal tree whose boundary is the set of vertices of a convex polygon. If this polygon is inscribed in a circle, then the tree is said to have a circular minimal realization. We construct a wide class of planar trees that have convex minimal realizations but do not have circular ones.
Bibliography: 9 titles.
full Steiner trees, Steiner minimal trees, Steiner problem, locally minimal trees, twisting number of a full planar Steiner tree.
The well-known Steiner problem consists in seeking a shortest network spanning a finite set of points, which are called boundary points, in some ambient metric space. This problem is interesting first of all because of its numerous applications; in particular, it has a natural transport interpretation in the case of the ordinary Euclidean plane.
In many classes of metric spaces the local structure of shortest networks is known. For example, on an arbitrary Riemannian manifold edges of networks of this kind are geodesics (see [1] and [2]) and meet at vertices at angles of at least 2π/3. In particular, the degrees of all vertices are at most 3. Without loss of generality we can also assume that networks of this kind do not contain nonboundary vertices of degree 2, since geodesics meet at such points at an angle of π and thus we can eliminate them from the vertex set by gluing the two incoming geodesics into a single one, which keeps the network to be shortest and does not change it as a subset of the manifold. In addition, by cutting an arbitrary shortest tree through boundary vertices of degrees above 1, we can reduce the Steiner problem on a Riemannian manifold to the case of full Steiner networks, that is, networks such that their sets of boundary vertices coincide with the sets of vertices of degree 1, and all nonboundary vertices have degree 3.
The problem of the construction of a shortest network spanning a given set of points is NP-complex (see [3]) even in the discrete case when all points in the boundary set and in the network to be constructed are assumed to have integer coordinates, and it admits a polynomial solution algorithm only when the network topology is known.
Hence the problem of the description of all shortest networks spanning a given set of points is generally very difficult.
A natural extension of the class of shortest networks is the class of locally shortest networks, which are shortest in a neighbourhood of each point. Thus, these are precisely networks whose local structure is the same as that of shortest networks. In the case of the ordinary Euclidean plane, locally shortest networks are all possible planar graphs such that nonboundary vertices are of degree 3, boundary vertices are of degree at most 3, and edges are line segments that meet at vertices at angles of at least 2π/3 (see [4] and [5]).
Ivanov and Tuzhilin [1], [2] presented a full description of planar Steiner trees with convex locally minimal realizations, that is, planar trees that are planar equivalent to a full Steiner tree spanning the vertices of a convex polygon. In addition to trees with convex boundaries, Ivanov and Tuzhilin also studied trees with regular (see [6]–[8]) and quasi-regular (see [9]) boundaries whose boundary vertices lie at the vertices of a regular polygon or on the successive arcs of the circumscribed circle of a regular polygon, respectively.
In this paper we consider planar trees having circular minimal realizations, or, more precisely, trees that are planar equivalent to some full Steiner tree spanning vertices of a convex inscribed polygon. A wide class of trees that have convex minimal realizations but do not have circular minimal realizations is described.
The author is grateful to his scientific advisor A. A. Tuzhilin for posing the problem and his constant attention to this research and also to A. V. Begunts and S. V. Shaposhnikov for involving him in scientific work and for their assistance in his search for an appropriate research topic.
§ 2. Basic definitions and preliminary results
We give the basic definitions and assertions; for detail, see [1] and [2].
A planar graph is called a planar tree if the corresponding combinatorial graph is a tree.
Note that when variational problems are studied, a finite subset of vertices, called boundary vertices, is distinguished on each tree, whereas other vertices are called interior vertices. Edges incident to at least one boundary vertex are also called boundary edges.
A full Steiner tree is a planar tree such that all of its vertices have degree 1 or 3, the vertices of degree 1 form the set of boundary vertices, and edges are line segments.
A full Steiner tree is locally minimal if at all of its vertices of degree 3 edges meet at an angle of 2π/3.
A full Steiner tree has a convex locally minimal realization if there exists a planar-equivalent locally minimal full Steiner tree such that all of its boundary vertices are at vertices of some convex polygon.
A full Steiner tree has a circular minimal realization if it has a convex locally minimal realization such that all of its boundary vertices lie on some circle.
A path γ in a planar tree G is called oriented if one of the two natural orderings is fixed on its vertices.
We define oriented polygonal lines in a similar way. Note that edges of an oriented polygonal line can be considered as ordinary vectors on the plane.
We let (e1,e2) denote the sequence of edges of the unique oriented path in a full Steiner tree G such that its first edge coincides with e1 and its last edge coincides with e2.
It is sometimes convenient to regard an edge e in (e1,e2) as a nonoriented edge of the original graph; in such a case this will be clear from the context.
By analogy, we let (v1,v2) denote the sequence of vertices of the unique oriented path in a full Steiner tree G such that its first and last vertices are v1 and v2, respectively.
We fix the standard orientation on the plane.
We consider an arbitrary oriented path γ in a full Steiner tree G. We assign +1 to a pair of consecutive edges e1, e2 in this path if the basis consisting of e1 and e2 is positively oriented, and we assign −1 otherwise. The sum of these numbers over all pairs of consecutive edges in γ is called the twisting number of γ and is denoted by tw(γ) (or by tw(e1,e2), or tw(v1,v2) if the first and last edges in the path γ are e1 and e2 or the first and last vertices of γ are v1 and v2, respectively). The greatest of the twisting numbers tw(γ) over all oriented paths γ in G is called the twisting number of G and is denoted by tw(G).
We consider an arbitrary oriented polygonal line X1X2…Xn. The angle∠(XiXi+1,Xi+1Xi+2)between two consecutive edgesXiXi+1 and Xi+1Xi+2 of this line is the angle between the vectors →XiXi+1, →Xi+1Xi+2 taken with the plus sign if tw(XiXi+1,Xi+1Xi+2)=1 and with the minus sigh otherwise. The angle of rotation rot(X1X2…Xn) along the lineX1X2…Xn is defined as the sum ∑n−2i=1∠(XiXi+1,Xi+1Xi+2).
Note that in the case when G is a locally minimal full Steiner tree, the angle between any two consecutive edges in an arbitrary oriented path γ is ±π/3, that is, tw(γ)=rot(γ)/(π/3).
We emphasize two elementary properties of the twisting number:
Now we state two key well-known propositions concerning full locally minimal trees.
Proposition 1. If all vertices of degree 1 of a full locally minimal Steiner tree lie on the boundary of a convex polygon, then the twisting number of G is at most 5.
Proposition 2. Each full locally minimal Steiner tree lies in the convex hull of the set of its boundary points.
The following two simple statements, which we use in what follows, are also true.
Statement 1. If G is a full Steiner tree, tw(G)⩽k, and edges e and f of this tree satisfy tw(e,f)=k, then e and f are boundary edges.
Statement 2. Assume that a full Steiner tree with twisting number tw(G)=5 satisfies tw(e,e′)=(−1)k5, k∈Z, where f and f′ are the second and penultimate edges in the sequence (e,e′), and let g and g′ be edges adjacent to the pairs of edges e, f and e′, f′ respectively, but not coinciding with these edges. Then tw(e,f)=tw(g′,f′)=tw(e′,g′)=(−1)k and tw(e′,f′)=tw(g,f)=tw(e,g)=(−1)k+1.
Finally, we will use the following well-known fact.
Statement 3. The full angle of rotation along a closed non-self-intersecting polygonal line is ±2π depending on the direction chosen.
§ 3. Main result
Here we state and prove our main result.
Theorem. Let γ=v1e1…v2…v3…e4v4 be a path in a full Steiner tree G, where v1, v2, v3 and v4 are distinct vertices of G, and e1 and e4 are some edges of G. Let e2 and e3 denote the edges of G that are incident to v2 and v3, respectively, but do not belong to γ. Assume that:
Then the tree G has no circular minimal realization.
Proof. Suppose that a tree G satisfying the assumptions of the theorem has a circular minimal realization; for convenience, we consider G as coinciding with this minimal realization.
Since a circular minimal realization is convex, Proposition 1 and Statement 1 immediately yield that e1, e2, e3 and e4 are boundary edges of G.
Lemma 1. The equality tw(e1,e2)=5 holds.
Proof. Suppose the converse. Let f be the penultimate edge in the sequence (e1,e2) and f′ be the second edge in the sequence (e2,e3). Since we assume that tw(e1,e2)=−5, we have tw(f,e2)=−1 by Statement 2; hence tw(e2,f)=−tw(f,e2)=1. However, by assumption (2) of the theorem tw(e2,f′)⩾0, that is, tw(e2,f′)=1 since these two edges are adjacent. Thus, tw(e2,f′)=tw(e2,f)=1, which implies that f coincides with f′; this contradicts the fact that f′ and f are consecutive edges in the path γ.
The lemma is proved.
Lemma 2. The equality tw(e3,e4)=−5 holds.
Proof. Suppose the statement is not true and tw(e3,e4)=5 (Figure 1). Let f be the penultimate edge in the sequence (e1,e2), f′ be the second edge in the sequence (e2,e3), e be the penultimate edge in the sequence (e2,e3), and e′ be the second edge in the sequence (e3,e4).
which, according to Proposition 1, contradicts the convexity of the realization under consideration.
The lemma is proved.
Lemma 3. The inequality 2⩾tw(e2,e)⩾0 holds for any edge but e3 in the sequence (e2,e3).
Proof. The second inequality holds by the assumptions of the theorem. We prove the first. Suppose there is an edge h in the sequence (e2,e3) distinct from e3 and such that tw(e2,h)=3. Then h is not a boundary edge; thus, tw(e2,g)=4, where g is one of the edges adjacent to it. Then tw(e1,g)=6, which contradicts the convexity of the realization under consideration according to Proposition 1.
The lemma is proved.
Lemma 4. The equality tw(e2,e3)=0 holds.
Proof. It follows from Lemma 3 that tw(e2,e3)∈{−1,0,1,2,3}. The assumption (2) of the theorem implies that tw(e2,e3)≠1 and tw(e2,e3)≠−1.
Let e′ be the second edge in the sequence (e3,e4) and e be the penultimate edge in the sequence (e2,e3). Since tw(e3,e4)=−5, we have tw(e3,e)=1 by Statement 2. Using the estimate tw(e2,e)⩽2 from Lemma 3, we obtain
Therefore, tw(e2,e3) is 0.
The lemma is proved.
Lemma 5. Let P1P2…Pn be a convex polygon. Then all angles between consecutive edges of the polygonal line P1P2…PnP1P2 are of the same sign.
Proof. Without loss of generality we assume that the angle between P1P2 and P2P3 is positive, whereas the one between P2P3 and P3P4 is negative. Note that P4 and P1 are on opposite sides of the line P2P3 in this case. This is in contradiction with the fact that the polygon P1P2…Pk is convex.
The lemma is proved.
Lemma 6. Let B be an arbitrary disc in the plane, ∂B be the boundary of B, X1X2…Xn be a non-self-intersecting polygonal line γ lying in B such that γ∩∂B={X1,Xn}, and let rot(γ)=5π/3. Then the rays X2X1 and Xn−1Xn intersect outside B at an angle of 2π/3.
Proof. We show that it is possible to inscribe polygonal lines XnP1P2…PkX1 and XnQ1Q2…QlX1 in the two arcs X1Xn of ∂B so that each of these lines intersects γ only at the vertices X1 and Xn.
For subsets A and B in a metric space, we let ρ(A,B) denote the infimum of the distances between arbitrary points a∈A and b∈B, that is, ρ(A,B)=inf{|ab|:a∈A,b∈B}.
We construct discs with centres X1 and Xn and radii below ρ(X1,γ∖[X1X2)) and ρ(Xn,γ∖[XnXn−1)), respectively. We choose points Q′ and P′, and Q1 and P1 in the first and second discs, respectively, that lie on ∂B in the same order in which the vertices Qk, Pl, Q1 and P1 of the polygonal lines to be constructed must lie on ∂B. After that it suffices only to inscribe polygonal lines in the arcs ⌣P1P′ and ⌣Q1Q′ so that their endpoints coincide with the vertices of these arcs and they do not intersect γ. We construct a polygonal line of this type for the arc ⌣P1P′. Since ⌣P1P′ and γ are disjoint compact sets, the distance d between them is positive. We subdivide the arc ⌣P1P′ into subarcs of length below d. Clearly, the endpoints of these subarcs arranged in the order from P1 to P′ are the vertices of the required polygonal line.
We consider the polygons X1X2…XnP1…Pk and X1X2…XnQ1…Ql and orient their boundaries in accordance with the above orderings of their vertices. It follows from the construction of the polygonal lines that the boundaries of X1X2…XnP1…Pk and X1X2…XnQ1…Ql are of opposite orientations. By Statement 3 the full angle of rotation of just one of these polygons along its boundary is 2π. Without loss of generality we let X1X2…XnP1…Pk be this polygon.
We denote the angles between consecutive edges of the oriented polygonal line Xn−1XnP1…PkX1X2 by α,ψ1,…,ψk and β, respectively. By the equalities rot(X1X2…XnP1…PkX1X2)=2π and rot(γ)=5π/3 we have α+ψ1+⋯+ψk+β=π/3. Applying Lemma 5 to the convex polygon XnP1…PkX1, we conclude that all angles ψ1,…,ψk are of the same sign. From the construction of the polygonal line XnP1…PkX1 we see that P2 does not lie on the arc ⌣XnP1 not containing X1. Hence P2 lies in the same half-plane as Xn−1 with respect to the line XnP1. It follows that the angles α and ψ1 are of the same sign. Similarly, β and ψk are of the same sign. Therefore, all angles α,ψ1,…,ψk and β are of the same sign; by the above equality they are nonnegative.
We calculate the sum of the angles of the polygon XnP1…PkX1 in two ways. On the one hand the sum of its angles is πk. On the other hand it is
We return to the proof of the theorem. Let B be the disc whose boundary contains the boundary vertices of G, and let the vertices of the edges e2 and e3 distinct from v2 and v3 be denoted by w2 and w3, respectively (Figure 2).
Applying Lemma 6 to the polygonal line (v1,w2) we infer that the rays outgoing from v1 and w2 and parallel to the edges e1 and e2, respectively, but not containing them intersect at an angle of 2π/3 at some point R outside B. Then the larger arc cut out on ∂B by the sides of the angle ∠v1Rw2 is at least 4π/3. Similarly, applying Lemma 6 to the polygonal line (w3,v4) we infer that the rays from w3 and v4 that are parallel to the edges e3 and e4, respectively, but do not contain them intersect at an angle of 2π/3 at some point S outside the disc B and that the larger arc cut out on ∂B by the sides of the angle ∠w3Sv4 is at least 4π/3. It follows from Lemma 4 that e2∥e3; therefore, the lines Rv2 and Sv3 are parallel.
Let f′ be the second edge in the sequence (e2,e3) and w be the vertex distinct from v2 of this edge. Since tw(e1,e2)=5, we have tw(e1,f′)=3. Thus, the vector →v1R is codirected with the vector →v2w. It follows that w and v1 lie in distinct half-planes with respect to the line v2R. Lemma 3 yields that all oriented edges in the sequence (e2,e3) have directions such that their projections onto the ray starting on the line v2R, orthogonal to it, and lying in the same half-plane as w are nonnegative. Thus, all vertices but w2 and v2 of edges in the sequence (e2,e3) lie in the distinct half-plane from v1 with respect to the line v2R. In particular, this is true for v3. It follows from Lemmas 1, 2 and 4 that the vectors →v1R and →Sv4 are codirected. Since v1 and v3 lie in distinct half-planes with respect to the line v2R, the extension of the ray v1R beyond the point R intersects the line Sv3. This implies that the ray Sv4 does not intersect the line v2R, that is, the angles ∠v1Rv2 and ∠v3Sv4 have disjoint interiors. It follows that the arcs cut out on ∂B by these angles are also disjoint. Then the length of the circle ∂B is at least the sum of the lengths of the two larger arcs cut out on ∂B by the sides of these angles, that is, it at least 2⋅4π/3>2π, which is a contradiction.
The theorem is proved.
Note that it is impossible to discard the condition tw(e2,e3)≠1. Consider the tree T shown in Figure 3. The equalities tw(e1,e2)=tw(e3,e4)=5 and tw(e2,e3)=1 hold for it. We prove that it has a circular minimal realization. We let l1 and l2 denote the straight lines containing the boundary vertices of T such that there are seven boundary vertices on l2 (l2 is on the right in Figure 3). We draw a circle ω that contains all vertices of T but the boundary vertices lying on l2 in its interior (the dashed line in Figure 3). We regard the points of intersection of ω with boundary edges of T as new boundary vertices. Extending the boundary edges of the tree T with vertices on l1 until they intersect ω and also regarding the resulting points of intersection with ω as new boundary vertices, we obtain a new tree T′, which is planar equivalent to T and all boundary vertices of which lie on ω. Thus, T has indeed a circular minimal realization.
The author looks forward to obtaining in the future a full classification of trees having circular minimal realizations by using the parquet techniques developed in [1], [2] and [6].
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