Melikhov, Sergey Aleksandrovich

Total publications: 47 (46)
in MathSciNet: 21 (20)
in zbMATH: 15 (15)
in Web of Science: 16 (15)
in Scopus: 17 (17)
Cited articles: 14
Citations: 73
Presentations: 67

Number of views:
This page:8201
Abstract pages:6028
Full texts:2216
Melikhov, Sergey Aleksandrovich
Senior Researcher
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2004)
Speciality: 01.01.04 (Geometry and topology)
UDC: 515.162, 515.163, 515.164, 515.123.4, 515.125, 515.142.26, 515.148
MSC: 57M, 57N, 57Q


Geometric Topology (embedding theory, links modulo knots, combinatorial topology and its foundations, resolution of singularities)
Algebraic Topology of metrizable spaces and 0-dimensional groups
Foundations of Mathematics (homotopy type theory, conservative extensions of intuitionistic logic, semantics of the meta-logic of first-order logics)


Born in 1980. Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (2001) and from a math class at Moscow State 57th School (1996).
Ph.D. from University of Florida (2005) and another Ph.D. (k.f.-m.n.) from Steklov Math. Institute (2004); the two dissertations have no overlap in content.
From 2005: Research Fellow at Steklov Math. Institute, Moscow (Senior R.F. from 2008). Held visiting positions at The University of Tennessee (2007–08), Dartmouth College (Fall 2012), Institute for Advanced Study (2013).
Awards include: Möbuis Contest Prize of the Independent University of Moscow (2000) and Russian Academy of Sciences Medal for Young Scientists (2006).

Main publications:
  1. S. A. Melikhov, “Topological isotopy and Cochran’s derived invariants”, Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics: V. A. Rokhlin Memorial, Contemporary Mathematics, 772, eds. A. M. Vershik, V. M. Buchstaber, A. V. Malyutin, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2021, 249–266 arXiv: 2011.01409  crossref  youtube

List of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. S. A. Melikhov, “Lifting generic maps to embeddings. The double point obstruction”, Essays on Topology. Dedicated to Valentin Poénaru, eds. L. Funar and A. Papadopoulos, Springer, 2025, 46 pp. (to appear) arXiv: 1711.03518

2. S. A. Melikhov, Two-variable Conway polynomial and Cochran's derived invariants, 2024 , 36 pp., arXiv: math.GT/0312007v3
3. S. A. Melikhov, “A joint logic of problems and propositions”, Doklady Math., 109:2 (2024), 130–139  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib
4. S. A. Melikhov, Is every knot isotopic to the unknot?, 2024 , 61 pp., arXiv: 2406.09365
5. S. A. Melikhov, Topological isotopy and finite type invariants, 2024 , 52 pp., arXiv: 2406.09331

6. S. A. Melikhov, A Galois connection between classical and intuitionistic logics. I: Syntax, 2022 , 47 pp., arXiv: 1312.2575v5
7. S. Melikhov, Infinite-dimensional uniform polyhedra, 2022 , 47 pp., arXiv: 1109.0346v4
8. S. Melikhov, Metrizable uniform spaces, 2022 , 161 pp., arXiv: 1106.3249v6
9. S. A. Melikhov, A Galois connection between classical and intuitionistic logics. II: Semantics, 2022 , 40 pp., arXiv: 1504.03379v5
10. S. A. Melikhov, Fine shape. I, 2022 , 46 pp., arXiv: 1808.10228v2
11. S. A. Melikhov, Lim colim versus colim lim. I, 2022 , 29 pp., arXiv: 1809.00023v3
12. S. A. Melikhov, Lim colim versus colim lim. II: Derived limits over a pospace, 2022 , 29 pp., arXiv: 1809.00022v2
13. S. A. Melikhov, “Embeddability of joins and products of polyhedra”, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal., 60:1 (2022), 185–201 , arXiv: 2210.04015  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet;
14. S. A. Melikhov, “Lifting generic maps to embeddings. Triangulation and smoothing”, Stud. Sci. Math. Hung., 59:2 (2022), 124–141 , arXiv: 2011.01402  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet;
15. S. A. Melikhov, Coronated polyhedra and coronated ANRs, 2022 , 25 pp., arXiv: 2211.09951
16. S. A. Melikhov, Fine shape II: A Whitehead-type theorem, 2022 , 33 pp., arXiv: 2211.11102
17. S. A. Melikhov, Fine shape III: $\Delta$-spaces and $\nabla$-spaces, 2022 , 25 pp., arXiv: 2211.11101
18. S. A. Melikhov, Topology of Metric Spaces, ResearchGate, 2022 , 254 pp.
19. V. I. Buslaev, V. M. Buchstaber, A. N. Dranishnikov, V. M. Kliatskine, S. A. Melikhov, L. Montejano, S. P. Novikov, P. V. Semenov, “Evgenii Vital'evich Shchepin (on his 70th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 77:3 (2022), 559–569  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi

20. S. A. Melikhov, “Topological isotopy and Cochran's derived invariants”, Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics: V. A. Rokhlin Memorial, Contemp. Math., 772, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2021, 249–266 , arXiv: 2011.01409  mathnet  crossref  scopus  youtube 1

21. S. A. Melikhov, “A triple-point Whitney trick”, J. Topol. Anal., 12:4 (2020), 1041–1046 , arXiv: 2210.04016  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 2

22. P. M. Akhmetiev, S. A. Melikhov, “Projected and near-projected embeddings”, J. Math. Sci, 255:2 (2021), 155–174  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  scopus

23. S. A. Melikhov, “A note on O. Frolkina`s paper “Pairwise disjoint Moebius bands in space””, J. Knot Theory Ramif., 28:7 (2019), 1971001 , 3 pp., arXiv: 1810.04089  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus

24. S. Melikhov, Combinatorics of combinatorial topology, 2018 , 72 pp., arXiv: 1208.6309v2
25. S. A. Melikhov, “Immersions of the circle into a surface”, Sb. Math., 209:4 (2018), 503–518  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
26. S. A. Melikhov, Algebraic topology of Polish spaces. II: Axiomatic homology, 2018 , 24 pp., arXiv: 1808.10243
27. S. A. Melikhov, “Self $C_2$-equivalence of two-component links and invariants of link maps”, J. Knot. Theory Ram., 27:13 (2018), 1842012 , 22 pp., arXiv: 1711.03514  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus

28. S. A. Melikhov, Mathematical semantics of intuitionistic logic, 2017 , 179 pp., arXiv: 1504.03380v3
29. S. A. Melikhov, “Topologiya dokazatelstv”, Konkurs Mëbiusa glazami ego pobeditelei, MTsNMO, Moskva, 2017, 28–33

30. S. A. Melikhov, “Transverse Fundamental Group and Projected Embeddings”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 290 (2015), 155–165 , arXiv: 1505.00505  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus

31. S. Melikhov, J. Zaja̧c, “Contractible polyhedra in products of trees and absolute retracts in products of dendrites”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 141:7 (2013), 2519–2535 , arXiv: 1102.0696  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

32. S. A. Melikhov, Combinatorics of embeddings, 2011 , 49 pp., arXiv: 1103.5457

33. S. A. Melikhov, “Steenrod homotopy”, Russian Math. Surveys, 64:3 (2009), 469–551 , arXiv: 0812.1407  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
34. S. A. Melikhov, “The van Kampen Obstruction and Its Relatives”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 266 (2009), 142–176 , arXiv: math.GT/0612082  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus

35. S. A. Melikhov, Gauss-type formulas for link map invariants, 2007 , 21 pp., arXiv: 1711.03530

36. S. A. Melikhov, E. V. Shchepin, The telescope approach to embeddability of compacta, 2006 , 26 pp., arXiv: math.GT/0612085

37. S. A. Melikhov, D. Repovš, “$n$-Quasi-isotopy. II. Comparison”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 14:5 (2005), 603–626 , arXiv: math.GT/0103114  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 1
38. S. A. Melikhov, D. Repovš, “$n$-Quasi-isotopy. I. Questions of nilpotence”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 14:5 (2005), 571–602 , arXiv: math.GT/0103113  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 4

39. S. A. Melikhov, “On isotopic realizability of maps factored through a hyperplane”, Sb. Math., 195:8 (2004), 1117–1163  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
40. S. A. Melikhov, “Isotopic and continuous realizability of maps in the metastable range”, Sb. Math., 195:7 (2004), 983–1016  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
41. S. A. Melikhov, “Sphere Eversions and Realization of Mappings”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 247 (2004), 143–163 , arXiv: math.GT/0305158  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

42. S. A. Melikhov, R. V. Mikhailov, n-quasi-isotopy: III. Engel conditions, 2003 , 24 pp., arXiv: math.GT/0201022v4

43. S. A. Melikhov, “On maps with unstable singularities”, Topology Appl., 120:1–2 (2002), 105–156 , arXiv: math.GT/0101047  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 5

44. S. A. Melikhov, R. V. Mikhailov, “Links modulo knots and the isotopic realization problem”, Russian Math. Surveys, 56:2 (2001), 414–415  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus

45. S. A. Melikhov, “Pseudohomotopy implies homotopy for singular links of codimension $\geqslant 3$”, Russian Math. Surveys, 55:3 (2000), 589–590  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus

46. P. M. Akhmet'ev, S. A. Melikhov, “On isotopic realizability of continuous mappings”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 113:6 (2003), 759–776  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath

47. S. A. Melikhov, Singular link concordance implies link homotopy in codimension $\ge 3$, 1998 , 12 pp., arXiv: 1810.08299

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. On the geometry of the Alexander polynomial II
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
December 23, 2024 17:20   
2. On the Cochran pairing II
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
November 11, 2024 17:00   
3. On the Cochran pairing
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
October 14, 2024 16:20   
4. On the geometry of the Alexander polynomial
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
September 16, 2024 16:20   
5. Is every knot isotopic to the unknot?
S. A. Melikhov
Beijing–Moscow Mathematics Colloquium
June 21, 2024 12:00
6. Are isotopic PL links PL isotopic? (part IV) [talk in English]
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
May 13, 2024 17:00   
7. Are isotopic PL links PL isotopic? (part III) [talk in English]
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
May 6, 2024 17:00   
8. Are isotopic PL links PL isotopic? (part II) [talk in English]
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 27, 2024 17:00   
9. Are isotopic PL links PL isotopic? [talk in English]
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 22, 2024 17:00   
10. Extending knot isotopies to two-component links with linking number one, part III [talk in English]
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 1, 2024 17:00   
11. Extending knot isotopies to two-component links with linking number one, part II [talk in English]
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
March 25, 2024 17:00   
12. Extending knot isotopies to two-component links with linking number one [talk in English]
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
March 18, 2024 17:00   
13. A new proof of Jin's theorem expessing Cochran's derived invariants in terms of the two-variable Conway polynomial (continued)
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
January 29, 2024 17:00   
14. A new proof of Jin's theorem expessing Cochran's derived invariants in terms of the two-variable Conway polynomial
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
January 22, 2024 17:00   
15. Is any knot isotopic to a unknot?
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
November 28, 2023 16:45
16. The Conway potential function and the Rolfsen Problem. III
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
September 20, 2023 17:00
17. The Conway potential function and the Rolfsen Problem. II
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
September 13, 2023 17:00   
18. The Conway potential function and the Rolfsen Problem. I
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
September 6, 2023 17:00   
19. Projected embeddings II
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
May 10, 2023 17:00   
20. Is every knot isotopic to a PL knot? (Cancelled)
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
February 22, 2023 18:00
21. Topological isotopy and the generalized Sato–Levine invariant [talk in English]
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
February 3, 2023 16:20   
22. New results on limits, colimits and derived limits of abelian groups with applications to topology
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
November 29, 2022 16:45
23. Links modulo knots: 5. Conway polynomial, colored Conway polynomial and the geometry of the coefficients of their reduced versions
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 20, 2022 17:00   
24. Links modulo knots: 4. Kirk's invariant and its relation with Cochran's invariants
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 13, 2022 17:00   
25. Links modulo knots: 3. Cochran's derived invariants and Kojima's $\eta$-function
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 6, 2022 17:00   
26. Links modulo knots: 2. Ornaments in the critical dimension
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
March 30, 2022 17:00   
27. Links modulo knots: 1. The linking number and the triple $\bar\mu$-invariant
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
March 23, 2022 17:00   
28. Topological isotopy and Cochran's invariants of links
S. A. Melikhov
Mathematical Colloquium of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University
March 3, 2022 17:30
29. Do there exist cophantom phantoms?
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
December 24, 2021 17:00   
30. Инварианты топологической изотопии
S. A. Melikhov
Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2021
November 24, 2021 14:40   
31. Slim shape
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
October 19, 2021 16:45
32. Metric polyhedra and projective cubes
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
February 18, 2020 16:45
33. Injective metric and cubical collapsing
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
October 16, 2019 17:00   
34. Cubical collapsing and injective metric
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
October 9, 2019 17:00   
35. Link maps in $S^4$ and their applications to links in $S^3$
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
September 17, 2019 16:45
36. Is every knot isotopic to the unknot?
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
September 11, 2019 17:00
37. Brunnian link maps in the 4-sphere and Goussarov-Habiro moves on links in the 3-sphere
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
May 21, 2019 16:00
38. Brunnian link maps in the 4-sphere and the Chinese Rings puzzle
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
December 17, 2018 15:30
39. Corrected derived limits, or How to expel set theory from algebraic topology (part II)
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
October 1, 2018 15:30
40. Functors lim^p and algebraic topology of separable metric spaces
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
September 25, 2018 16:45
41. Corrected derived limits, or How to expel set theory from algebraic topology
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
September 24, 2018 15:30
42. Lim colim versus colim lim
Sergey A. Melikhov
International conference "Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics" on occasion of Victor Buchstaber's 75th birthday
May 24, 2018 17:00   
43. Lim colim versus colim lim
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
April 24, 2018 16:45
44. Limit of colimits versus colimit of limits II
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 12, 2018 14:00
45. Limit of colimits versus colimit of limits
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 5, 2018 14:00
46. Projected embeddings and approximation of maps by embeddings
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
November 28, 2017 16:45
47. Projected embeddings for PL and smooth maps
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
November 7, 2017 16:45
48. Projected embeddings
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
October 26, 2017 14:00
49. Kolmogorov's interpretation and a formal semantics of the meta-logic of intuitionistic logic
S. Melikhov
Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles
October 17, 2017 17:15   
50. On $\Delta$-link homotopy
Yuka Kotorii, S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
August 31, 2017 17:00
51. Fine shape and uniqueness theorems for homology and cohomology of Polish spaces
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
August 10, 2017 14:00
52. $\Delta$-link homotopy of links in $S^3$ and invariants of link maps in $S^4$
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
July 20, 2017 15:00
53. Семантика металогики. (Часть 2)
S. A. Melikhov
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
March 6, 2017 18:30
54. Семантика металогики. (Часть 1)
S. A. Melikhov
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
February 27, 2017 18:30
55. Формальная металогика логик первого порядка и её формальная семантика
S. A. Melikhov
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
May 16, 2016
56. О независимых принципах в совместной логике задач и высказываний. Часть 2
S. A. Melikhov
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
October 5, 2015 18:30
57. О независимых принципах в совместной логике задач и высказываний. Часть 1
S. A. Melikhov
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
September 28, 2015 18:30
58. A joint logic of problems and propositions
S. A. Melikhov
"Algorithmic problems in algebra and logic" (S.I.Adian seminar)
March 4, 2014 18:30
59. A joint logic of problems and propositions
S. A. Melikhov
"Algorithmic problems in algebra and logic" (S.I.Adian seminar)
February 25, 2014 18:30
60. A problem of Kolmogorov, and sheaves
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
October 22, 2013 15:00
61. On topology of solutions of problems
S. A. Melikhov
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
October 1, 2013 16:45
62. Combinatorics of collapsible polyhedra and maps
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 17, 2012 15:00
63. On geometry of the index $8$ subgroup of the third stable stem
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
November 1, 2011 15:30
64. Uniform polyhedra
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
July 21, 2011 14:30
65. Uniform polyhedra
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
June 15, 2011 18:00
66. The combinatorial viewpoint in algebraic K-theory of spaces
S. A. Melikhov
Geometric Topology Seminar
April 19, 2011 15:00
67. Combinatorial metods in theory of embeddings
S. A. Melikhov
Knots and Representation Theory
April 5, 2011 18:30

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