01.01.05 (Probability theory and mathematical statistics)
probability theory,
stochastic processes,
stochastic control,
mathematical finance.
Optimal stopping of stochastic processes. Sequential methods of statistical hypotheses testing and changepoint detection. Martingal, submartingal and supermartingal representations of stochastic processes.
Main publications:
M.V. Zhitlukhin, A.N. Shiryaev, “Baiesovskie zadachi o razladke na filtrovannykh veroyatnostnykh prostranstvakh”, Teoriya veroyatnostei i ee primeneniya, 57:3 (2012), 453–470
I.V. Evstigneev, M.V. Zhitlukhin, “Controlled random fields, von Neumann.Gale dynamics and multimarket hedging with risk”, Stochastics, 85:4 (2013), 652–666
A. V. Bulinski, A. A. Gushchin, M. V. Zhitlukhin, V. V. Kozlov, A. D. Manita, A. A. Muravlev, A. A. Novikov, I. V. Pavlov, D. V. Treschev, A. S. Holevo, E. B. Yarovaya, P. A. Yaskov, “Albert Nikolaevich Shiryaev (on his 90th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 80:1(481) (2025), 171–177
M. V. Zhitlukhin, “Optimal growth strategies in a stochastic market model with endogenous prices”, Theory Probab. Appl., 69:2 (2024), 205–216
M. V. Zhitlukhin, A. A. Tokaeva, “Martingale methods in problems of existence of survival strategies”, Theory Probab. Appl., 69:4 (2025), 520–530
Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “Asymptotic minimization of expected time to reach a large wealth level in an asset market game”, Stochastics, 95:1 (2023), 67–78 , arXiv: 2007.04909;
M. V. Zhitlukhin, “On a diffusion approximation of some prediction game”, Theory Probab. Appl., 68:4 (2024), 607–621
M. V. Zhitlukhin, “Strategii optimalnogo rosta v modeli rynka s bolshim kolichestvom agentov”, Tezisy dokladov, predstavlennykh na sedmoi mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po stokhasticheskim metodam (v zhurnale “Teoriya veroyatnostei i ee primeneniya”, t. 68, vyp. 1) (Divnomorskoe, 2–9 iyunya 2022 g.), TVP, 2023, 197–198
I. V. Evstigneev, A. A. Tokaeva, M. J. Vanaei, M. V. Zhitlukhin, “Survival strategies in an evolutionary finance model with endogenous asset payoffs”, Ann. Oper. Res., 2023, 1–21 (Published online) ; (Published online)
S. Lleo, M. Zhitlukhin, W.T. Ziemba, “Using a mean-changing stochastic processes exit–entry model for stock market long–short prediction”, The Journal of Portfolio Management, 49:1 (2022), 172–197;
E. Babaei, Igor V. Evstigneev, Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé, Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “Von Neumann–Gale model, market frictions and capital growth”, Stochastics, 93:2 (2021), 279–310;
Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “Survival investment strategies in a continuous-time market model with competition”, Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance, 24:1 (2021), 2150001 , 24 pp. ;
Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “A sequential test for the drift of a Brownian motion with a possibility to change a decision”, Recent Developments in Stochastic Methods and Applications. ICSM-5 2020, Springer Proc. Math. Statist., 371, Springer, Cham, 2021, 33–42;
Esmaeil Babaei, Igor V. Evstigneev, Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé, Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “Von Neumann–Gale dynamics and capital growth in financial markets with frictions”, Math. Financ. Econ., 14:2 (2020), 283–305;
M. V. Zhitlukhin, “Asimptoticheski optimalnye strategii v odnoi modeli rynka s konkurentsiei”, Tezisy dokladov, predstavlennykh na chetvertoi mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po stokhasticheskim metodam (v zhurnale “Teoriya veroyatnostei i ee primeneniya”, t. 65, vyp. 1) (Divnomorskoe, 2-9 iyunya 2019 g.), TVP, 2020, 209-210
Alexey Muravlev, Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “A Bayesian sequential test for the drift of a fractional Brownian motion”, Adv. in Appl. Probab., 52:4 (2020), 1308–1324;
M. V. Zhitlukhin, “Supporting prices in a stochastic von Neumann–Gale model of a financial market”, Theory Probab. Appl., 64:4 (2019), 553–563
Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “Monotone Sharpe ratios and related measures of investment performance”, 2017 MATRIX Annals, MATRIX Book Ser., 2, Springer, Cham, 2019, 637–665;
Konstantin Borovkov, Yuliya Mishura, Alexander Novikov, Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “New and refined bounds for expected maxima of fractional Brownian motion”, Statistics & Probability Letters, 137 (2018), 142–147
Konstantin Borovkov, Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “On the maximum of the discretely sampled fractional Brownian motion with small Hurst parameter”, Electron. Commun. Probab., 23 (2018), 65 , 8 pp.
Konstantin Borovkov, Yuliya Mishura, Alexander Novikov, Mikhail Zhitlukhin, “Bounds for expected maxima of Gaussian processes and their discrete approximations”, Stochastics, 89:1 (2017), 21–37
M. V. Zhitlukhin, A. A. Muravlev, A. N. Shiryaev, “On confidence intervals for Brownian motion changepoint times”, Russian Math. Surveys, 71:1 (2016), 159–160
M. V. Zhitlukhin, W. T. Ziemba, “Exit strategies in bubble-like markets using a changepoint model”, Quant. Finance Letters, 4:1 (2016), 47–52
A. N. Shiryaev, M. V. Zhitlukhin, W. T. Ziemba, “Land and stock bubbles, crashes and exit strategies in Japan circa 1990 and in 2013”, Quant. Finance, 15:9 (2015), 1449–1469
A. N. Shiryaev, M. V. Zhitlukhin, W. T. Ziemba, “When to sell Apple and the NASDAQ? Trading bubbles with a Stochastic Disorder Model”, Journal of Portfolio Management, 40:2 (2014), 54–63
M. V. Zhitlukhin, A. N. Shiryaev, “On the existence of solutions of unbounded optimal stopping problems”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 287:1 (2014), 299–307
M. V. Zhitlukhin, A. A. Muravlev, A. N. Shiryaev, “The optimal decision rule in the Kiefer–Weiss problem for a Brownian motion”, Russian Math. Surveys, 68:2 (2013), 389–391
M. V. Zhitlukhin, A. N. Shiryaev, “Optimal stopping problems for a Brownian motion with disorder on a segment”, Theory Probab. Appl., 58:1 (2014), 164–171
I. V. Evstigneev, M. V. Zhitlukhin, “Controlled random fields, von Neumann–Gale dynamics and multimarket hedging with risk”, Stochastics, 85:4 (2013), 652–666
M. V. Zhitlukhin, A. A. Muravlev, “On Chernoff’s hypotheses testing problem for the drift of a Brownian motion”, Theory Probab. Appl., 57:4 (2013), 708–717
M. V. Zhitlukhin, A. N. Shiryaev, “Baeyes disorder problems on filtered probability spaces”, Theory Probab. Appl., 57:3 (2013), 497–511
M. V. Zhitlukhin, A. A. Muravlev, “On equations for the optimal stopping boundaries in Chernoff's two-hypotheses testing problem”, Russian Math. Surveys, 66:5 (2011), 1012–1013
M. V. Zhitlukhin, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 55:3 (2010), 613–614
M. V. Zhitlukhin, “A maximal inequality for skew Brownian motion”, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 64 (2009), 958–959
M. V. Zhitlukhin, “On the joint distribution of $\sup(B_s-\mu s)$ and $\inf(B_s-\nu s)$ for Brownian motion $B_s$”, Russian Math. Surveys, 63:6 (2008), 1154–1155
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
Martingales and stochastic evolutionary games M. V. Zhitlukhin International Conference “Stochastic analysis, Statistics of Random Processes and Optimisation” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician Albert Shiryaev December 11, 2024 18:20
A diffusion approximation of a repeated prediction game Mikhail Zhitlukhin International Conference "Theory of Probability and Its Applications: P. L. Chebyshev – 200" (The 6th International Conference on Stochastic Methods) May 21, 2021 17:00
О максимуме фрактального броуновского движения M. Zhitlukhin Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory "Stochastic Analysis: Theory and Applications", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS December 4, 2014 13:00
Optimal stopping problems with unbounded payoffs M. Zhitlukhin Conference "Stochastics, Statistics, Financial Mathematics" in honor of Professor Albert Shiryaev's 80th anniversary October 15, 2014 15:50
Конференция «Ломоносов» Ya. A. Lyulko, M. V. Zhitlukhin, P. Chernega, A. A. Muravlev Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University April 13, 2011 16:45