Hamid Abban, Ivan Cheltsov, Jihun Park, Constantin Shramov, “Double Veronese cones with 28 nodes”, Enseign. Math., 71:1/2 (2025), 1-70 , arXiv: 1910.10533
Yifei Chen, Constantin Shramov, “Automorphisms of surfaces over fields of positive characteristic”, Geom. Topol., 28:6 (2024), 2747–2791 , arXiv: 2106.15906
Ivan Cheltsov, Constantin Shramov, “Kähler–Einstein Fano threefolds of degree 22”, J. Algebraic Geom., 32 (2023), 385–428 , arXiv: 1803.02774
C. Araujo, A.-M. Castravet, I. Cheltsov, K. Fujita, A.-S. Kaloghiros, J. Martinez-Garcia, C. Shramov, H. Suss, N. Viswanathan, The Calabi problem for Fano threefolds, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 485, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2023
Yu. G. Prokhorov, K. A. Shramov, “Konechnye gruppy bimeromorfnykh avtomorfizmov neunilineichatykh trekhmernykh kelerovykh mnogoobrazii”, Matem. sb., 213:12 (2022), 86–108 [Yu. G. Prokhorov, С. A. Shramov, “Finite groups of bimeromorphic selfmaps of non-uniruled Kähler threefolds”, Mat. Sb.]
Ivan Cheltsov, Jihun Park, Constantin Shramov, “Delta invariants of singular del Pezzo surfaces”, J. Geom. Anal., 31 (2021), 2354–2382 , arXiv: 1809.09221
V. V. Przhiyalkovskii, K. A. Shramov, “Gladkie polnye peresecheniya Fano osnovnoi serii v toricheskikh mnogoobraziyakh”, Matem. zametki, 109:4 (2021), 590–596
Victor Przyjalkowski, Constantin Shramov, “Bounds for smooth Fano weighted complete intersections”, Commun. Number Theory Phys., 14:3 (2020), 511–553 , arXiv: 1611.09556
Ivan Cheltsov, Alexander Kuznetsov, Konstantin Shramov, “Coble fourfold, $\mathfrak S6$-invariant quartic threefolds, and Wiman–Edge sextics”, Algebra Number Theory, 14:1 (2020), 213–274 , arXiv: 1712.08906
V. V. Przyjalkowski, I. A. Cheltsov, K. A. Shramov, “Fano threefolds with infinite automorphism groups”, Izv. Math., 83:4 (2019), 860–907
Ivan Cheltsov, Victor Przyjalkowski, Constantin Shramov, “Which quartic double solids are rational?”, J. Algebraic Geom., 28:2 (2019), 201–243 , arXiv: 1508.07277
Ivan Cheltsov, Victor Przyjalkowski, Constantin Shramov, “Burkhardt Quartic, Barth Sextic, and the Icosahedron”, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2019:12 (2019) , 3683-3703 pp., arXiv: 1606.04372
Alexander G. Kuznetsov, Yuri G. Prokhorov, Constantin A. Shramov, “Hilbert schemes of lines and conics and automorphism groups of Fano threefolds”, Jpn. J. Math., 13:1 (2018), 109–185 , arXiv: 1605.02010
Ivan Cheltsov, Jihun Park, Constantin Shramov, “Alpha-invariants and purely log terminal blow-ups”, Eur. J. Math., 4:3 (2018), 845–858 , arXiv: 1709.05668
S.Gorchinskiy, C.Shramov, Unramified Brauer group and its applications, Translations of Mathematical Monographs, 246, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 2018 , xvii+179 pp.
C. Shramov, V. Przyjalkowski, “Laurent phenomenon for Landau-Ginzburg models of complete intersections in Grassmannians of planes”, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 54:5 (2017), 1527–1575 , arXiv: 1409.3729
Ciro Ciliberto, Michal Farnik, Alex Küronya, Victor Lozovanu, Joaquim Roé, Constantin Shramov, “Newton–Okounkov bodies sprouting on the valuative tree”, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), 66:2 (2017), 161–194 , arXiv: 1602.02074
I. Cheltsov, C. Shramov, Cremona groups and the icosahedron, Monogr. Res. Notes Math., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2016 , xxi+504 pp.
Ivan Cheltsov, Victor Przyjalkowski, Constantin Shramov, “Quartic double solids with icosahedral symmetry”, Eur. J. Math., 2:1 (2016), 96–119 , arXiv: 1508.07282
V. V. Przyjalkowski, K. A. Shramov, “Laurent Phenomenon for Landau–Ginzburg Models of Complete Intersections in Grassmannians”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 290 (2015), 91–102
I. Cheltsov, C. Shramov, “Five embeddings of one simple group”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 366:3 (2014), 1289–1331 , arXiv: 0910.1783
V. V. Przyjalkowski, K. A. Shramov, “On weak Landau–Ginzburg models for complete intersections in Grassmannians”, Russian Math. Surveys, 69:6 (2014), 1129–1131
I. Cheltsov, C. Shramov, “Weakly-exceptional singularities in higher dimensions”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 2014:689 (2014), 201–241 , arXiv: 1111.1920
I. A. Cheltsov, K. A. Shramov, “Sporadic simple groups and quotient singularities”, Izv. Math., 77:4 (2013), 846–854
I. Cheltsov, C. Shramov, “Del Pezzo zoo”, Exp. Math., 22:3 (2013), 313–326 , arXiv: 0904.0114
I. Cheltsov, C. Shramov, “Three embeddings of the Klein simple group into the Cremona group of rank three”, Transform. Groups, 17:2 (2012), 303–350 , arXiv: 1010.1918
I. Cheltsov, C. Shramov, “Nine-dimensional exceptional quotient singularities exist”, Proceedings of the Gokova Geometry - Topology conference, International Press, 2011, 85–96 , arXiv: 1110.6782
I. Cheltsov, J. Park, C. Shramov, “Exceptional del Pezzo hypersurfaces”, J. Geom. Anal., 20:4 (2010), 787–816
I. A. Cheltsov, K. A. Shramov, “Extremal Metrics on del Pezzo Threefolds”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 264 (2009), 30–44
R. Gordin, V. Dotsenko, A. Shen, K. Shramov, “Izbrannye zadachi sobesedovanii v 9 klass 57 shkoly”, Kvant, 2009, no. 4, 57–58
V. Dotsenko, K. Shramov, “Ob odnoi khorosho zabytoi staroi zadache”, Kvant, 2009, no. 4, 34–36
K. A. Shramov, “Birational Rigidity and $\mathbb Q$-Factoriality of a Singular Double Cover of a Quadric Branched over a Divisor of Degree 4”, Math. Notes, 84:2 (2008), 280–289
I. A. Cheltsov, K. A. Shramov, “Log canonical thresholds of smooth Fano threefolds”, Russian Math. Surveys, 63:5 (2008), 859–958
K. A. Shramov, “$\mathbb Q$-factorial quartic threefolds”, Sb. Math., 198:8 (2007), 1165–1174
K. A. Shramov, “Ascending chain condition for the set of canonical thresholds of toric varieties”, Sb. Math., 197:4 (2006), 623–631
K. A. Shramov, “On the rationality of non-singular threefolds with a pencil of Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4”, Sb. Math., 197:1 (2006), 127–137
V. V. Przyjalkowski, I. A. Cheltsov, K. A. Shramov, “Hyperelliptic and trigonal Fano threefolds”, Izv. Math., 69:2 (2005), 365–421
K. A. Shramov, “Elementary Birational Maps between Mori Toric Fiber 3-Spaces”, Math. Notes, 78:1 (2005), 120–127
p-адические числа. Семинар 4 C. A. Shramov Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2023 July 25, 2023 11:15
p-адические числа. Семинар 3 C. A. Shramov Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2023 July 24, 2023 15:30
p-адические числа. Семинар 2 C. A. Shramov Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2023 July 22, 2023 17:15
p-адические числа. Семинар 1 C. A. Shramov Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2023 July 21, 2023 11:15
Расслоения на коники C. A. Shramov Conference on algebra, algebraic geometry, and number theory on the
occasion of academician Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich 100th birthday June 7, 2023 15:00
Conic bundles C. A. Shramov “Numbers and functions” – Memorial conference for 80th birthday of Alexey Nikolaevich Parshin November 28, 2022 15:30
Seminar 1. Algebraic curves C. A. Shramov Seminar by D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Algebraic curves" September 14, 2022 18:00
Теоремы Понселе. Семинар 4 C. A. Shramov Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2022 July 26, 2022 11:15
Теоремы Понселе. Семинар 3 C. A. Shramov Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2022 July 24, 2022 15:30
Теоремы Понселе. Семинар 2 C. A. Shramov Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2022 July 21, 2022 15:30
Теоремы Понселе. Семинар 1 C. A. Shramov Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2022 July 20, 2022 17:15
Conic bundles C. A. Shramov Conference on Algebraic Geometry June 28, 2022 13:20
Conic bundles K. A. Shramov International Conference "Advances in Algebra and Applications" June 22, 2022 15:50
Conic bundles C. A. Shramov Algebra and geometry: conference on the occasion of V.S. Kulikov 70th
birthday May 26, 2022 15:00
Seminar 28. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" May 25, 2022 18:00
Seminar 27. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" May 18, 2022 18:00
Seminar 26. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" May 11, 2022 18:00
Seminar 25. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" May 4, 2022 18:00
Seminar 24. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" April 27, 2022 18:00
Seminar 23. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" April 20, 2022 18:00
Seminar 22. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" April 13, 2022 18:00
Seminar 21. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" April 6, 2022 18:00
Seminar 20. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" March 30, 2022 18:00
Seminar 19. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" March 23, 2022 18:00
Seminar 18. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" March 16, 2022 18:00
Seminar 17. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" March 9, 2022 18:00
Seminar 16. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" March 2, 2022 18:00
Seminar 15. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" February 23, 2022 18:00
Seminar 14. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" February 16, 2022 18:00
Seminar 13. Surfaces of general type Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by Yu. G. Prokhorov and С. A. Shramov "Surfaces of general type" February 9, 2022 18:00
Lecture 24. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" April 28, 2021 18:00
Lecture 23. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" April 21, 2021 18:00
Lecture 22. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" April 14, 2021 18:00
Lecture 21. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" April 7, 2021 18:00
Lecture 20. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" March 31, 2021 18:00
Lecture 19. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" March 24, 2021 18:00
Lecture 18. Algebraic surfaces C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" March 17, 2021 18:00
Lecture 17. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" March 10, 2021 18:00
Lecture 16. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" March 3, 2021 18:00
Lecture 15. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" February 24, 2021 18:00
Lecture 14. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" February 17, 2021 18:00
Lecture 13. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, С. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" February 10, 2021 18:00
Lecture 12. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" December 9, 2020 18:00
Lecture 11. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" December 2, 2020 18:00
Lecture 10. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" November 25, 2020 18:00
Lecture 9. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" November 18, 2020 18:00
Lecture 7. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" November 11, 2020 18:00
Lecture 8. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" November 4, 2020 18:00
Lecture 6. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" October 21, 2020 18:00
Lecture 5. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" October 14, 2020 18:00
Lecture 4. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" October 7, 2020 18:00
Lecture 3. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" September 30, 2020 18:00
Lecture 2. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" September 23, 2020 18:00
Lecture 1. Algebraic surfaces Yu. G. Prokhorov, С. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic surfaces" September 16, 2020 18:00
Семинар 6. Алгебраическая геометрия D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic geometry" March 18, 2020 16:00
Семинар 5. Алгебраическая геометрия D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic geometry" March 11, 2020 16:00
Семинар 4. Алгебраическая геометрия D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic geometry" March 4, 2020 16:00
Семинар 3. Алгебраическая геометрия D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic geometry" February 26, 2020 16:00
Семинар 2. Алгебраическая геометрия D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic geometry" February 19, 2020 16:00
Лекция 1. Теорема Торелли C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic curves" February 12, 2020 18:00
Семинар 1. Алгебраическая геометрия D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov Seminar by D. O. Orlov, Yu. G. Prokhorov and C. A. Shramov "Algebraic geometry" February 12, 2020 16:00
Automorphisms of elliptic surfaces K. A. Shramov Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar) November 27, 2019 16:45
Лекция 8. Алгебраические кривые C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov. Algebraic Curves November 13, 2019 18:00
Лекция 7. Алгебраические кривые C. A. Shramov Course by Yu. G. Prokhorov, C. A. Shramov. Algebraic Curves November 6, 2019 18:00
Finite groups of birational selfmaps K. A. Shramov Conference «Contemporary Mathematics and its applications» dedicated to the results of research supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant 14-50-00005 November 19, 2018 14:20
Jordan constant for Cremona group of rank 3 Yu. G. Prokhorov, K. A. Shramov Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2017 November 29, 2017 11:45
Groups of birational automorphisms K. A. Shramov "Algebra, algebraic geometry, and number theory". Memorial conference for academician Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich June 5, 2017 12:30
Classical algebraic geometry. Lecture 2 K. A. Shramov C. A. Shramov course "Classical algebraic geometry", spring semester 2015/2016 February 24, 2016 18:00
Classical algebraic geometry. Lecture 1 K. A. Shramov C. A. Shramov course "Classical algebraic geometry", spring semester 2015/2016 February 17, 2016 18:00
Группы бирациональных автоморфизмов K. A. Shramov International conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich June 5, 2013 15:30
Hodge structures and iterated integrals K. A. Shramov The joint seminar of the Sector 4.1 (IITP RAS) and Poncelet French-Russian laboratory "Arithmetic Geometry and Coding Theory" December 10, 2012 19:00
Birational Geometry and Fano Varieties, Collected papers. Dedicated to Yuri Gennadievich Prokhorov on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 329, ed. C. A. Shramov, V. V. Przyjalkowski, 2025 http://mi.mathnet.ru/book2081