This paper is concerned with the controlled motion of a three-link wheeled snake robot
propelled by changing the angles between the central and lateral links. The limits on the applicability of the nonholonomic model for the problem of interest are revealed. It is shown that
the system under consideration is completely controllable according to the Rashevsky – Chow
theorem. Possible types of motion of the system under periodic snake-like controls are presented
using Fourier expansions. The relation of the form of the trajectory in the space of controls to
the type of motion involved is found. It is shown that, if the trajectory in the space of controls is
centrally symmetric, the robot moves with nonzero constant average velocity in some direction.
The work of A. A. Kilin (Sections 1–3) was performed at the Ural Mathematical Center (Agreement
No. 075-02-2022-889). The work of E. M. Artemova (Section 4, Appendices) was supported by the Russian
Science Foundation (No. 21-71-10039) and was supported in part by the Moebius Contest Foundation for
Young Scientists.
E. M. Artemova, A. A. Kilin, “A Nonholonomic Model and Complete Controllability
of a Three-Link Wheeled Snake Robot”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 18:4 (2022), 681–707
\by E. M. Artemova, A. A. Kilin
\paper A Nonholonomic Model and Complete Controllability
of a Three-Link Wheeled Snake Robot
\jour Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn.
\yr 2022
\vol 18
\issue 4
\pages 681--707