We suggest a method of construction of orthogonal quasigroups systems and orthogonal Latin squares by means of Frobenius groups. It is proved that this method generalizes many (but not all) existing methods of orthogonal Latin squares construction by means of groups.
Key words:
quasigroup, Latin square, system of orthogonal quasigroups, orthogonal Latin squares, regular set of permutations, regular automorphism of a group.
Received 23.VI.2010
Document Type:
Language: Russian
M. M. Gluhov, “On a method of construction of orthogonal quasigroup systems by means of groups”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 2:4 (2011), 5–24
\by M.~M.~Gluhov
\paper On a method of construction of orthogonal quasigroup systems by means of groups
\jour Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr.
\yr 2011
\vol 2
\issue 4
\pages 5--24
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