We consider the two-dimensional discrete logarithm problem for the subgroup GG of a rational points group of an elliptic curve defined over a finite prime field that has an efficient automorphism of order 6 (for given P1,P2,Q∈G,0<N1,N2<√|G|P1,P2,Q∈G,0<N1,N2<√|G| we have to find n1,n2n1,n2 such that Q=n1P1+n2P2,−N1≤n1≤N1,−N2≤n2≤N2Q=n1P1+n2P2,−N1≤n1≤N1,−N2≤n2≤N2). For this problem, modification of the Gaudry–Schost algorithm is suggested such that for any ε>0ε>0 there exists an algorithm with average complexity not exceeding (1+ε)0.847√N+Oε(N1/4)(1+ε)0.847√N+Oε(N1/4) group operations for N=4N1N2,N→∞N=4N1N2,N→∞.
M. V. Nikolaev, “Modified Gaudry–Schost algorithm for the two-dimensional discrete logarithm problem”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 11:2 (2020), 125–135