The two most likely sources of disturbances capable of triggering boundary layer turbulization over the smooth unswept wing of supersonic transport are considered in the framework of full Navier-Stokes equations, namely: atmospheric turbulence and acoustic noise radiated by the turbulent boundary layer over the fuselage. Frequency wave characteristics of boundary layer disturbances over the wing are analyzed; the dominant mechanism of transition is revealed. Numerical results are compared with those of linear stability theory.
P. V. Chuvakhov, I. O. Pogorelov, “Origins of turbulence on an unswept wing of supersonic transport”, Mat. Model., 34:8 (2022), 19–37; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 15:2 (2023), 177–188
\by P.~V.~Chuvakhov, I.~O.~Pogorelov
\paper Origins of turbulence on an unswept wing of supersonic transport
\jour Mat. Model.
\yr 2022
\vol 34
\issue 8
\pages 19--37
\jour Math. Models Comput. Simul.
\yr 2023
\vol 15
\issue 2
\pages 177--188
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