The purpose of this article is to model and study the seysmoimpulse propagation in multilayered medium. The test computations for checking the work of the contact conditions between the layers are made. The dynamic processes in multilayered medium with realistic features and geometry are modeled.
Grid-characteristic method is used, which allows to set boundary conditions for external surface and for contact between layers. The considering approach allow to determine the count and depth for each layer. The curved contact boundaries between layers are also considered.
I. E. Kvasov, S. A. Pankratov, I. B. Petrov, “Computational modeling of seysmoresponse in multilayered geologic medium by grid-characteristic method”, Mat. Model., 22:9 (2010), 13–22; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 3:2 (2011), 196–204
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