A semiprime is a natural number which is the product of two (possibly equal) prime numbers. Let $y$ be a natural number and $g(y)$ be the probability for a number $y$ to be semiprime. In this paper we derive an asymptotic formula for counting $g(y)$ for large values of $y$ and evaluate its correctness for different $y$. We also introduce a notion of strong semiprime as a product of two primes of large dimension and investigate a distribution of strong semiprimes.
semiprime integer, strong semiprime, distribution of semiprimes, factorization of integers, the RSA ciphering method.
This publication is cited in the following 2 articles:
S. T. Ishmukhametov, R. Rubtsova, N. Savelyev, “The error probability of the Miller-Rabin primality test”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 39:7 (2018), 1010–1015
S. Ishmukhametov, F. Sharifullina, “An algorithm for counting smooth integers”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 37:2 (2016), 128–137