Let $\mathcal{O}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded domain of class $C^{1,1}$. In $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, we consider a selfadjoint matrix elliptic second-order differential operator $B_{N,\varepsilon}$, $0<\varepsilon\leqslant1$, with the Neumann boundary condition. The principal part of this operator is given in a factorized form. The operator involves first-order and zero-order terms. The coefficients of $B_{N,\varepsilon}$ are periodic and depend on $\mathbf{x}/\varepsilon$. We study the generalized resolvent $(B_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta Q_0(\,{\cdot}\,/\varepsilon))^{-1}$, where $Q_0$ is a periodic bounded and positive definite matrix-valued function, and $\zeta$ is a complex-valued parameter. We obtain approximations for the generalized resolvent in the operator norm
on $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ and in the norm of operators acting from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to the Sobolev space $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ with two-parametric error estimates (with respect to $\varepsilon$ and $\zeta$). The results are applied to study the behaviour of the solutions of the initial boundary value problem with the Neumann condition for the parabolic equation $Q_0(\mathbf{x}/\varepsilon) \, \partial_t \mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t) = -(B_{N,\varepsilon} \mathbf{u}_\varepsilon)(\mathbf{x},t)$ in a cylinder $\mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$, where $0<T \le \infty$.
The paper is concerned with homogenization theory of periodic differential operators, a topic which has been extensively studied. In the first place, we mention the books [1]–[4].
0.1. The class of operators
Let $\Gamma$ be a lattice in $\mathbb{R}^d$, and let $\Omega$ be the cell of $\Gamma$. For $\Gamma$-periodic functions, we use the notation $\psi^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x}):=\psi (\mathbf{x}/\varepsilon)$ and $\overline{\psi}:=|\Omega|^{-1} \int_\Omega \psi (\mathbf{x})\,d\mathbf{x}$. We also set $\mathbf{D} := - i \nabla$.
Let $\mathcal{O}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded domain of class $C^{1,1}$. In $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, we study a selfadjoint matrix strongly elliptic second-order differential operator $\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$, $0<\varepsilon\leqslant 1$, with the Neumann boundary condition. The principal part $A_{N,\varepsilon}$ of the operator $\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ is given in a factorized form $A_{N,\varepsilon}=b(\mathbf{D})^*g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})b(\mathbf{D})$, where $b(\mathbf{D})$ is a matrix homogeneous first-order differential operator and $g(\mathbf{x})$ is a bounded and positive definite $\Gamma$-periodic matrix-valued function in $\mathbb{R}^d$. The homogenization problem for the operator $A_{N,\varepsilon}$ was studied in [5] and [6]. Now, we will study a more general class of selfadjoint differential operators $\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ involving lower order terms:
Here, $a_j(\mathbf{x})$, $j=1,\dots,d$, and $Q(\mathbf{x})$ are $\Gamma$-periodic matrix-valued functions; in general, they are unbounded. The precise definition of the operator $\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ is given in terms of the corresponding quadratic form defined on the Sobolev space $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Assumptions are made ensuring that the operator $\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ is strongly elliptic.
The coefficients of the operator (0.1) oscillate rapidly for small $\varepsilon$. A typical homogenization problem for the operator $\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ is to approximate the resolvent $(\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta I)^{-1}$ or the generalized resolvent $(\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon)^{-1}$ as $\varepsilon\to 0$. Here, $Q_0(\mathbf{x})$ is a positive definite $\Gamma$-periodic matrix-valued function such that $Q_0$ and $Q_0^{-1}$ are bounded.
An example of the operator of the form (0.1) is considered in § 11; this is the Schrödinger operator (11.1) with periodic rapidly oscillating coefficients (metric, magnetic potential and electric potential containing a singular term $\varepsilon^{-1} v^\varepsilon(\mathbf{x})$).
0.2. A survey of the results on the operator error estimates
In a series of papers [7]–[9], Birman and Suslina developed an operator-theoretic (spectral) approach to homogenization problems. They studied the operator
acting in $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$. Here, $g(\mathbf{x})$ is a bounded and positive definite $\Gamma$-periodic $(m\times m)$-matrix-valued function in $\mathbb{R}^d$; $b(\mathbf{D})$ is a matrix differential operator of the form $b(\mathbf{D}) = \sum_{j=1}^d b_j D_j$, where $b_j$ are constant $(m \times n)$-matrices. It is assumed that $m \geqslant n$ and the symbol $b(\boldsymbol{\xi})$ has maximal rank. Many operators of mathematical physics can be written in the form (0.2). A simplest example is the acoustics operator $A_\varepsilon = - \operatorname{div}g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x}) \nabla = \mathbf{D}^* g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x}) \mathbf{D}$; in this case, we have $m=d$, $n=1$, and $b(\mathbf{D}) = \mathbf{D}$. The operator of elasticity theory also can be represented in the form (0.2). Another example arises when studying the Maxwell system; this is an operator of the form $A_\varepsilon = \operatorname{rot} \eta^\varepsilon(\mathbf{x}) \operatorname{rot} - \operatorname{\nabla} \nu^\varepsilon(\mathbf{x}) \operatorname{div}$ (for $d=3$). These and other examples are discussed in detail in [7].
In [7], it was shown that the resolvent $(A_\varepsilon +I)^{-1}$ converges in the operator norm on $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ to the resolvent of the effective operator $A^0=b(\mathbf{D})^*g^0b(\mathbf{D})$, as $\varepsilon\to 0$. Here, $g^0$ is a constant positive effective matrix. It was proved that
In [9], an approximation for the resolvent $(A_\varepsilon +I)^{-1}$ in the norm of operators acting from $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ to the Sobolev space $H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ was obtained:
In this approximation, the corrector $K(\varepsilon)$ is taken into account. The operator $K(\varepsilon)$ contains rapidly oscillating factors, and therefore, depends on $\varepsilon$. We have $\|\varepsilon K(\varepsilon)\|_{L_2\to H^1}=O(1)$.
Estimates (0.3) and (0.4) are order-sharp. The constants in estimates are controlled explicitly in terms of the problem data. Such results are called operator error estimates in homogenization theory. The method of [7]–[9] is based on the scaling transformation, the Floquet–Bloch theory, and the analytic perturbation theory.
Later, the spectral method was adapted by Suslina [10], [11] to the case of the operator
acting in $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$. It is convenient to fix a real-valued parameter $\lambda$ so that the operator $B_\varepsilon := \mathcal{B}_\varepsilon+\lambda Q_0^\varepsilon$ is positive definite. In [10], the following analogs of estimates (0.3) and (0.4) were obtained:
Here, $B^0$ is the corresponding effective operator and $\mathcal{K}(\varepsilon)$ is the corresponding corrector.
The spectral method was applied to parabolic systems by Suslina in [12]–[14]. In [12], [13], the principal term of approximation for the operator exponential $e^{-A_\varepsilon t}$, $t>0$, in the $(L_2 \to L_2)$-norm was found, and in [14], an approximation for this exponential in the $(L_2 \to H^1)$-norm with corrector taken into account was obtained:
The exponential of the operator $B_\varepsilon$ was studied by Meshkova in [15], where analogs of inequalities (0.8) and (0.9) were proved.
A different approach to operator error estimates in homogenization theory was suggested by Zhikov and Pastukhova. In [16]–[18], estimates of the form (0.3), (0.4) were obtained for the acoustics operator and the operator of elasticity theory. The method, called by the authors the “modified first approximation method” or the “shift method”, was based on analysis of the first-order approximation to the solution and introduction of an additional parameter into the problem. In [17], [18], in addition to the problems in $\mathbb{R}^d$, homogenization problems in a bounded domain $\mathcal{O}\subset \mathbb{R}^d$ with the Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions were studied. The shift method was applied to parabolic equations in [19]. Further results of Zhikov, Pastukhova and their pupils are reflected in the survey [20].
In the presence of lower order terms, the homogenization problem for the operator (0.5) in $\mathbb{R}^d$ was studied by Borisov [21]. An expression for the effective operator $\mathcal{B}^0$ was found, and error estimates of the form (0.6), (0.7) were obtained. Moreover, it was assumed that the coefficients of the operator depend not only on the fast variable, but also on the slow variable. However, in [21], the coefficients of $\mathcal{B}_\varepsilon$ were assumed to be sufficiently smooth. We also mention the paper [22] by Senik, where the non-selfadjoint second-order strongly elliptic operator (involving lower order terms) on an infinite cylinder was studied. The coefficients are periodic along the cylinder and oscillate rapidly; estimates of the form (0.6), (0.7) are obtained.
Operator error estimates for second-order elliptic equations (without lower order terms) in a bounded domain under Dirichlet or Neumann conditions were studied by many authors. Apparently, the first result is due to Moskow and Vogelius who obtained an estimate (see Corollary 2.2 in [23]), that can be written in operator terms:
Here, the operator $A_{D,\varepsilon}$ acts in $L_2(\mathcal{O})$, where $\mathcal{O}\subset \mathbb{R}^2$, and is given by the expression $-\operatorname{div} g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})\nabla$ with the Dirichlet condition on $\partial\mathcal{O}$, and the matrix-valued function $g(\mathbf{x})$ is assumed to be infinitely smooth. In the case of the Neumann condition, a similar estimate was obtained in [24], Corollary 1. Also, in [24], an approximation was found with corrector for the inverse operator in the norm of operators acting from $L_2(\mathcal{O})$ to the Sobolev space $H^1(\mathcal{O})$, with error estimate of order $O(\sqrt{\varepsilon}\,)$. The order of this estimate is worse than in $\mathbb{R}^d$ because of the boundary influence.
For arbitrary dimension, elliptic problems in a bounded domain with sufficiently smooth boundary were studied in [17] and [18]. The smoothness of the coefficients was not assumed. For the acoustics and elasticity operators with the Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions, approximation of the resolvent in the $(L_2\to H^1)$-norm with the corrector taken into account and with error of order $O(\sqrt{\varepsilon}\,)$ was obtained. As a consequence, estimate of the form (0.10), but with error of order $O(\sqrt{\varepsilon}\,)$ was deduced. Close results for the operator $-\operatorname{div} g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})\nabla$ in a bounded domain $\mathcal{O}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ with the Dirichlet or Neumann conditions on $\partial\mathcal{O}$ were obtained by Griso [25], [26] with the help of the “unfolding” method. In [26], for the same operator, the order-sharp estimate (0.10) was obtained for the first time. For elliptic systems, similar results were independently obtained in [27]–[29]. Further advancements and a detailed survey can be found in [5], [6].
Operator error estimates for the second-order matrix elliptic operator (with lower order terms) in a bounded domain with the Dirichlet or Neumann conditions were found by Xu [30]–[32]. However, in those papers a rather restrictive condition of uniform ellipticity was imposed. Below in § 0.3 we will compare our results with those from [32].
We also mention the book [33] by Shen, the paper [34] and the references therein.
Up to now, we have discussed the results on approximations for the resolvent at a fixed regular point. Approximation for the resolvent $(A_\varepsilon -\zeta I)^{-1}$ of the operator (0.2) with error estimates depending on $\varepsilon$ and the spectral parameter $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$ was obtained by Suslina [6]. In that paper, the operators $A_{D,\varepsilon}$ and $A_{N,\varepsilon}$ of the form (0.2) were also studied. Approximations for the resolvents of these operators with two-parametric error estimates (with respect to $\varepsilon$ and $\zeta$) were obtained.
Investigation of the two-parametric error estimates was stimulated by the study of homogenization of parabolic systems. Approximations for the exponential of the operators $A_{D,\varepsilon}$ and $A_{N,\varepsilon}$ were obtained by Meshkova and Suslina [35]:
where $\gamma \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a positively oriented contour enclosing the spectrum of $A_{\flat,\varepsilon}$. This identity allows us to deduce approximations of the operator exponential $e^{-A_{\flat,\varepsilon}t}$ from the corresponding approximations of the resolvent $(A_{\flat,\varepsilon}-\zeta I)^{-1}$ with two-parametric error estimates (with respect to $\varepsilon$ and $\zeta$).
The operator with coefficients periodic in spacial variables and in time was studied by Geng and Shen [36]. In [36], operator error estimates for the equation
in a cylinder $\mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$ with the Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions were obtained; here, $\mathcal{O}$ is a bounded domain of class $C^{1,1}$.
The present paper relies on the following two-parametric estimates for the operator $B_\varepsilon$ obtained in [37]:
Here, $\phi =\operatorname{arg}\zeta\in (0,2\pi)$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$. The dependence of the constants in estimates on $\phi$ is traced. Estimates (0.11) and (0.12) are uniform with respect to $\phi$ in any domain of the form
with arbitrarily small $\phi_0 >0$. In [37], error estimates in the case $|\zeta|<1$, $\phi \in (0,2\pi)$, were also obtained.
Note that in recent years, operator error estimates in various homogenization problems for differential operators have been extensively studied, and many meaningful results were obtained. A fairly detailed survey of the current state of this area can be found in the introduction to [38].
0.3. Main results
In this paper, we study homogenization of elliptic and parabolic problems in a bounded domain under the Neumann condition for a strongly elliptic second-order operator of the form (0.1) (with inclusion of the lower order terms). As already noted, such problems were previously investigated in [5], [6], [35] for the operator $A_{N,\varepsilon}$ (without lower order terms).
Before we formulate the results, it is convenient to turn to the positive definite operator $B_{N,\varepsilon}=\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}+\lambda Q_0^\varepsilon$ and choose an appropriate constant $\lambda$. Let $B_N^0$ be the corresponding effective operator.
for $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, and sufficiently small $\varepsilon$. The constants $C(\phi)$ are controlled explicitly in terms of the problem data and the angle $\phi$. Estimates (0.14) and (0.15) are uniform with respect to $\phi$ in any domain (0.13) with arbitrarily small $\phi_0 >0$.
For fixed $\zeta$, estimate (0.14) has sharp order $O(\varepsilon)$. The order of estimate (0.15) is worse than in $\mathbb{R}^d$ (cf. (0.7)) because of the boundary influence.
In the general case, the corrector in (0.15) contains a smoothing operator. We distinguish the cases where a simpler corrector can be used. In addition to estimates for the generalized resolvent, we also find approximation in the $(L_2\to L_2)$-norm for the operator $g^\varepsilon b(\mathbf{D})(B_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon )^{-1}$ corresponding to the flux. We show that in a strictly interior subdomain $\mathcal{O}'$ of $\mathcal{O}$ it is possible to obtain an approximation of the operator $(B_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon )^{-1}$ in the $(L_2(\mathcal{O}) \to H^1(\mathcal{O}'))$-norm with an error estimate of sharp order $O(\varepsilon)$.
We also find approximations for the operator $(B_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon)^{-1}$ valid in a larger domain of the spectral parameter $\zeta$; the corresponding error estimates have a different behaviour with respect to $\zeta$ (see § 9 for details).
Two-parametric estimates (0.14) and (0.15) are applied to study the behaviour of the solution of the initial boundary value problem for a parabolic equation
under the natural condition (the Neumann condition) on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times \mathbb{R}_+$. Here, $\boldsymbol{\varphi}\in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. The solution is understood in the generalized sense as a solution from the “energy” class (cf. Chap. 3 in [39]).
We show that, as $\varepsilon\to 0$, the solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon (\,{\cdot}\,,t)$ converges in $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to the solution $\mathbf{u}_0(\,{\cdot}\,,t)$ of the effective problem
for sufficiently small $\varepsilon$. For fixed time $t>0$, this estimate has sharp order $O(\varepsilon)$. Our second result for problem (0.16) is an approximation of the solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon (\,{\cdot}\,,t)$ in the energy norm:
Here, $\mathbf{v}_\varepsilon (\,{\cdot}\,,t)=\mathbf{u}_0(\,{\cdot}\,,t)+\varepsilon \mathcal{K}_N(t;\varepsilon )\boldsymbol{\varphi}(\,{\cdot}\,)$ is the first-order approximation of the solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon (\,{\cdot}\,,t)$ and the operator $\mathcal{K}_N(t;\varepsilon)$ is a corrector. For fixed $t$, estimate (0.18) is of the order $O(\varepsilon^{1/2})$ because of the boundary influence.
In general, the corrector contains the smoothing operator. We will distinguish conditions under which it is possible to use a simpler corrector without the smoothing operator. Along with estimate (0.18), we will find an approximation of the flux $g^\varepsilon b(\mathbf{D})\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon (\,{\cdot}\,,t)$ in the $L_2$-norm. In a strictly interior subdomain $\mathcal{O}'\subset \mathcal{O}$, we obtain an approximation of the solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\,{\cdot}\,,t)$ in the norm on $H^1(\mathcal{O}'; \mathbb{C}^n)$ with error estimate of sharp order $O(\varepsilon)$.
Estimates (0.17) and (0.18) can be rewritten in the uniform operator topology. In the simpler case, when $Q_0(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{1}_n$, the results are as follows:
Similar results for the operator $B_{D,\varepsilon}$ with the Dirichlet condition were obtained by Meshkova and Suslina; the paper [40] (see also [41]) was devoted to the elliptic Dirichlet problem, and [42], to the first initial boundary value problem for a parabolic equation.
Note that the two-parametric error estimates for elliptic problems have already been applied to obtain operator error estimates not only for parabolic, but also for hyperbolic problems (see [43]).
Let us compare our results for elliptic problems with the results of a close paper [32]. Let us list our advantages. First, we study a strongly elliptic operator of the form (0.1), and in [32] (as well as in [27], [30], [31]) a very restrictive condition of uniform ellipticity was imposed on the operator. Second, we include in consideration the lower order terms with unbounded coefficients (from appropriate $L_p(\Omega)$-classes), while in [32] the coefficients of the lower order terms were assumed to be bounded. Third, we get two-parametric error estimates (with respect to $\varepsilon$ and $\zeta$), while in [32] the estimates were one-parametric (in $\varepsilon$). On the other hand, in [32] some results were obtained in Lipschitz domains and non-selfadjoint operators (with selfadjoint principal part) were allowed.
0.4. Method
The proofs of estimates (0.14), (0.15) rely on the method developed in [5], [6]. It is based on consideration of the associated problem in $\mathbb{R}^d$, using estimates (0.11), (0.12) (obtained in [37]), an introduction of the boundary layer correction term, and a careful analysis of this term. A significant technical role is played by the Steklov smoothing (borrowed from [18]) and estimates in the $\varepsilon$-vicinity of the boundary. We trace the dependence of estimates on the spectral parameter carefully. Additional technical difficulties (as compared with [6]) are related to the presence of the lower order terms with unbounded coefficients. First, the case of $\operatorname{Re}\zeta \leqslant 0$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, is considered. We prove estimate (0.15) and then estimate (0.14), using inequality (0.15) and the duality arguments. Next, we transfer the already proved estimates from the point $\zeta$ in the left half-plane to the symmetric point in the right half-plane, using suitable identities for the resolvents.
Approximations in a larger domain of the parameter $\zeta$ are deduced from the already proved estimates at the point $\zeta =-1$ and appropriate resolvent identities.
0.5. Plan of the paper
The paper consists of eleven sections. In § 1, we introduce the class of operators $B_\varepsilon$ acting in $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ and formulate the results about homogenization of the generalized resolvent $(B_\varepsilon -\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon)^{-1}$ obtained in [37]. In § 2, the class of operators $B_{N,\varepsilon}$ is described and the effective operator $B_N^0$ is defined. In § 3 we formulate the main results of the paper, introduce the boundary layer correction term, and obtain a theorem on approximation of the solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon = (B_{N,\varepsilon} -\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon)^{-1} \mathbf{F}$ with this correction term taken into account. Section 4 contains the auxiliary material. In § 5, we estimate the correction term in the $H^1$-norm and find approximation (0.15) for the generalized resolvent in the $(L_2 \to H^1)$-norm in the case where $\operatorname{Re}\zeta \leqslant 0$. In § 6, we estimate the correction term in the $L_2$-norm and find approximation for the generalized resolvent in the $(L_2\to L_2)$-norm with estimate (0.14) in the case where $\operatorname{Re}\zeta \leqslant 0$. In § 7, the results are transferred to the point $\zeta$ in the right half-plane; the proof of the main results for the generalized resolvent is completed. In § 8, we distinguish conditions under which the smoothing operator in the corrector can be removed; special cases are considered; estimates in a strictly interior subdomain are obtained. Estimates valid in a wider domain of the spectral parameter are obtained in § 9. Section 10 is devoted to homogenization of the solutions of the second initial boundary value problem for a parabolic equation. An example of applications of the general results is considered in § 11.
0.6. Notation
Let $\mathfrak{H}$ and $\mathfrak{H}_*$ be complex separable Hilbert spaces. The symbols $(\,{\cdot}\,,{\cdot}\,)_\mathfrak{H}$ and $\|\,{\cdot}\,\|_\mathfrak{H}$ stand for the inner product and the norm in $\mathfrak{H}$; the symbol $\|\,{\cdot}\,\|_{\mathfrak{H}\to\mathfrak{H}_*}$ denotes the norm of a linear continuous operator acting from $\mathfrak{H}$ to $\mathfrak{H}_*$.
The symbols $\langle \,{\cdot}\,,{\cdot}\,\rangle$ and $|\,{\cdot}\,|$ stand for the inner product and the norm in $\mathbb{C}^n$, respectively; $\mathbf{1}_n$ is the unit $(n\times n)$-matrix. For an $(m\times n)$-matrix $a$, the symbol $|a|$ denotes the norm of $a$ viewed as a linear operator from $\mathbb{C}^n$ to $\mathbb{C}^m$. For $z\in\mathbb{C}$, we denote by $z^*$ the complex conjugate number. (This non-standard notation is employed because we write $\overline{g}$ for the mean value of a periodic function $g$.) We use the notation $\mathbf{x}=(x_1,\dots, x_d)\in\mathbb{R}^d$, $iD_j=\partial_j =\partial /\partial x_j$, $j=1,\dots,d$, $\mathbf{D}=-i\nabla=(D_1,\dots,D_d)$. The $L_p$-classes of $\mathbb{C}^n$-valued functions in a domain $\mathcal{O}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ are denoted by $L_p(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, $1\leqslant p\leqslant \infty$. The Sobolev spaces of $\mathbb{C}^n$-valued functions in a domain $\mathcal{O}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ are denoted by $H^s(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Next, $H^1_0(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ is the closure of $C_0^\infty(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ in $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. If $n=1$, we write simply $L_p(\mathcal{O})$, $H^s(\mathcal{O})$, etc., but sometimes we use this short notation also for spaces of vector-valued or matrix-valued functions.
We denote $\mathbb{R}_+=[0,\infty)$. Different constants in estimates are denoted by $c$, $\mathfrak{c}$, $C$, $\mathcal{C}$, $\mathfrak{C}$, $\mathrm C$, $\beta$, $\gamma$ (possibly, with indices and marks).
§ 1. Homogenization problem for elliptic operator acting in $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$
In this section, we formulate the results about homogenization of elliptic systems in $\mathbb{R}^d$ obtained in [37].
1.1. Lattices in $\mathbb{R}^d$
Let $\Gamma \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ be a lattice generated by a basis $\mathbf{a}_1,\dots,\mathbf{a}_d \in \mathbb{R}^d$:
Let $|\Omega| $ be the volume of $\Omega$. The basis $\mathbf{b}_1,\dots,\mathbf{b}_d$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ dual to the basis $\mathbf{a}_1,\dots,\mathbf{a}_d$ is defined by the relations $\langle \mathbf{b}_i,\mathbf{a}_j \rangle =2\pi \delta_{ij}$. This basis generates the lattice $\widetilde{\Gamma}$ dual to $\Gamma$. Denote
By $\widetilde{H}^1(\Omega)$ we denote the subspace of all functions in $H^1(\Omega)$ whose $\Gamma$-periodic extension to $\mathbb{R}^d$ belongs to $H^1_{\mathrm{loc}}(\mathbb{R}^d)$. If $f (\mathbf{x})$ is a $\Gamma$-periodic matrix-valued function in $\mathbb{R}^d$, we put $f^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x}):=f (\mathbf{x}/\varepsilon)$, $\varepsilon >0$;
Here, in the definition of $\overline{f}$ it is assumed that $f\,{\in}\, L_{1,\mathrm{loc}}(\mathbb{R}^d)$, and in the definition of $\underline{f}$ it is assumed that the matrix $f$ is square and non-degenerate, and $f^{-1}\in L_{1,\mathrm{loc}}(\mathbb{R}^d)$. By $[f^\varepsilon ]$ we denote the operator of multiplication by the matrix-valued function $f^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})$.
1.2. The Steklov smoothing
The Steklov smoothing operator $S_\varepsilon^{(k)}$ acts in the space $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^k)$ (where $k\in\mathbb{N}$) and is given by
We shall omit the index $(k)$ in the notation and write simply $S_\varepsilon$. Obviously, $S_\varepsilon \mathbf{D}^\alpha \mathbf{u}=\mathbf{D}^\alpha S_\varepsilon \mathbf{u}$ for $\mathbf{u}\in H^s(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^k)$ and any multiindex $\alpha$ such that $|\alpha| \leqslant s$. Note that
Proposition 1.2. Let $f$ be a $\Gamma$-periodic function in $\mathbb{R}^d$ such that $f\in L_2(\Omega)$. Then the operator $[f^\varepsilon ]S_\varepsilon $ is continuous in $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d)$, and
In $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$, we consider the operator $A_\varepsilon$ formally given by the differential expression $A_\varepsilon {=}\,b(\mathbf{D})^*g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})b(\mathbf{D})$. Here, $g(\mathbf{x})$ is a $\Gamma$-periodic Hermitian $(m\times m)$-matrix-valued function (in general, with complex entries). It is assumed that $g(\mathbf{x})>0$ and $g,g^{-1}\in L_\infty (\mathbb{R}^d)$. The differential operator $b(\mathbf{D})$ is given by
where $b_j$, $j=1,\dots,d$, are constant matrices of size $m\times n$ (in general, with complex entries). It is assumed that $m\geqslant n$ and the symbol $b(\boldsymbol{\xi})=\sum_{j=1}^d b_j\xi_j$ of the operator $b(\mathbf{D})$ has maximal rank:
We will study a selfadjoint operator $B_\varepsilon$ whose principal part coincides with $A_\varepsilon$. To define the lower order terms, we will introduce $\Gamma$-periodic $(n\times n)$-matrix-valued functions $a_j$, $j=1,\dots,d$, (in general, with complex entries) such that
Let us check that the form $\mathfrak{b}_\varepsilon$ is closed. By the Hölder inequality and the Sobolev embedding theorem, it is easily seen (see [10], (5.11)–(5.14)) that, for any $\nu>0$, there exist constants $C_j(\nu)>0$ such that
If $\nu$ is fixed, then $C(\nu)$ depends only on $d$, $\rho$, $\alpha_0$, the norms $\|g^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$, $\|a_j\|_{L_\rho (\Omega)}$, $j=1,\dots,d$, and the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$.
So, the form $\mathfrak{b}_\varepsilon$ is closed and non-negative. The selfadjoint operator in $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ corresponding to this form is denoted by $B_\varepsilon$. Formally, we have
The effective operator for $A_\varepsilon$ is given by $A^0=b(\mathbf{D})^*g^0b(\mathbf{D})$. Here, $g^0$ is a constant effective $(m\times m)$-matrix defined in terms of the solution of an auxiliary cell problem. Suppose that a $\Gamma$-periodic $(n\times m)$-matrix-valued function $\Lambda (\mathbf{x})$ is the (weak) solution of the problem
The effective matrix satisfies estimates (1.26) known in homogenization theory as the Voigt–Reuss bracketing (see, for example, [7], Chap. 3, Theorem 1.5).
Proposition 1.3. Let $g^0$ be the effective matrix (1.21). Then
where $\mathbf{l}_k(\mathbf{x})$, $k=1,\dots,m$, are the columns of the matrix $g(\mathbf{x})^{-1}$.
1.6. The effective operator
To describe how the lower order terms of $B_\varepsilon$ are homogenized, consider a $\Gamma$-periodic $(n\times n)$-matrix-valued function $\widetilde{\Lambda}(\mathbf{x})$ which is the solution of the problem
Here, the constant $c_*$ is given by (1.18). The constant $C_L$ depends only on the initial data (1.12). This implies the following estimates for the quadratic form $\mathfrak{b}^0$ of the operator (1.37):
1.7. The results about approximation of the generalized resolvent
In this subsection, we formulate the results proved in [37], Theorems 5.1, 5.2, and 5.4.
Theorem 1.6 (see [37]). Suppose that the assumptions of §§ 1.3–1.6 are satisfied. Let $\zeta \in\mathbb{C}\setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $\zeta =|\zeta| e^{i\phi}$, $\phi \in (0,2\pi)$, and $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. We also set
which is a bounded operator acting from $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$. This can be easily checked by using Proposition 1.2 and since $\Lambda,\widetilde{\Lambda}\in \widetilde{H}^1(\Omega)$. Note that $\|\varepsilon K(\varepsilon;\zeta)\|_{L_2 \to H^1}=O(1)$ for small $\varepsilon$ and fixed $\zeta$.
By Proposition 1.2 and since $\widetilde{g}, g (b(\mathbf{D})\widetilde{\Lambda}) \in L_2(\Omega)$, the operator (1.42) is bounded from $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^m)$, and $\| G(\varepsilon;\zeta)\|_{L_2\to L_2}=O(1)$.
Theorem 1.7 (see [37]). Under the hypotheses of Theorem 1.6, let $K(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ and $G(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ be the operators defined by (1.41) and (1.42), respectively. Then, for $0<\varepsilon \leqslant 1$ and $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$,
Note that condition (2.1) is more restrictive than condition (1.4). The following assertion was obtained in the book [44] (see Theorem 7.8 in § 3.7; in this assertion, it suffices to assume that the boundary $\partial \mathcal{O}$ is Lipschitz).
Proposition 2.2 (see [44]). Let $\mathcal{O}\subset \mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary. Condition 2.1 is necessary and sufficient for the existence of constants $k_1>0$, $k_2 \geqslant 0$ such that the Gärding inequality holds:
Remark 2.3. The constants $k_1$, $k_2$ depend on the matrix $b(\boldsymbol{\xi})$ and on the domain $\mathcal{O}$, but in the general case it is difficult to control them explicitly. However, they can often be found for specific operators. Therefore, in what follows we will refer to the dependence of other constants on $k_1$ and $k_2$.
2.2. The operator $A_{N,\varepsilon}$
Let $\mathcal{O}\,{\subset}\, \mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded domain of class $C^{1,1}$. In $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, we consider the operator $A_{N,\varepsilon}$ formally given by the differential expressiion $b(\mathbf{D})^* g^\varepsilon(\mathbf{x}) b(\mathbf{D})$ with the Neumann boundary condition. Let us give the precise definition: $A_{N,\varepsilon}$ is a selfadjoint operator in $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ generated by the quadratic form
By (2.3)–(2.5), the form $\mathfrak{a}_{N,\varepsilon }$ is closed and non-negative.
2.3. The operator $B_{N,\varepsilon}$
Let $0< \varepsilon \leqslant 1$. Now, we consider a more general operator $B_{N,\varepsilon}$ adding lower order terms to $A_{N,\varepsilon}$. Formally, the operator $B_{N,\varepsilon}$ is given by the differential expression
with the Neumann boundary condition. The coefficients $g$, $a_j$, $Q$, $Q_0$ satisfy the assumptions of §§ 1.3, 1.4; the operator $b(\mathbf{D})$ of the form (1.3) is subject to Condition 2.1; the constant $\lambda >0$ will be fixed below. The precise definition of the operator $B_{N,\varepsilon}$ is given in terms of the quadratic form
Here, $\rho$ is as in condition (1.9), $q=\infty$ for $d=1$, $q=2\rho/(\rho -2)$ for $d\geqslant 2$. Let us cover the domain $\mathcal{O}$ by the union of the cells of the lattice $\varepsilon\Gamma$ that have a non-empty intersection with $\mathcal{O}$. By $N_\varepsilon$ we denote the number of the cells in this covering. Clearly, this union of cells is contained in the domain $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}$, which is the $2r_1$-neighbourhood of $\mathcal{O}$, where $2r_1=\operatorname{diam}\Omega$. Therefore, we can estimate $N_\varepsilon$ from above: $N_\varepsilon\leqslant \mathfrak{c}_1\varepsilon^{-d}$, where $\mathfrak{c}_1$ depends only on the domain $\mathcal{O}$ and the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$. We have
By the compactness of the embedding $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)\hookrightarrow L_q(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, for any $\mu >0$ there exists a constant $\check{\mathcal{C}}(\mu)>0$ such that
For a fixed $\mu$, $\check{\mathcal{C}}(\mu)$ depends only on $d$, $\rho$, and the domain $\mathcal{O}$. From (2.7), (2.10), and (2.11) it follows that, for any $\nu>0$, there exists a constant $\mathcal{C}(\nu)$ such that
For a fixed $\nu$, $\mathcal{C}(\nu)$ depends only on $d$, $\rho$, $\|a_j\|_{L_\rho(\Omega)}$, $j=1,\dots,d$, the domain $\mathcal{O}$, and the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$.
Similarly, using condition (1.10) and the Hölder inequality, we obtain
where $\check{q} = \infty$ for $d=1$, $\check{q}= 2s/(s-1)$ for $d\geqslant 2$. By the compactness of the embedding $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)\hookrightarrow L_{\check{q}} (\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, it follows that, for any $\nu>0$, there exists a constant $\mathcal{C}_Q(\nu)>0$ such that
For a fixed $\nu$, $\mathcal{C}_Q(\nu)$ depends only on $d$, $s$, $\|Q\|_{L_s(\Omega)}$, the domain $\mathcal{O}$, and the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$.
for any $\nu>0$. We choose $\nu$ equal to $\widehat{\nu}_0 := \frac{1}{4} k_1 \|g^{-1}\|^{-1}_{L_\infty}$ and impose the following restriction on the constant $\lambda$ in (2.6):
Inequalities (2.17) and (2.18) show that the form (2.6) is closed and positive definite. Let $B_{N,\varepsilon}$ be the selfadjoint operator in $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ generated by this form. .
We need to introduce an auxiliary operator $\widetilde{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$. We factorize the matrix $Q_0$:
2.4. Estimates for the generalized resolvent $(B_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon)^{-1}$
Our goal is to approximate the generalized resolvent $(B_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon )^{-1}$ and to prove two-parametric error estimates (with respect to $\varepsilon$ and $\zeta$). Assume that $\zeta \in \mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$. In other words, we are interested in the behaviour of the solution
To check (2.24), substituting $\boldsymbol{\eta}= \mathbf{u}_\varepsilon$ in the identity (2.22) and applying estimate (2.17) and the already proved inequality (2.23), we obtain
where $c_6 = \max \{ 2 d \alpha_1 \|g\|_{L_\infty} +1,\, C_6 \}$.
Thus, by (2.32) and (2.33), the form (2.25) is closed and positive definite. A selfadjoint operator in $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ corresponding to this form is denoted by $B_N^0$.
Now, we finally fix the value of the parameter $\lambda$:
where $\lambda_*$, $\lambda_0$, $\widehat{\lambda}$ are defined by (1.16), (2.16), and (2.31), respectively. This ensures that the operator $B_\varepsilon$ acting in $L_2(\mathbb{R}^d; \mathbb{C}^n)$ is non-negative and the operators $B_{N,\varepsilon}$ and $B_N^0$ acting in $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ are positive definite.
For the convenience of further references, we call the following set of parameters the “initial data”:
Clearly, the constant (2.34) and also the constants $c_4$, $c_5$, $c_6$ are controlled in terms of the initial data (2.35).
Since $\partial\mathcal{O}\in C^{1,1}$, the operator $(B_N^0)^{-1}$ is a continuous mapping from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. We have
Here, the constant $\widehat{c}$ depends only on the initial data (2.35). To justify this fact, we refer to the theorems on the regularity of solutions of strongly elliptic systems (see [45], Chap. 4).
Remark 2.5. Instead of the condition $\partial\mathcal{O}\in C^{1,1}$, one could impose the following implicit condition: a bounded domain $\mathcal{O}\subset \mathbb{R}^d$ with Lipschitz boundary is such that estimate (2.36) holds. The results of the paper remain valid for such domain. In the case of the scalar elliptic operators, wide sufficient conditions on $\partial \mathcal{O}$ ensuring (2.36) can be found in [46] and [47], Chap. 7 (in particular, it suffices that $\partial\mathcal{O}\in C^\alpha$, $\alpha >3/2$).
We use the following factorization: $\overline{Q_0}=f_0^{-2}$. By (2.19),
§ 3. Formulation of the results. Introduction of the boundary layer correction term
3.1. The case $\zeta \,{\in}\, \mathbb{C}\setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $| \zeta | \,{\geqslant}\, 1$
Let $(\partial\mathcal{O})_{\varepsilon} \,{:=}\,\{ \mathbf{x}\,{\in}\, \mathbb{R}^d \colon \!\operatorname{dist}\{ \mathbf{x};\partial\mathcal{O}\} \,{<}\,\varepsilon \}$. We choose the numbers $\varepsilon_0,\varepsilon_1\in (0,1]$ according to the following condition.
Condition 3.1. Let $\varepsilon_0\,{\in}\, (0,1]$ be such that the strip $(\partial\mathcal{O})_{\varepsilon_0}$ can be covered by a finite number of open sets admitting diffeomorphisms of class $C^{0,1}$ rectifying the boundary $\partial\mathcal{O}$. Denote $\varepsilon_1=\varepsilon_0 (1+r_1)^{-1}$, where $2r_1=\operatorname{diam}\Omega$.
Clearly, $\varepsilon_1$ depends only on the domain $\mathcal{O}$ and the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$. Note that Condition 3.1 would be provided only by the assumption that $\partial\mathcal{O}$ is Lipschitz. We have imposed a more restrictive condition $\partial\mathcal{O}\in C^{1,1}$ in order to ensure estimate (2.36).
Let us formulate the main results of the paper.
Theorem 3.2. Suppose that $\mathcal{O}\subset \mathbb{R}^d$ is a bounded domain of class $C^{1,1}$. Let $\zeta =| \zeta | e^{i\phi}\in \mathbb{C}\setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. Let $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon=(B_{N,\varepsilon} -\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon)^{-1}\mathbf{F}$ and $\mathbf{u}_0=(B_N^0-\zeta \overline{Q_0}\,)^{-1}\mathbf{F}$, where $\mathbf{F} \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Suppose that $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
In order to approximate the solution in the Sobolev space $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, we introduce a corrector. For this, we fix a linear continuous extension operator
where the constant $C_{\mathcal O}^{(l)}$ depends only on $l$ and the domain ${\mathcal O}$. By $R_\mathcal{O}$ we denote the operator of restriction of functions in $\mathbb{R}^d$ to the domain $\mathcal{O}$. We put
Lemma 3.3. Suppose that the operators $K_N(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ and $G_N(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ are given by (3.5), (3.6), respectively. Then $K_N(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $G_N(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^m)$. For $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, and $0< \varepsilon \leqslant 1$,
Together with (2.40), (2.41), and the restriction $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, this implies estimate (3.7) with the constant $C_K'= M_1 \alpha_1^{1/2} C_\mathcal{O}^{(1)} \mathcal{C}_1 + \widetilde{M}_1 C_\mathcal{O}^{(0)} \|Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$.
where $C_G' = 2 \|g\|_{L_\infty} \alpha_1^{1/2} C_\mathcal{O}^{(1)}$ and $C_G'' = |\Omega|^{-1/2} \alpha_0^{-1/2} C_a \|g\|^{1/2}_{L_\infty} \|g^{-1}\|^{1/2}_{L_\infty} C_\mathcal{O}^{(0)}$. Combining this with (2.40) and (2.41), we obtain estimate (3.9) with the constant $C_G = C_G' \mathcal{C}_1 + C_G'' \|Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$. This completes the proof.
Let $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_0=P_\mathcal{O}\mathbf{u}_0$ and let $\mathbf{v}_\varepsilon$ be the first-order approximation of the solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon$:
In other words, $\mathbf{v}_\varepsilon = (B_N^0-\zeta \overline{Q_0}\,)^{-1}\mathbf{F} +\varepsilon K_N(\varepsilon;\zeta )\mathbf{F}$, where $K_N(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ is the operator (3.5).
Theorem 3.4. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.2, let the matrix-valued functions $\Lambda (\mathbf{x})$ and $\widetilde{\Lambda}(\mathbf{x})$ be $\Gamma$-periodic solutions of problems (1.20) and (1.30), respectively. Let $S_\varepsilon $ be the Steklov smoothing operator (1.1), and let $P_\mathcal{O}$ be the extension operator (3.3). Suppose that $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_0=P_\mathcal{O}\mathbf{u}_0$ and $\mathbf{v}_\varepsilon$ is the function defined by (3.11), (3.12). Then, for $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, and $0<\varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
where the operator $K_N(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ is given by (3.5). Let $\widetilde{g}(\mathbf{x})$ be the matrix-valued function defined by (1.22). The flux $\mathbf{p}_\varepsilon:=g^\varepsilon b(\mathbf{D})\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon$ for $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, and $0<\varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$ satisfies the estimate
Here, $G_N(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ is the operator defined by (3.6). The constants $\mathcal{C}_4$, $\mathcal{C}_5$, $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_4$, and $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_5$ depend only on the initial data (2.35).
Corollary 3.5. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.4, for $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, and $0<\varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, we have
where $B^0$ is the operator (1.37). Then $\widetilde{\mathbf{F}}\in L_2(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $\widetilde{\mathbf{F}}|_{\mathcal{O}}=\mathbf{F}$. By the upper estimate (1.39), (3.18), and (3.20),
that is, $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_\varepsilon =(B_\varepsilon -\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon)^{-1}\widetilde{\mathbf{F}}$. Combining (3.21)–(3.23) and applying Theorems 1.6 and 1.7, for $0<\varepsilon \leqslant 1$ and $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $| \zeta | \geqslant 1$, we obtain
It is easily seen that the functional (3.30) is antilinear and continuous in the space $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. The continuity of the first term follows from Proposition 1.2 and the relations $\widetilde{g}, g(b(\mathbf{D}) \widetilde{\Lambda}) \in L_2(\Omega)$. Next, using (2.10) and the continuous embedding $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)\hookrightarrow L_q(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ (with the embedding constant $C(q;\mathcal{O})$), we obtain
where $C_{11}= \mathfrak{c}_1^{1 / \rho} C(q;\mathcal{O}) \bigl( \sum_{j=1}^d \|a_j\|^2_{L_\rho(\Omega)} \bigr)^{1/2}$. It follows that the second term in (3.30) is continuous in $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Similarly, using (2.13) and the continuity of the embedding $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)\hookrightarrow L_{\check{q}} (\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ (with the embedding constant $C(\check{q};\mathcal{O})$), we obtain
where $C_{12}= \mathfrak{c}_1^{1/2s} C(\check{q};\mathcal{O}) \| Q\|^{1/2}_{L_s(\Omega)}$. Therefore, the third term in (3.30) is continuous in $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Obviously, the last two terms are continuous.
It is checked in a standard way that the solution $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ of problem (3.29) exists and is unique. The correction term $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ of such type is often called a “boundary layer correction term”.
Lemma 3.6. Suppose that $\zeta \in \mathbb{C} \setminus \mathbb{R}_+$ and $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. Let $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon=(B_{N,\varepsilon} -\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon)^{-1}\mathbf{F}$, where $\mathbf{F} \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Let $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_\varepsilon$ be defined as in § 3.2. Suppose that $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon \in H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ satisfies identity (3.29). Then
The constants $\mathcal{C}_6$ and $\mathcal{C}_7$ depend only on the initial data (2.35).
Proof. We set $\mathbf{V}_\varepsilon :=\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon -\widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_\varepsilon+\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$. In view of (2.22), (3.12), and (3.29), the function $\mathbf{V}_\varepsilon\in H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ satisfies the identity
If $\operatorname{Re}\zeta <0$, we take the real part in the identity (3.35) with $\boldsymbol{\eta}=\mathbf{V}_\varepsilon$. Note that $c(\phi)=1$ for such $\zeta$. Taking (3.36) into account, we obtain
Combining this with (2.17) and (3.40), we obtain the required estimate (3.33) with the constant $\mathcal{C}_6^2= 81 C_{13}^2 c_4^{-2} + 18 C_{13}^2 c_4^{-1}\| Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$. Relations (3.33) and (3.40) imply inequality (3.34) with the constant $\mathcal{C}_7^2= 4 C_{13} \mathcal{C}_6 \| Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}+ 4 C_{13}^2 \| Q_0^{-1}\|^2_{L_\infty}$. This completes the proof.
Lemma 3.6 and estimate (3.28) imply the following theorem, which shows that, taking the correction term $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ into account, we can approximate the solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon$ by the function $\mathbf{v}_\varepsilon - \mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ in the norm on $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ with error of sharp order $O(\varepsilon)$.
Theorem 3.7. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.4, let $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon{\kern1pt}{\in}{\kern1pt}H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ satisfy identity (3.29). Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant 1$ and $\zeta \in \mathbb{C}\setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $| \zeta | \geqslant 1$,
The constant $\mathcal{C}_8$ depends only on the initial data (2.35).
The rest of the proof of Theorems 3.2 and 3.4 is as follows. We will first prove estimate (3.14) for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$. Then we will check (3.2) also for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$, using the already proved estimate (3.14) and the duality arguments. After that, we will complete the proofs of the theorems, relying on suitable identities for the resolvents that allow us to transfer the already proved estimates from the point $\zeta$ in the left half-plane to the symmetric point in the right half-plane. (Such technique was previously used in [40], § 10.)
Hence, in order to prove estimate (3.14) (for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$), it suffices to obtain an appropriate estimate for the norm of $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ in $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$.
where $\mathcal{C}_9= \mathcal{C}_7+ C_1 C_{10}$. So, the proof of Theorem 3.2 (for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$) is reduced to estimation of $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ in $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$.
§ 4. Auxiliary results
4.1. Estimates in the neighbourhood of the boundary
In this subsection, we give auxiliary results related to estimates of integrals over the narrow neighbourhood of the boundary.
Lemma 4.1. Let Condition 3.1 be met. We set $\Upsilon_\varepsilon =(\partial\mathcal{O})_\varepsilon\cap \mathcal{O}$. Then, for any function $u\in H^1(\mathcal{O})$,
The constant $\beta$ depends only on the domain $\mathcal{O}$.
Lemma 4.2. Let Condition 3.1 be met. Next, let $f(\mathbf{x})$ be a $\Gamma$-periodic function in $\mathbb{R}^d$ such that $f\in L_2(\Omega)$, and let $S_\varepsilon$ be the operator (1.1). Denote $\beta_*=\beta (1+r_1)$, where $2r_1=\operatorname{diam}\Omega$. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$ and any function $\mathbf{u}\in H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^k)$,
Lemma 4.2 is similar to Lemma 2.6 from [18]. Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 were established in [28], § 5, under the assumption $\partial \mathcal{O} \in C^1$, but the proofs can be transferred to the case of Condition 3.1.
4.2. Traditional lemma of homogenization theory
We need the following version of the traditional lemma of homogenization theory (see, for example, [4], Chap. 1, § 1); the proof of this version of the lemma can be found in Lemma 3.1 of [5].
Lemma 4.3. Let $f_l(\mathbf{x})$, $l=1,\dots,d,$ be $\Gamma$-periodic $(n \times m)$-matrix-valued functions in $\mathbb{R}^d$ such that
where the last equation is understood in the sense of distributions. Then there exist $\Gamma$-periodic $(n \times m)$-matrix-valued functions $M_{lj}(\mathbf{x})$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$, $l,j=1,\dots,d$, such that
Let us assume that $0 < \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_0$. Let us fix a cut-off function $\theta_\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ such that
The constant $\kappa$ depends only on $d$ and the domain $\mathcal{O}$.
Lemma 4.4. Let $p(\mathbf{x})$, $a(\mathbf{x})$ be $\Gamma$-periodic $(n\times n)$-matrix-valued functions in $\mathbb{R}^d$ such that $p \in L_2(\Omega)$ and $a \in L_\rho(\Omega)$, where $\rho=2$ for $d=1$, $\rho >d$ for $d\geqslant 2.$ Let $h(\mathbf{x}) := a(\mathbf{x}) p(\mathbf{x})$ and $\overline{h}=|\Omega|^{-1} \int_\Omega h(\mathbf{x})\,d\mathbf{x}$. Let $S_\varepsilon$ be the operator (1.1). Let $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}} \in H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $\boldsymbol{\eta} \in H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Denote
Here, $C''$ depends only on the domain $\mathcal{O}$ and the lattice $\Gamma$, and $C'$ depends on the same parameters and on $\rho$.
$2^\circ$. Under the additional assumption that $a(\mathbf{x})=1$ (that is, $h=p \in L_2(\Omega)$), for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, we have
which follows from the Hölder inequality and embedding theorems, and the Poincaré inequality $\| \Phi \|_{L_2(\Omega)} \leqslant (2 r_0)^{-1} \| \nabla \Phi\|_{L_2(\Omega)}$, we obtain
where the constant $\check{C}$ depends only on $\rho$ and the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$.
We put $\varphi_j(\mathbf{x}):= \partial_j \Phi(\mathbf{x})$, $j=1,\dots,d$. Then $h(\mathbf{x}) - \overline{h} = \sum_{j=1}^d \partial_j \varphi_j(\mathbf{x})$ (this relation is understood in the sense of distributions). Hence $h^\varepsilon - \overline{h} = \varepsilon \sum_{j=1}^d \partial_j \varphi_j^\varepsilon$, and therefore,
which follows from Lemma 4.1. Combining this with (4.5) (for $a(\mathbf{x})=1$), we arrive at (4.6).
$3^\circ$. Now, let $h\in L_\infty$. Let $\mathbf{u}, \boldsymbol{\eta} \in H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. We put $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}} = P_\mathcal{O} \mathbf{u} \in H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$. Obviously,
By the already proved assertion $2^\circ$, the first term on the right satisfies estimate (4.6). The second term is estimated by Proposition 1.1 as follows:
It remains to take (3.4) into account. This completes the proof.
4.4. The properties of the matrix-valued functions $\Lambda$ and $\widetilde{\Lambda}$
The following result was proved in [28], Corollary 2.4.
Lemma 4.5. Let the $\Gamma$-periodic solution $\Lambda (\mathbf{x})$ of problem (1.20) be bounded: $\Lambda\in L_\infty$. Then, for any function $u\in H^1(\mathbb{R}^d)$ and $\varepsilon >0$,
where $C(\widehat{q};\Omega)$ is the norm of the embedding operator $H^1(\Omega)\hookrightarrow L_{\widehat{q}}(\Omega)$. Here, $\widehat{q}=\infty$ for $d=1$ and $\widehat{q}=2p(p-2)^{-1}$ for $d\geqslant 2$.
The following result was obtained in [37], Corollary 3.6.
Lemma 4.7. Suppose that the $\Gamma$-periodic solution $\widetilde{\Lambda}(\mathbf{x})$ of problem (1.30) satisfies condition (4.21). Then, for any $u\in H^2(\mathbb{R}^d)$ and $0<\varepsilon\leqslant 1$,
The constants $\widetilde{\beta}_1$ and $\widetilde{\beta}_2$ depend only on $n$, $d$, $\alpha_0$, $\alpha_1$, $\rho$, $\| g\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| g^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$, the norms $\|a_j\|_{L_\rho (\Omega)}$, $j=1,\dots,d$, and also on the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$.
§ 5. Estimate for the correction term $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ in $H^1(\mathcal{O})$ for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$
5.1. The case $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$. The estimate for the functional $\mathcal{I}_\varepsilon[\boldsymbol{\eta}]$
Note that for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$ we have $c(\phi)=1$. The following assertion can be checked similarly to Lemma 11.1 in [6].
Lemma 5.1. Let $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$ and $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. Suppose that the number $\varepsilon_1$ is chosen according to Condition 3.1. For $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$ the functional (5.2) satisfies
where $\mathfrak{C}:= 2 \alpha_1^{1/2} \| g\|_{L_\infty}$. By (1.20)–(1.22), the functions $f_l$, $l=1,\dots,d,$ satisfy the assumptions of Lemma 4.3, whence there exist $\Gamma$-periodic matrix-valued functions $M_{lj}(\mathbf{x})$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$, $l,j=1,\dots,d$, satisfying conditions (4.1)–(4.3). From (4.3) and (5.13) it follows that
By (4.2), we have $f_l^\varepsilon(\mathbf{x}) = \varepsilon \sum_{j=1}^d \partial_j M_{lj}^\varepsilon(\mathbf{x})$, $l=1,\dots,d$. Together with (5.12), this yields
which can be checked by integration by parts in view of $M_{lj} = - M_{jl}$ (here, we first assume that $\boldsymbol{\eta} \in H^2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, and then we close the result by continuity). Therefore,
where $\boldsymbol{\psi}_l(\varepsilon) := \varepsilon \sum_{j =1}^d \partial_j (\theta_\varepsilon M_{lj}^\varepsilon S_\varepsilon b(\mathbf{D}) \widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_0)$, $l=1,\dots,d$. We have
Let $\boldsymbol{\psi}_l^{(1)}(\varepsilon)$, $\boldsymbol{\psi}_l^{(2)}(\varepsilon)$, $\boldsymbol{\psi}_l^{(3)}(\varepsilon)$ the consecutive terms on the right-hand side. By (4.4), we have
where $C_{14} = (d \alpha_1)^{1/2} r_0^{-1} \mathfrak{C} C_9$. From (4.4), (5.14), and Lemma 4.2 it follows that, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
where $C_{15} = \kappa (d \beta_* \alpha_1)^{1/2} r_0^{-1} \mathfrak{C} (C_8 C_9)^{1/2}$. By Lemma 4.2 and relations (1.5), (3.19), (3.20), (4.4), and (5.13), we arrive at the estimate
where $\gamma_1^{(3)} = C_{14} d^{1/2}$ and $\gamma_2 = (C_{15}+ C_{16}) d^{1/2}$. Together with (5.8), (5.11), (5.15), and (5.18), this yields the required estimate (5.7) with the constant $\gamma_1 = \gamma_1^{(1)} + \gamma_1^{(2)} + \gamma_1^{(3)}$. This completes the proof.
Lemma 5.2. Let $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$ and $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$, and let the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfy Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, the functional (5.3) satisfies the estimate
We first estimate the term (5.25). By the Hölder inequality and since the embedding $H^1(\Omega)\hookrightarrow L_q(\Omega)$ is continuous (with the embedding constant $C(q;\Omega)$), we have
where we have applied Proposition 1.1 and (3.20). Next, from Proposition 1.1, estimates (1.36), (3.19), and the restriction $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$ it follows that
Obviously, $\check{f}_l(\mathbf{x})$ are $\Gamma$-periodic $(n \times n)$-matrix-valued functions such that $\check{f}_l \in L_2(\Omega)$ and, by equation (1.30), we have $\sum_{l=1}^d D_l \check{f}_l(\mathbf{x})=0$. Note that relations (1.20) and (1.34) imply that $V = - \overline{g (b(\mathbf{D}) \widetilde{\Lambda})}$. Therefore, $\int_\Omega \check{f}_l(\mathbf{x})\,d\mathbf{x} =0$, $l=1,\dots,d$. Thus, the assumptions of Lemma 4.3 are satisfied. By this lemma, there exist $\Gamma$-periodic $(n \times n)$-matrix-valued functions $\check{M}_{lj}(\mathbf{x})$, $l,j=1,\dots,d$, such that $\check{M}_{lj} \in \widetilde{H}^1(\Omega)$, $\int_\Omega \check{M}_{lj}(\mathbf{x})\,d\mathbf{x}=0$,
Hence $\check{f}_l^\varepsilon(\mathbf{x}) = \varepsilon \sum_{j=1}^d \partial_j \check{M}^\varepsilon_{lj}(\mathbf{x})$, $l=1,\dots,d$. Together with (5.34), this yields
where $C_{19,l} = \alpha_0^{-1/2} \alpha_1^{1/2} \|g\|^{1/2}_{L_\infty} \|g^{-1}\|^{1/2}_{L_\infty} C_a + \|a_l\|_{L_2(\Omega)}$. Combining this with (5.36), we see that
where $\gamma_3^{(3)} = d^{1/2} r_0^{-1} |\Omega|^{-1/2} C_8 \bigl(\sum_{l=1}^d C^2_{19,l}\bigr)^{1/2}$.
It remains to consider the term (5.38). Let $\theta_\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})$ be a cut-off function in $\mathbb{R}^d$ satisfying conditions (4.4). We have
which can be checked by integration by parts with the help of the equalities $\check{M}_{lj} = - \check{M}_{jl}$ (for a proof, we first assume that $\boldsymbol{\eta} \in H^2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, and then we close the result by continuity). Hence
where $\check{\boldsymbol{\psi}}_l(\varepsilon) := \varepsilon \sum_{j =1}^d \partial_j (\theta_\varepsilon \check{M}_{lj}^\varepsilon S_\varepsilon \widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_0)$, $l=1,\dots,d$. We have
Let $\check{\boldsymbol{\psi}}_l^{(1)}(\varepsilon)$, $\check{\boldsymbol{\psi}}_l^{(2)}(\varepsilon)$, $\check{\boldsymbol{\psi}}_l^{(3)}(\varepsilon)$ be the consecutive summands on the right-hand side. From (4.4) we have
To estimate $\check{\boldsymbol{\psi}}_l^{(1)}(\varepsilon)$, we apply Proposition 1.2, relations (3.19), (5.41), and take into account the restriction $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. As a result, we have
where $C_{20,l} = C_8 (2r_0)^{-1} |\Omega|^{-1/2} \bigl( \sum_{j=1}^d (C_{19,l} + C_{19,j})^2 \bigr)^{1/2}$. By (4.4) and Lemma 4.2, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, we have
where $C_{21,l} = \kappa \beta_*^{1/2} (2 r_0)^{-1} |\Omega|^{-1/2} (C_7 C_8)^{1/2}\bigl( \sum_{j=1}^d (C_{19,l} + C_{19,j})^2 \bigr)^{1/2}$. Similarly, using (4.4) and Lemma 4.2, and then (3.18), (3.19), and (5.40), we arrive at the estimate
where $\gamma_3^{(4)} = \bigl( \sum_{l=1}^d C_{20,l}^2\bigr)^{1/2}$ and $\gamma_4 = \bigl( \sum_{l=1}^d (C_{21,l} + C_{22,l})^2\bigr)^{1/2}$.
As a result, relations (5.24), (5.30), (5.33), (5.37), (5.42), and (5.47) yield the required estimate (5.23) with the constant $\gamma_3 = \gamma_3^{(1)} + \gamma_3^{(2)} + \gamma_3^{(3)} + \gamma_3^{(4)}$. This completes the proof.
Lemma 5.3. Let $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$, and let the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfy Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, the functional (5.4) satisfies the estimate
To estimate the functional (5.52), we apply Lemma 4.4($2^\circ$) with $a(\mathbf{x})=1$ and $p(\mathbf{x})= a_l(\mathbf{x})$. Recall the notation $C_a = \bigl( \sum_{l=1}^d \|a_l\|^2_{L_2(\Omega)}\bigr)^{1/2}$. We obtain
Let us now consider the term (5.53). From (1.30) and (1.34) we have $V^* = - \sum_{l=1}^d \overline{a_l (D_l \Lambda)}$. Therefore, the term (5.53) can be written as
We next apply Lemma 4.4($1^\circ$) with $a(\mathbf{x})=a_l(\mathbf{x})$ and $p(\mathbf{x})= D_l \Lambda(\mathbf{x})$. Setting $\widetilde{C}^2_a := \sum_{l=1}^d \|a_l \|_{L_\rho(\Omega)}^2$, we have
where $\gamma_5^{(4)}= 2 C' \widetilde{C}_a |\Omega|^{1/2} M_2 \alpha_1^{1/2} C_9$, $\gamma_6^{(1)}= C'' |\Omega|^{1/2} M_2 \alpha_1^{1/2} (C_8C_9)^{1/2}$.
It remains to consider the term (5.54). From (1.30) and (1.35) we have the representation $W = - \sum_{l=1}^d \overline{a_l (D_l \widetilde{\Lambda})}$. Therefore, the term (5.54) can be written as
where $\gamma_5^{(5)}= 2 |\Omega|^{1/2} C' \widetilde{C}_a \widetilde{M}_2 C_8$, $\gamma_6^{(2)}= |\Omega|^{1/2} C'' \widetilde{M}_2 (C_7C_8)^{1/2}$.
As a result, combining (5.49), (5.59), (5.62)–(5.65), we arrive at the required estimate (5.48) with the constants $\gamma_5 = \gamma_5^{(1)} +\gamma_5^{(2)} + \gamma_5^{(3)} + \gamma_5^{(4)}+ \gamma_5^{(5)}$, $\gamma_6= \gamma_6^{(1)}+ \gamma_6^{(2)}$. This completes the proof.
Lemma 5.4. Let $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$, and let the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfy Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, the functional (5.5) satisfies
where $\gamma_7^{(2)}= (C_8 C_{23} \alpha_1^{1/2} + C_7 C_{24}) C_{12}$.
Finally, to estimate the term (5.70), we apply Lemma 4.4($1^\circ$) with $a(\mathbf{x}) = |Q(\mathbf{x})|^{1/2}$, $p(\mathbf{x}) = |Q(\mathbf{x})|^{1/2}V(\mathbf{x})$ (it is assumed that $Q(\mathbf{x})= |Q(\mathbf{x})| V(\mathbf{x})$ is the polar decomposition of the matrix $Q(\mathbf{x})$) and $\rho =2s$. Now, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, where $\gamma_7^{(3)} = 2 {C}' C_8 \|Q\|^{1/2}_{L_s(\Omega)} \|Q\|^{1/2}_{L_1(\Omega)}$, $\gamma_8= {C}'' (C_7C_8)^{1/2} \|Q\|^{1/2}_{L_1(\Omega)}$.
Finally, the required estimate (5.66) with the constant $\gamma_7 = \gamma_7^{(1)}+ \gamma_7^{(2)} + \gamma_7^{(3)}$ follows from (5.67), (5.72), (5.75), and (5.76). This completes the proof.
Lemma 5.5. Let $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$, and let the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfy Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, the functional (5.6) satisfies
Together with estimates (2.40) and (2.41), this implies the required inequality (5.77) with the constants $\gamma_9 = \lambda \widetilde{C}''' \|Q_0\|_{L_\infty} (\mathcal{C}_1 + \|Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}) + \widetilde{C}'''\| Q_0\|_{L_\infty} \|Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$, $\gamma_{10} = \widetilde{C}''' \|Q_0\|_{L_\infty} \mathcal{C}_1$. This completes the proof.
Let us summarize the results. From (5.1), (5.7), (5.23), (5.48), (5.66), and (5.77) it follows that, for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, and $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
with the constants $\gamma_0' = \gamma_1 + \gamma_3 + \gamma_5 +\gamma_7 + \gamma_9$, $\gamma_0'' = \max\{\gamma_2 + \gamma_4, \gamma_6,\gamma_8\}$. We will need estimate (5.78) in the next section to prove Theorem 3.2. However, estimate (3.14) can be obtained from the following more rough estimate:
Estimate (5.79) follows from (5.78), the obvious estimates $\| \mathbf{D} \boldsymbol{\eta}\|_{L_2(\Upsilon_\varepsilon)} \leqslant \| \boldsymbol{\eta}\|_{H^1(\mathcal{O})}$, $\| (a_l^\varepsilon)^* \boldsymbol{\eta} \|_{L_2(\Upsilon_\varepsilon)} \leqslant \| (a_l^\varepsilon)^* \boldsymbol{\eta} \|_{L_2(\mathcal{O})}$, $\| |Q^\varepsilon|^{1/2} \boldsymbol{\eta}\|_{L_2(\Upsilon_\varepsilon)} \leqslant \| |Q^\varepsilon|^{1/2} \boldsymbol{\eta}\|_{L_2(\mathcal{O})}$, and (3.31), (3.32). The constant $\gamma_0 = \max\{ \gamma_0',\, \gamma_0'' (1+ C_{11} + C_{12})\}$ depends only on the problem data (2.35).
5.2. Completion of the proof of estimate (3.14) for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$
Lemma 5.6. Let $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$ and $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. Suppose that $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon \in H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ satisfies identity (3.29), and the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
The constant $\mathcal{C}_{10}$ depends only the problem data (2.35).
Proof. We substitute $\boldsymbol{\eta} = \mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ in identity (3.29) and take the imaginary part of the obtained relation. By (5.79), for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, we have
Now, taking the real part of the obtained relation and using the restriction $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$ we obtain
§ 6. Estimate for the correction term $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ in $L_2(\mathcal{O})$. Proof of Theorem 3.2 for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$
6.1. Estimate for $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon$ in $L_2(\mathcal{O})$
Lemma 6.1. Let $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$ and $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. Suppose that $\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon \in H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ satisfies identity (3.29), and the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
The constant $\mathcal{C}_{11}$ depends only on the problem data (2.35).
Proof. We substitute $\boldsymbol{\eta}_\varepsilon = (B_{N,\varepsilon} -\zeta^* Q_0^\varepsilon)^{-1} \boldsymbol{\Phi}$ with $\boldsymbol{\Phi} \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ as a test function in identity (3.29). Now the left-hand side of (3.29) coincides with $(\mathbf{w}_\varepsilon, \boldsymbol{\Phi})_{L_2(\mathcal{O})}$, and the identity takes the form
To approximate the function $\boldsymbol{\eta}_\varepsilon$, we apply the already proved inequality (5.85). We put $\boldsymbol{\eta}_0 = ( B_N^0 - \zeta^* \overline{Q_0}\,)^{-1} \boldsymbol{\Phi}$, $\widetilde{\boldsymbol{\eta}}_0 = P_\mathcal{O} \boldsymbol{\eta}_0$. The function $\boldsymbol{\eta}_\varepsilon$ is approximated by the function $\boldsymbol{\rho}_\varepsilon := \boldsymbol{\eta}_0 + \boldsymbol{\upsilon}_ \varepsilon$, where $\boldsymbol{\upsilon}_ \varepsilon:= \varepsilon \Lambda^\varepsilon S_\varepsilon b(\mathbf{D}) \widetilde{\boldsymbol{\eta}}_0 + \varepsilon \widetilde{\Lambda}^\varepsilon S_\varepsilon \widetilde{\boldsymbol{\eta}}_0$. From (5.85) it follows that
where $\mathcal{C}_{11}^{(2)} \,{=}\, 2 C_9 r_1 \gamma_0 \,{+}\, 2 C_7 \gamma_{10}$. To estimate the first term in (6.7), we apply estimate (5.78) for $0\,{<}\, \varepsilon \,{\leqslant}\, \varepsilon_1$. As a result, we have
where $C_{25} = (\beta C_8 C_9)^{1/2}$. Next, by Lemma 4.2 and estimates (3.18), (3.19) (for $\widetilde{\boldsymbol{\eta}}_0$), taking into account the restriction $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, we obtain
Combining this with Proposition 1.2, Lemma 4.2, and employing relations (1.5), (1.24), (1.25), (1.32), (1.33), estimates (3.18)–(3.20) (for $\widetilde{\boldsymbol{\eta}}_0$), and the restriction $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, we obtain
where $C_{30}= \bigl(\sum_{l=1}^d C_{17,l}^2\bigr)^{1/2} \alpha_1^{1/2} C_8 +\bigl(\sum_{l=1}^d C_{18,l}^2\bigr)^{1/2} C_7$. Similarly, by (5.73) and (5.74),
for any $\boldsymbol{\Phi} \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Here, $\mathcal{C}_{11} = \mathcal{C}_{11}^{(1)} + \mathcal{C}_{11}^{(2)} + \mathcal{C}_{11}^{(3)} + \mathcal{C}_{11}^{(4)}$. This is equivalent to the required estimate (6.1). This completes the proof.
6.2. Completion of the proof of Theorem 3.2 for $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$
For $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, from (3.43) and (6.1) it follows that
For $|\zeta| \leqslant \varepsilon^{-2}$ we have $\varepsilon |\zeta|^{-1/2} + \varepsilon^2 \leqslant 2 \varepsilon |\zeta|^{-1/2}$. For $|\zeta| > \varepsilon^{-2}$, using estimates (2.23), (2.40) and noting that $ |\zeta|^{-1} < \varepsilon |\zeta|^{-1/2}$, we have
As a result, we arrive at estimate (3.1) with the constant $\mathcal{C}'_3 = \max \{2 (\mathcal{C}_9 + \mathcal{C}_{11}); 2 \| Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty} \}$. So, in operator terms, we have obtained the following estimate:
§ 7. Completion of the proof of Theorems 3.2 and 3.4
7.1. The case $\operatorname{Re} \zeta > 0$. Completion of the proof of Theorem 3.2
Now, let $\zeta \in \mathbb{C} \setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $\operatorname{Re} \zeta > 0$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. Setting $\widehat{\zeta} = - \operatorname{Re} \zeta+ i \operatorname{Im} \zeta$, we have $| \widehat{\zeta}| = |\zeta|$. Let us write down the already proved estimate (6.24) at the point $\widehat{\zeta}$ as follows:
where $\mathcal{C}_3^{(1)} = 4 \mathcal{C}_3' \|f\|^2_{L_\infty} \|f^{-1}\|^2_{L_\infty}$.
Now we consider the second term on the right-hand side of (7.2). Let $\boldsymbol{\Phi}_1, \boldsymbol{\Phi}_2 \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. By assertion $(3^\circ)$ of Lemma 4.4, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, we have
Combining this with (2.23), (2.24), (2.40), (2.41), and using the identity $\zeta - \widehat{\zeta} = 2 \operatorname{Re} \zeta$, we arrive at the estimate
where $\mathcal{C}_3^{(2)} = 4 \widetilde{C}''' \mathcal{C}_1 \|Q_0\|_{L_\infty} \|Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$.
As a result, relations (7.2), (7.6), and (7.7) imply the required estimate (3.2) with the constant $\mathcal{C}_3 = \mathcal{C}_3^{(1)} + \mathcal{C}_3^{(2)}$ in the case $\zeta \in \mathbb{C} \setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $\operatorname{Re} \zeta > 0$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. In view of the already proved estimate (6.24), this completes the proof of Theorem 3.2.
7.2. The case $\operatorname{Re} \zeta > 0$. Proof of estimate (3.14)
Let us write down the already proved estimate (5.85) at the point $\widehat{\zeta}$ as follows:
Let $\mathfrak{L}_1(\varepsilon;\zeta)$, $\mathfrak{L}_2(\varepsilon;\zeta)$, and $\mathfrak{L}_3(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ be the consecutive summands on the right-hand side of (7.9). Note that $\mathfrak{L}_3(\varepsilon;\zeta) = \mathfrak{T}_2(\varepsilon;\zeta)$.
Let $\boldsymbol{\Phi}_1, \boldsymbol{\Phi}_2 \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. By assertion $(3^\circ)$ of Lemma 4.4, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
where $\mathcal{C}_5^{(3)} = 2 c_4^{-1/2} \widetilde{C}''' \|Q_0\|_{L_\infty}(\mathcal{C}_1 \|f\|_{L_\infty}+ c_4^{-1/2} \|Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty})$.
As a result, combining (7.9)–(7.11) and (7.16), we obtain estimate (3.14) with the constant $\mathcal{C}_5 = \mathcal{C}_5^{(1)}+ \mathcal{C}_5^{(2)} + \mathcal{C}_5^{(3)}$ in the case $\zeta \in \mathbb{C} \setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $\operatorname{Re} \zeta > 0$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. By (5.85), this completes the proof of estimate (3.14).
where $C_{33}= r_1 \alpha_1^{1/2} \|g\|_{L_\infty} C_9$.
As a result, combining (1.22) and (7.17)–(7.20), we arrive at the required estimate (3.15) with the constants $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_4 = \mathcal{C}_4 \|g\|_{L_\infty} (d \alpha_1)^{1/2}$, $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_5 = \mathcal{C}_5 \|g\|_{L_\infty} (d \alpha_1)^{1/2} + C_{32} + C_{33}$.
where $C_{34} = \|g\|_{L_\infty} (d \alpha_1)^{1/2} \mathcal{C}_1 + C_G$. Together with (3.16) this implies that, for $\zeta \in \mathbb{C}\setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, and $0 < \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
This yields the required estimate (3.17) with the constant $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}'_4 = \widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_4 + (C_{34} \widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_5)^{1/2}$.
§ 8. Removal of the smoothing operator. Special cases. Estimates in a strictly interior subdomain
8.1. Removal of the operator $S_\varepsilon$ in the corrector
Let us show that, under some additional assumptions about the solutions of the auxiliary problems, the smoothing operator $S_\varepsilon$ in the corrector can be removed (replaced by the identity operator keeping the same order of error).
Condition 8.1. The $\Gamma$-periodic solution $\Lambda (\mathbf{x})$ of problem (1.20) is bounded, that is, $\Lambda\in L_\infty (\mathbb{R}^d)$.
Condition 8.2. The $\Gamma$-periodic solution $\widetilde{\Lambda}(\mathbf{x})$ of problem (1.30) is such that
Some cases where Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 hold automatically were distinguished in [9], Lemma 8.7, and [10], Proposition 8.11, respectively.
Proposition 8.3 (see [9]). Suppose that at least one of the following assumptions is satisfied:
$1^\circ)$ $d\leqslant 2$;
$2^\circ)$ the dimension $d$ is arbitrary, and the operator $A_\varepsilon$ is of the form $A_\varepsilon =\mathbf{D}^* g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})\mathbf{D}$, where $g(\mathbf{x})$ is a symmetric matrix with real entries;
$3^\circ)$ the dimension $d$ is arbitrary, and $g^0=\underline{g}$, that is, (1.29) holds.
Proposition 8.4 (see [10]). Suppose that at least one of the following assumptions is satisfied:
$1^\circ)$ $d\leqslant 4$;
$2^\circ)$ the dimension $d$ is arbitrary, and the operator $A_\varepsilon$ is of the form $A_\varepsilon =\mathbf{D}^* g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})\mathbf{D}$, where $g(\mathbf{x})$ is a symmetric matrix with real entries.
Remark 8.5. If $A_\varepsilon =\mathbf{D}^* g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})\mathbf{D}$, where $g(\mathbf{x})$ is a symmetric matrix with real entries, then it follows from [50], Chap. III, Theorem 13.1, that $\Lambda \in L_\infty$ and $\widetilde{\Lambda} \in L_\infty$. Hence Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 are fulfilled. Moreover, the norm $\|\Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$ does not exceed a constant depending on $d$, $\| g\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| g^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$, and $\Omega$, while the norm $\| \widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_\infty}$ is estimated in terms of $d$, $\rho$, $\| g\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| g^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| a_j\|_{L_\rho (\Omega)}$, $j=1,\dots,d$, and $\Omega$.
If Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 are satisfied, then the operator (8.1) is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, and the operator (8.2) is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^m)$. This can be easily checked by using Lemmas 4.5–4.7.
Our goal in this subsection is to prove the following theorem.
Theorem 8.6. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.4, let Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 be met. Let $K_N^0(\varepsilon;\zeta )$ and $G_N^0(\varepsilon;\zeta )$ be the operators (8.1) and (8.2). Then, for $\zeta \in \mathbb{C}\setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, and $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$,
The constants $\mathcal{C}_4$ and $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_4$ are as in Theorem 3.4. The constants $\mathcal{C}_{12}$ and $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_{12}$ depend on the initial data (2.35) and also on the norms $\| \Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$ and $\|\widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_p(\Omega)}$.
To prove Theorem 8.6, we need the following assertions (see Lemmas 7.7 and 7.8 in [40]).
Lemma 8.7. Suppose that Condition 8.1 is satisfied. Let $S_\varepsilon$ be the Steklov smoothing operator (1.1). Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant 1$,
The constant $\mathfrak{C}_\Lambda$ depends only on $m$, $d$, $\alpha_0$, $\alpha_1$, $\| g\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| g^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$, the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$, and the norm $\| \Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$.
Lemma 8.8. Suppose that Condition 8.2 is satisfied. Let $S_\varepsilon$ be the smoothing operator (1.1). Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant 1$,
The constant $\mathfrak{C}_{\widetilde{\Lambda}}$ depends only on $n$, $d$, $\alpha_0$, $\alpha_1$, $\rho$, $\| g\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| g^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$, the norms $\| a_j\|_{L_\rho (\Omega)}$, $j=1,\dots,d$, $p$, $\| \widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_p(\Omega)}$, and the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$.
It is easy to check Lemma 8.7 using Lemma 4.5, and Lemma 8.8 is proved with the help of Lemmas 4.6 and 4.7.
From (3.14), (8.5), and (8.6) we have estimate (8.3) with the constant $\mathcal{C}_{12} = \mathcal{C}_5+ (\mathfrak{C}_{\Lambda} + \mathfrak{C}_{\widetilde{\Lambda}}) C_\mathcal{O}^{(2)} \mathcal{C}_2$.
where $C_{36} = (d\alpha_1)^{1/2}\| g\|_{L_\infty}\| \widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_p(\Omega)}C(\widehat{q};\Omega)C_\mathcal{O}^{(1)}\mathcal{C}_2$.
As a result, relations (8.7)–(8.10) together with (1.22) and (8.2) imply the required estimate (8.4) with the constant $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_{12}= (d\alpha_1)^{1/2}\| g\|_{L_\infty}\mathcal{C}_{12} + C_{35}+C_{36}$. This completes the proof.
Remark 8.9. If only Condition 8.1 (respectively, Condition 8.2) is satisfied, then the smoothing operator $S_\varepsilon$ can be removed only in the term of the corrector containing $\Lambda^\varepsilon$ (respectively, $\widetilde{\Lambda}^\varepsilon$).
8.3. The case of vanishing corrector
Suppose that $g^0=\overline{g}$, that is, relations (1.28) are satisfied. Then the $\Gamma$-periodic solution of problem (1.20) vanishes: $\Lambda (\mathbf{x})=0$. Suppose also that
Then the $\Gamma$-periodic solution of problem (1.30) also vanishes: $\widetilde{\Lambda}(\mathbf{x})=0$. Therefore, in the case under consideration, the operator (3.5) is equal to zero, relation (3.14) simplifies, and Theorem 3.4 implies the following result.
Proposition 8.10. Let (1.28) and (8.11) hold. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant \varepsilon_1$ and $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$,
Suppose that $g^0=\underline{g}$, that is, relations (1.29) are satisfied. Then, by Proposition 8.3($3^\circ$), Condition 8.1 is met. According to Remark 3.5 in [8], the matrix-valued function (1.22) is constant and coincides with $g^0$, that is, $\widetilde{g}(\mathbf{x})=g^0=\underline{g}$. In addition, assume that (8.11) is fulfilled. Then $\widetilde{\Lambda}(\mathbf{x})=0$, and Theorem 8.6 implies the following result.
Proposition 8.11. Let (1.29) and (8.11) hold. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$ and $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$,
Let $\mathcal{O}'$ be a strictly interior subdomain of the domain $\mathcal{O}$. Using Theorem 3.2 and the results for homogenization problem in $\mathbb{R}^d$, it is easy to approximate the generalized resolvent $(B_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon )^{-1}$ in the $(L_2(\mathcal{O})\to H^1(\mathcal{O}'))$-norm with an error estimate of sharp order $O(\varepsilon)$.
Theorem 8.12. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3.4, let $\mathcal{O}'$ be a strictly interior subdomain of the domain $\mathcal{O}$. We set $\delta :=\operatorname{dist}\{ \mathcal{O}';\partial \mathcal{O}\}$. Then, for $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta|\geqslant 1$, and $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$,
The constants $\mathcal{C}_{13}$, $\mathcal{C}_{14}$, $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_{13}$, and $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_{14}$ depend only on the initial data (2.35).
Proof. Let us start with the case $\operatorname{Re} \zeta \leqslant 0$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$.
We fix a smooth cut-off function $\chi(\mathbf{x})$ such that
Next, we extend the function $\chi (\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon - \widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_\varepsilon)$ by zero to $\mathbb{R}^d \setminus \mathcal{O}$ and note that $\mathfrak{U}(\varepsilon) =\mathfrak{b}_{\varepsilon} [\chi(\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon - \widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_\varepsilon), \chi(\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon - \widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_\varepsilon)]$. Now from (1.17) and (8.18) we have
where $ \mathcal{C}_{14}' = \mathcal{C}_{14}^{(1)}+ \mathcal{C}_{14}^{(2)}$.
Now we consider $\zeta \in \mathbb{C} \setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $\operatorname{Re}\zeta > 0$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. Let $\widehat{\zeta} = - \operatorname{Re}\zeta + i \operatorname{Im}\zeta$. We use the identity (7.9). For the second and third terms on the right-hand side of (7.9) we apply the previous estimates (7.11) and (7.16). Let us estimate the first term on the right-hand side of (7.9). We have
Now the required estimate (8.12) with the constants $\mathcal{C}_{13} = 2 \| f\|_{L_\infty} \| f^{-1}\|_{L_\infty} \mathcal{C}_{13}'$ and $\mathcal{C}_{14} = 2 \| f\|_{L_\infty} \| f^{-1}\|_{L_\infty} \mathcal{C}_{14}' + \mathcal{C}_5^{(2)} + \mathcal{C}_5^{(3)}$ follows from (7.9), (7.11), (7.16), and (8.27).
Inequality (8.13) is deduced from (8.12) with the help of (7.18)–(7.20). This completes the proof.
Under some additional assumptions about the solutions of the auxiliary problems, it is possible to remove the smoothing operator $S_\varepsilon$ in the corrector.
Theorem 8.13. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 8.12, let Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 be met, and let $K_N^0(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ and $G_N^0(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ be the operators given by (8.1) and (8.2). Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$ and $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$,
The constants $\mathcal{C}_{13}$ and $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_{13}$ are the same as in Theorem 8.12. The constants $\mathcal{C}_{15}$ and $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_{15}$ depend on the initial data (2.35) and also on the norms $\| \Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| \widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_p(\Omega)}$.
Together with (8.8)–(8.10), this yields estimate (8.29). This completes the proof.
§ 9. “Another” approximation of the generalized resolvent
In theorems from § 3 and § 8 it was assumed that $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\mathbb{R}_+$ and $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. In the present section, we obtain the results valid in a wider range of the spectral parameter. The material of this section is similar to § 9 from [40].
9.1. The general case
Theorem 9.1. Let $\mathcal{O}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded domain of class $C^{1,1}$. Let $c_\flat\geqslant 0$ be a common lower bound for the operators $\widetilde{B}_{N,\varepsilon}=(f^\varepsilon )^*B_{N,\varepsilon}f^\varepsilon $ and $\widetilde{B}_N^0=f_0B_N^0f_0$. Suppose that $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus [c_\flat,\infty)$. Let $\psi =\operatorname{arg}(\zeta -c_\flat)$, $0<\psi <2\pi$. We denote
Let $\mathbf{v}_\varepsilon$ be defined by (3.11) and (3.12). Let $\mathbf{p}_\varepsilon = g^\varepsilon b(\mathbf{D}) \mathbf{u}_\varepsilon$. Suppose that $K_N(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ and $G_N(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ are the operators defined by (3.5) and (3.6), and let $\varepsilon_1$ satisfy Condition 3.1. Then, for $0<\varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
The constants $\mathfrak{C}_1$, $\mathfrak{C}_2$, $\mathfrak{C}_3$, $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_2$, and $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_3$ depend only on the initial data (2.35).
Remark 9.2. 1) The expression $c(\psi)^2| \zeta - c_\flat |^{-2}$ in (9.1) is inverse of the square of the distance from $\zeta$ to $[c_\flat,\infty)$.
2) By (2.17), (2.19), (2.32), and (2.37), one can take $c_\flat$ equal to $c_4 \|f^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}^{-2} = \frac{1}{2} k_1 \| g^{-1}\|^{-1}_{L_\infty} \| Q_0\|_{L_\infty}^{-1}$.
3) It is easy to estimate $c_\flat$ from above. From the variational arguments and estimates (2.18) and (2.33) it follows that $c_\flat \leqslant \min\{c_5,c_6\} \|Q_0^{-1}\|_{L_\infty}$. Therefore, the number $c_\flat$ is controlled in terms of the problem data (2.35).
Remark 9.3. Estimates (9.2)–(9.7) are useful for bounded $|\zeta|$ and small $\varepsilon \rho_\flat(\zeta)$. In this case, $\varepsilon^{1/2} \rho_\flat(\zeta)^{1/2}+ \varepsilon | 1+ \zeta |^{1/2} \rho_ \flat (\zeta )$ is majorated by $\varepsilon^{1/2} \rho_\flat(\zeta)^{1/2}$. For large $|\zeta|$, estimates from Theorems 3.2 and 3.4 are preferable.
We start with the following two lemmas similar to Lemmas 9.4 and 9.5 from [40].
Lemma 9.4. Under the assumptions of Theorem 9.1, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant 1$ and $\zeta \in \mathbb{C} \setminus [c_\flat,\infty)$,
The constants $\mathfrak{C}_4$ and $\mathfrak{C}_5$ depend only on the initial data (2.35).
Proof. Under our assumptions, the spectrum of the operator $\widetilde{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ is contained in $[c_\flat,\infty)$. Therefore, $\|(\widetilde{B}_{N,\varepsilon} - \zeta I)^{-1}\|_{L_2(\mathcal{O}) \to L_2(\mathcal{O})} \leqslant c(\psi) |\zeta - c_\flat|^{-1}$. Together with (2.21), this implies (9.8).
where $\mathfrak{C}_7' = \bigl( M_2 \alpha_1^{1/2} + \widetilde{M}_2 + \widetilde{M}_1\bigr) C_\mathcal{O}^{(1)} \mathfrak{C}_4$ and $\mathfrak{C}_7'' = M_1 \alpha_1^{1/2} C_\mathcal{O}^{(2)} \mathfrak{C}_5$.
As a result, estimates (9.15) and (9.17) imply the required inequality (9.16) with the constant $\mathfrak{C}_7 = \max \{ \mathfrak{C}_7'; \mathfrak{C}_6 + \mathfrak{C}_7''\}$. This completes the proof.
Let $\mathfrak{J}_1(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ and $\mathfrak{J}_2(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ be the terms on the right-hand side of (9.19). Similarly to (7.3) and (7.4),
where $\mathfrak{C}_8 = \mathcal{C}'_3 \| f\|^2_{L_\infty}\| f^{-1}\|^2_{L_\infty}(c_\flat +2)^2$.
Let us estimate the norm of the operator $\mathfrak{J}_2(\varepsilon;\zeta)$. Let $\boldsymbol{\Phi}_1, \boldsymbol{\Phi}_2 \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. By assertion $3^\circ$ of Lemma 4.4, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$, we have
Let $\mathcal{L}_1(\varepsilon;\zeta)$, $\mathcal{L}_2(\varepsilon;\zeta)$, and $\mathcal{L}_3(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ be the consecutive terms on the right-hand side of (9.25). Note that $\mathcal{L}_3(\varepsilon;\zeta) = {\mathfrak J}_2(\varepsilon;\zeta)$.
Let $\boldsymbol{\Phi}_1, \boldsymbol{\Phi}_2 \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. By assertion $3^\circ$ of Lemma 4.4, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
where $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_{12} = 2 \widetilde{C}''' c_4^{-1/2} (c_\flat +2) \| Q_0\|_{L_\infty} \mathfrak{C}_4$. Together with (9.28), this implies
Comparing (9.25)–(9.27) and (9.30), we arrive at the required estimate (9.6) with the constants $\mathfrak{C}_2= \mathfrak{C}_{10}$ and $\mathfrak{C}_3 = \mathfrak{C}_{11}+ \mathfrak{C}_{12}$.
It remains to check (9.4). From (9.3), taking (1.3) and (1.6) into account, we find that, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
where $\mathfrak{C}_{13}$ depends only on the problem data (2.35). Relations (9.31) and (9.32) imply estimate (9.4). This completes the proof.
Corollary 9.6. Under the assumptions of Theorem 9.1, for $\zeta \in \mathbb{C} \setminus [c_\flat,\infty)$ and $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
where $\mathfrak{C}_{15} = 2 \mathfrak{C}_4 + \mathfrak{C}_7$. For $|1+\zeta|^{1/2} \rho_\flat(\zeta)^{1/4} \leqslant \varepsilon^{-1/2}$ we use (9.6) and note that $\varepsilon |1+\zeta|^{1/2} \rho_\flat(\zeta) \leqslant \varepsilon^{1/2} \rho_\flat(\zeta)^{3/4}$. For $|1+\zeta|^{1/2} \rho_\flat(\zeta)^{1/4} > \varepsilon^{-1/2}$ we apply (9.35) and note that $(1+ |\zeta|)^{-1/2} \rho_\flat(\zeta)^{1/2} < \varepsilon^{1/2} \rho_\flat(\zeta)^{3/4}$. As a result, we obtain estimate (9.33) with the constant $\mathfrak{C}_{14}=\max \{ \mathfrak{C}_2+ \mathfrak{C}_3; 2 \mathfrak{C}_{15}\}$.
Combining relations (9.32), (9.33) and taking (1.3), (1.6) into account, we arrive at estimate (9.34) with the constant $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_{14} = (d \alpha_1)^{1/2} \|g\|_{L_\infty} \mathfrak{C}_{14} + \mathfrak{C}_{13}$. This completes the proof.
9.3. Removal of the smoothing operator
Theorem 9.7. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 9.1, let Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 be met, and let $K_N^0(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ and $G_N^0(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ be the operators defined by (8.1), (8.2). Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant \varepsilon_1$ and $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus[c_\flat,\infty)$,
Here, the constants $\mathfrak{C}_2$ and $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_2$ are the same as in Theorem 9.1. The constants $\mathfrak{C}_{16}$ and $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_{16}$ depend only on the initial data (2.35) and the norms $\| \Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$, $\|\widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_p(\Omega)}$.
Similarly to (8.7)–(8.10), taking (9.12) into account, we deduce estimate (9.37) from (9.36). This completes the proof.
9.4. Special cases
The following assertions are proved by analogy with Propositions 8.10 and 8.11.
Proposition 9.8. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 9.1, let (1.28) and (8.11) hold. Then, for $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus [c_\flat,\infty)$ and $0<\varepsilon\leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
Proposition 9.9. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 9.1, let (1.29) and (8.11) hold. Then, for $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus [c_\flat,\infty)$ and $0<\varepsilon\leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
Theorem 9.10. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 9.1, let $\mathcal{O}'$ be a strictly interior subdomain of the domain $\mathcal{O}$, and let $\delta := \operatorname{dist} \{\mathcal{O}'; \partial \mathcal{O}\}$. Then, for $\zeta \in \mathbb{C} \setminus [c_\flat,\infty)$ and $0 < \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
The constants $\mathfrak{C}_{17}$, $\mathfrak{C}_{18}$, $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_{17}$, $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_{18}$ depend only on the initial data (2.35).
Proof. We write inequality (8.12) at the point $\zeta=-1$:
where $\mathfrak{C}_{17} = \mathcal{C}_{13} \|f\|_{L_\infty} \|f^{-1}\|_{L_\infty} (c_\flat +2)$, $\mathfrak{C}_{18}' = \mathcal{C}_{14} \|f\|_{L_\infty} \|f^{-1}\|_{L_\infty} (c_\flat +2)$. For the second and the third terms on the right-hand side of (9.25), we use inequalities (9.27) and (9.30). As a result, we arrive at estimate (9.38) with the constant $\mathfrak{C}_{18} = \mathfrak{C}_3 + \mathfrak{C}_{18}'$.
Under some additional assumptions about the solutions of the auxiliary problems, the following assertion is true.
Theorem 9.11. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 9.10, let Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 be met, and let $K_N^0(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ and $G_N^0(\varepsilon;\zeta)$ be the operators defined by (8.1) and (8.2), respectively. Then, for $\zeta \in \mathbb{C} \setminus [c_\flat,\infty)$ and $0 < \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
The constants $\mathfrak{C}_{17}$ and $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_{17}$ are the same as in Theorem 9.10. The constants $\mathfrak{C}_{19}$ and $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_{19}$ depend on the initial data (2.35) and also on the norms $\| \Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| \widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_p(\Omega)}$.
By analogy with (8.7)–(8.10), taking (9.12) into account, we deduce inequality (9.43) from (9.42). This completes the proof.
§ 10. Homogenization of solutions of the second initial boundary value problem for parabolic equations
In this section, we study homogenization of solutions of the second initial boundary value problem for a parabolic equation (that is, a problem with the Neumann condition). The results are deduced from approximations of the generalized resolvent with two-parametric error estimates by integrating the resolvent along the contour. The proofs of the main results of this section are completely similar to those from [42], where the first initial boundary value problem (with the Dirichlet condition) was considered. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to formulations and brief comments, omitting the details.
10.1. Statement of the problem
Consider a (weak) solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ of the problem
under the natural condition (Neumann condition) on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times \mathbb{R}_+$. Here, $B_\varepsilon$ is the differential expression (1.19), whose coefficients satisfy the assumptions of § 1. It is assumed that $\boldsymbol \varphi \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Using (2.19), it is easily seen that
We are interested in the behaviour of the solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ for small $\varepsilon$, that is, in the behaviour of the sandwiched operator exponential $f^\varepsilon e^{-\widetilde{B}_{N,\varepsilon} t} (f^\varepsilon)^*$.
As in § 9, let $c_\flat > 0$ be a common lower bound of the operators $\widetilde{B}_{N,\varepsilon}=(f^\varepsilon )^*B_{N,\varepsilon}f^\varepsilon $ and $\widetilde{B}_N^0=f_0B_N^0f_0$. According to Remark 9.2, we can fix $c_\flat$ as follows:
Here, the constants $c_4$, $\widehat{c}$, and $c_\flat$ are the same as in (2.17), (2.36), and (10.3), respectively.
10.2. Approximation of the solution in $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$
The following result is deduced from Theorems 3.2 and 9.1 by analogy with the proof of Theorem 2.2 from [42].
Theorem 10.2. Let $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (10.1) with the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times \mathbb{R}_+$. Let $\mathbf{u}_0(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (10.2) with the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times \mathbb{R}_+$. Let $\varepsilon_1$ satisfy Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
Here, $\gamma\subset\mathbb{C}$ is a contour enveloping the spectrum of $\widetilde{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ in the positive direction. The exponential of the operator $\widetilde{B}_N^0$ admits a similar representation. Since the constant (10.3) is a common lower bound of the operators $\widetilde{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ and $\widetilde{B}_N^0$, it is convenient to choose the integration contour as follows:
Multiplying (10.8) by $f^\varepsilon$ from the left and by $(f^\varepsilon)^*$ from the right and taking (2.21) into account, we obtain the following representation:
We set $\check{c}:= \max \{1;\, \sqrt{5} c_\flat/2\}$. Applying Theorem 9.1 for $\zeta \in \gamma$, $|\zeta| \leqslant \check{c}$, and Theorem 3.2 for $\zeta \in \gamma$, $|\zeta| > \check{c}$, it is easy to check that
For $t>0$, operator (10.12) is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Indeed, by (10.6), for $t>0$ the operator $f_0e^{-\widetilde{B}_N^0t}f_0$ is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Hence the operator $b(\mathbf{D})P_\mathcal{O}f_0e^{-\widetilde{B}_N^0 t}f_0$ is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^m)$, and the operator $P_\mathcal{O}f_0 e^{-\widetilde{B}_N^0 t}f_0$ is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$. It remains to take into account the continuity of the operators $[\Lambda^\varepsilon ]S_\varepsilon\colon H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^m)\to H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $[\widetilde{\Lambda}^\varepsilon ]S_\varepsilon \colon H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n) \to H^1(\mathbb{R}^d;\mathbb{C}^n)$, which follows from Proposition 1.2 and since $\Lambda,\widetilde{\Lambda}\in \widetilde{H}^1(\Omega)$. Similarly, one can check that operator (10.13) is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^m)$.
We put $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_0(\,{\cdot}\,,t):=P_\mathcal{O}\mathbf{u}_0(\,{\cdot}\,,t)$. By $\mathbf{v}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ we denote the first-order approximation to the solution $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ of problem (10.1):
that is, $\mathbf{v}_\varepsilon (\,{\cdot}\,,t) = f_0 e^{-\widetilde{B}_N^0t}f_0\boldsymbol{\varphi}(\,{\cdot}\,)+\varepsilon \mathcal{K}_N(t;\varepsilon )\boldsymbol{\varphi}(\,{\cdot}\,)$.
Theorem 10.3. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 10.2, let function $\mathbf{v}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ be defined by (10.14), and let $\mathbf{p}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t):= g^\varepsilon(\mathbf{x}) b(\mathbf{D}) \mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$. Suppose that $\mathcal{K}_N(t;\varepsilon)$ and $\mathcal{G}_N(t;\varepsilon)$ are the operators defined by (10.12) and (10.13), respectively. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$ and $t>0$,
Here, the operators $K_N(\varepsilon;\zeta )$ and $G_N(\varepsilon;\zeta )$ are given by (3.5) and (3.6), respectively.
Using (10.17), applying Theorem 9.1 for $\zeta \in \gamma$, $|\zeta| \leqslant \check{c}$, and employing Theorem 3.4 for $\zeta \in \gamma$, $|\zeta| > \check{c}$, it is easy to deduce estimate (10.15). Similarly, applying identity (10.18), using (9.7) for $\zeta \in \gamma$, $|\zeta| \leqslant \check{c}$, and invoking (3.17) for $\zeta \in \gamma$, $|\zeta| > \check{c}$, we arrive at (10.16). This completes the proof.
Remark 10.4. Let $\lambda_1^0$ be the first eigenvalue of the operator $B_N^0$, and let $\sigma>0$ be an arbitrarily small number. Obviously, the number $\lambda_1^0 \| Q_0\|^{-1}_{L_\infty}$ is a lower bound of the operator $\widetilde{B}_N^0$. Due to the resolvent convergence of $B_{N,\varepsilon}$ to $B_N^0$, for sufficiently small $\varepsilon_\circ$, the number $\lambda_1^0 \| Q_0\|^{-1}_{L_\infty} - \sigma /2$ is a common lower bound of the operators $\widetilde{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ for all $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_\circ$. Therefore, it is possible to shift the integration contour $\gamma$ so that it intersects the real axis at the point $\mathfrak{c}_\circ :=\lambda_1^0 \| Q_0\|^{-1}_{L_\infty} - \sigma$ instead of $c_\flat/2$. In this way, we obtain estimates of the form (10.7), (10.15), (10.16) with $e^{-c_\flat t/2}$ replaced by $e^{-\mathfrak{c}_\circ t}$ on the right-hand sides. At the same time, the constants in estimates will depend on $\sigma$.
10.4. Removal of the smoothing operator $S_\varepsilon$ in the corrector
It is possible to remove the smoothing operator in the corrector if the solutions of the auxiliary problems are subject to some additional conditions. The following result is checked similarly to Theorem 10.3 with the help of Theorems 8.6 and 9.7.
Theorem 10.5. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 10.3, let Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 be met. We set
The constants $\mathrm{C}_3$ and $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_3$ depend on the initial data (2.35), $p$, and the norms $\| \Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$, $\|\widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_p(\Omega)}$.
Remark 10.6. If only Condition 8.1 (respectively, Condition 8.2) is satisfied, then the smoothing operator $S_\varepsilon$ can be removed in the corrector term containing $\Lambda^\varepsilon$ (respectively, $\widetilde{\Lambda}^\varepsilon$).
It is also possible to remove the smoothing operator $S_\varepsilon$ in the corrector by strengthening the assumption about the boundary smoothness. Consider the case $d\geqslant 3$, because for $d\leqslant 2$ Theorem 10.5 applies (see Propositions 8.3 and 8.4).
Theorem 10.7. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 10.2, let $d\geqslant 3$, and let $\mathcal{O}\subset \mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded domain of class $C^{d/2,1}$ for even $d$ and of class $C^{(d+1)/2,1}$ for odd $d$. Suppose that $\mathcal{K}_N^0(t;\varepsilon)$ and $\mathcal{G}_N^0(t;\varepsilon)$ are the operators given by (10.19), (10.20), respectively. Then, for $t>0$ and $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$,
The constants $\mathrm{C}_4(d)$ and $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_4(d)$ depend only on the initial data (2.35).
Theorem 10.7 relies on the following lemma, which is similar to Lemma 2.8 in [42].
Lemma 10.8. Let $k \geqslant 2$ be an integer. Let $\mathcal{O}\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded domain of class $C^{k-1,1}$. Then, for $t>0$, the operator $e^{-\widetilde{B}_N^0t}$ is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^q(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, $0\leqslant q\leqslant k$, and
The constant $\widehat{\mathrm{C}}_q$ depends only on $q$ and the initial data (2.35).
The proofs of Lemma 10.8 and Theorem 10.7 are completely analogous to the case of the first initial boundary value problem considered in [42], § 2.7 and § 7. Clearly, it is convenient to apply Theorem 10.7 when $t$ is separated from zero. For small values of $t$, the order of the factor $(\varepsilon^{1/2}t^{-3/4}+\varepsilon t^{-d/4-1/2})$ grows with dimension. This is compensation for the removal of the smoothing operator.
10.5. Special cases
Let us highlight special cases. Suppose that $g^0=\overline{g}$, that is, relations (1.28) are fulfilled. In addition, suppose that condition (8.11) is fulfilled. Then the $\Gamma$-periodic solutions of problems (1.20) and (1.30) are equal to zero: $\Lambda (\mathbf{x})=0$ and $\widetilde{\Lambda}(\mathbf{x})=0$. Theorem 10.3 leads to the following result.
Proposition 10.9. Let (1.28) and (8.11) be satisfied and let the assumptions of Theorem 10.2 be met. Then, for $t>0$ and $0<\varepsilon\leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
Now, assume that $g^0=\underline{g}$, that is, (1.29) holds. Hence Condition 8.1 is fulfilled by assertion $3^\circ$ of Proposition 8.3. In this case, $\widetilde{g}(\mathbf{x})=g^0=\underline{g}$. In addition, assume that (8.11) holds. Then $\widetilde{\Lambda}(\mathbf{x})=0$, and from Theorem 10.3, using Proposition 1.1, it is easy to deduce the following result (cf. the proof of Proposition 2.13 in [42]).
Proposition 10.10. Let (1.29) and (8.11) be satisfied and let the assumptions of Theorem 10.2 be met. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$ and $t>0$,
The constant $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}'_3$ depends only on the initial data (2.35).
10.6. Estimates in a strictly interior subdomain
It is easy to deduce the following result by applying Theorems 8.12, 9.10 and identities (10.17), (10.18).
Theorem 10.11. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 10.3, let $\mathcal{O}'$ be a strictly interior subdomain of the domain $\mathcal{O}$ and $\delta = \operatorname{dist} \{\mathcal{O}'; \partial \mathcal{O} \}$. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$ and $t>0$,
The constants $\mathrm{C}_5$, $\mathrm{C}_6$, $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_5$, and $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_6$ depend only on the initial data (2.35).
The following result is proved by using Theorems 8.13, 9.11 and identities (10.17), (10.18).
Theorem 10.12. Under the assumptions of Theorem 10.11, let Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 be met. Let $\mathcal{K}_N^0(t;\varepsilon)$ and $\mathcal{G}_N^0(t;\varepsilon)$ be the operators defined by (10.19) and (10.20), respectively. Then, for $t>0$ and $0<\varepsilon\leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
The constants $\mathrm{C}_5$ and $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_5$ are the same as in Theorem 10.11. The constants $\mathrm{C}_7$ and $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_7$ depend on the initial data (2.35), $p$, and the norms $\| \Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$, $\|\widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_p(\Omega)}$.
Note that it is possible to remove the smoothing operator $S_\varepsilon$ in the corrector in estimates from Theorem 10.11 without additional assumptions on the matrix-valued functions $\Lambda$ and $\widetilde{\Lambda}$. Consider the case $d\geqslant 3$ (otherwise, by Propositions 8.3 and 8.4, Theorem 10.12 applies). For $t>0$, the operator $e^{-\widetilde{B}_N^0t}$ is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$, and estimate (10.6) holds. In addition, we have the property of “increasing smoothness” inside the domain: for $t>0$, the operator $e^{-\widetilde{B}_N^0t}$ is continuous from $L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ to $H^l (\mathcal{O}';\mathbb{C}^n)$ for any integer $l \geqslant 3$, and
The constant $\mathrm{C}'_l$ depends on $l$ and the initial data (2.35) (cf. estimate (2.45) from [42] and the comments therein).
Using (10.21), as well as the properties of the matrix-valued functions $\Lambda$, $\widetilde{\Lambda}$ and the operator $S_\varepsilon$, we deduce the following result from Theorem 10.11. The proof is completely analogous to the case of the first initial boundary value problem (see [42], §§ 2.10 and 8).
Theorem 10.13. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 10.11, let $d\geqslant 3$, and let $\mathcal{K}_N^0(t;\varepsilon)$ and $\mathcal{G}_N^0(t;\varepsilon)$ be the operators defined by (10.19) and (10.20), respectively. Denote
under the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$. It is assumed that $0< T \leqslant \infty$ and $\mathbf{F} \in \mathfrak{H}_r(T):= L_r((0,T); L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n))$ for some $1\leqslant r \leqslant \infty$; $\boldsymbol{\varphi} \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Then
Estimating the integral term for $1< r \leqslant \infty$, we obtain the following result (cf. the proof of Theorem 5.1 from [35]).
Theorem 10.14. Let $\boldsymbol{\varphi} \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $\mathbf{F} \in \mathfrak{H}_r(T)$ with some $1< r \leqslant \infty$, where $0< T \leqslant \infty$, let $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (10.22) with the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$, and let $\mathbf{u}_0(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (10.24) with the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$. Suppose that the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$ and $0< t <T$,
$c_\flat$ is the constant (10.3). The constant $\mathrm{C}_1$ depends only on the initial data (2.35), and $c_r$ depends on $r$ and the data (2.35).
By analogy with the proof of Theorem 5.2 from [35], it is easy to deduce the estimate for the norm of the difference $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon - \mathbf{u}_0$ in the class $\mathfrak{H}_r(T)$ from Theorem 10.2.
Theorem 10.15. Let $\boldsymbol{\varphi} \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $\mathbf{F} \in \mathfrak{H}_r(T)$ with some $1 \leqslant r < \infty$, where $0< T \leqslant \infty$, let $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (10.22) with the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$, and let $\mathbf{u}_0(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (10.24) with the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$. Suppose that the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
Here, $\vartheta(\varepsilon,\cdot)$ is defined by (10.26) and $r^{-1}+ (r')^{-1}=1$. The constant $\mathrm{C}_9$ depends only on the initial data (2.35), and $c_{r'}$ depends on $r$ and the data (2.35).
Remark 10.16. In the case $\boldsymbol{\varphi}=0$ and $\mathbf{F} \in \mathfrak{H}_\infty(T)$, Theorem 10.14 implies that
Now, using Theorem 10.3, we obtain approximation of the solution of problem (10.22) in $H^1(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$. Difficulties arise when considering the integral term in (10.23) due to the singularity of the right-hand side of estimate (10.15) for small $t$. Assuming that $t \geqslant \varepsilon^2$, we divide the integration interval in (10.23) into two parts: $(0, t-\varepsilon^2)$ and $(t-\varepsilon^2,t)$. On the interval $(0, t-\varepsilon^2)$, we apply (10.15), and on $(t-\varepsilon^2,t)$, we use the estimate
we have $\mathbf{u}_{0,\varepsilon}(\,{\cdot}\,,t) = f_0 e^{- \widetilde{B}_{N}^0 \varepsilon^2} f_0^{-1} \mathbf{u}_0(\,{\cdot}\,, t-\varepsilon^2)$. Let $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}}_{0,\varepsilon}(\,{\cdot}\,,t) = P_\mathcal{O} \mathbf{u}_{0,\varepsilon}(\,{\cdot}\,,t)$, where $P_\mathcal{O}$ is the extension operator (3.3). As a first-order approximation to the solution of problem (10.22), we take
Theorem 10.17. Let $\boldsymbol{\varphi} \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $\mathbf{F} \in \mathfrak{H}_r(T)$ for some $2< r \leqslant \infty$, where $0< T \leqslant \infty$. Let $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (10.22) with the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$. Let $\mathbf{u}_0(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (10.24) with the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$. Let $\mathbf{p}_\varepsilon(\,{\cdot}\,,t) = g^\varepsilon b(\mathbf{D}) \mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\,{\cdot}\,,t)$. Suppose that $\mathbf{v}_{\varepsilon}$ and $\mathbf{q}_\varepsilon$ are the functions defined by (10.27), (10.28), respectively. Suppose that the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$ and $\varepsilon^2 \leqslant t < T$,
and $c_\flat$ is the constant (10.3). The constants $\mathrm{C}_2$, $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_2$ depend only on the initial data (2.35), the constants $\check{c}_r$ and $\widetilde{c}_r$ depend on $r$ and the data (2.35).
Since the right-hand side of (10.16) has a smaller singularity for small $t$ than the right-hand side of (10.15), for $r>4$ it is possible to approximate the flux $\mathbf{p}_\varepsilon(\,{\cdot}\,,t)$ by the function
The following assertion is proved similarly to the proof of Proposition 3.5 from [42].
Proposition 10.18. Let $\boldsymbol{\varphi} \in L_2(\mathcal{O};\mathbb{C}^n)$ and $\mathbf{F} \in \mathfrak{H}_r(T)$ with some $4< r \leqslant \infty$, where $0< T \leqslant \infty$. Let $\mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (10.22) with the Neumann condition on $\partial \mathcal{O} \times (0,T)$. Let $\mathbf{p}_\varepsilon(\,{\cdot}\,,t) = g^\varepsilon b(\mathbf{D}) \mathbf{u}_\varepsilon(\,{\cdot}\,,t)$. Suppose that $\mathbf{q}^0_\varepsilon$ is the function defined by (10.29). Suppose that the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$ and $0 < t < T$,
Here, $c_\flat$ is the constant (10.3). The constant $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_2$ depends only on the initial data (2.35), and $\widehat{c}_r$ depends on $r$ and the data (2.35).
Under some additional assumptions on the solutions of the auxiliary problems, it is easy to deduce the following result from Theorem 10.5.
Theorem 10.19. Under the assumptions of Theorem 10.12, let Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 be met. We set
The constants $\mathrm{C}_3$, $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_3$ depend only on the initial data (2.35), $p$, and the norms $\|\Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| \widetilde{\Lambda} \|_{L_p(\Omega)}$. The constants $c'_r$ and $c''_r$ depend on the same parameters and $r$.
It is easy to deduce approximations of the solution and the flux in a strictly interior subdomain from Theorem 10.11.
Theorem 10.20. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 10.17, let $\mathcal{O}'$ be a strictly interior subdomain of the domain $\mathcal{O}$. Let $\delta = \operatorname{dist} \{\mathcal{O}'; \partial \mathcal{O} \}$. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$ and $\varepsilon^2 \leqslant t < T$,
The constants $\mathrm{C}_5$, $\mathrm{C}_6$, $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_5$, $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_6$ depend only on the initial data (2.35). The constants $\mathfrak{c}_r$ and $\widetilde{\mathfrak{c}}_r$ depend on the same parameters and $r$.
Finally, under some additional assumptions on the solutions of the auxiliary problems, it is easy to derive the following result from Theorem 10.12.
Theorem 10.21. Under the assumptions of Theorem 10.19, let Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 be met. Let $\check{\mathbf{v}}_{\varepsilon}$ and $\check{\mathbf{q}}_{\varepsilon}$ be the functions defined by (10.30) and (10.31), respectively. Then, for $0< \varepsilon \leqslant \varepsilon_1$ and $\varepsilon^2 \leqslant t < T$,
The constants $\mathrm{C}_5$, $\mathrm{C}_7$, $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_5$, and $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_7$ are the same as in Theorem 10.12. The constants $\mathfrak{c}_{r}'$ and $\mathfrak{c}_{r}'' $ depend on the initial data (2.35), $p$, and the norms $\| \Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$, $\| \widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_p(\Omega)}$.
§ 11. An example of applying the general results
For elliptic systems in the entire space $\mathbb{R}^d$, the example in question was studied in [10] and [37]. For elliptic and parabolic systems in a bounded domain under the Dirichlet condition, this example was considered in [40] and [42], respectively.
11.1. Scalar elliptic operator with a singular potential of order $\varepsilon^{-1}$
Let $n=1$, $m=d$, $b(\mathbf{D})=\mathbf{D}$, and let $g(\mathbf{x})$ be a $\Gamma$-periodic symmetric $(d\times d)$-matrix-valued function with real entries such that $g(\mathbf{x})>0$ and $g,g^{-1}\in L_\infty$. Condition (1.5) is valid with $\alpha_0=\alpha_1 =1$. Obviously, Condition 2.1 is fulfilled with $k_1=1$, $k_2=0$. We have $b(\mathbf{D})^*g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x}) b(\mathbf{D})=-\operatorname{div}g^\varepsilon (\mathbf{x})\nabla$.
Next, let $\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{x})=\operatorname{col}\{ A_1(\mathbf{x}),\dots,A_d(\mathbf{x})\}$, where $A_j(\mathbf{x})$, $j=1,\dots,d$, are $\Gamma$-periodic real-valued functions such that
under the natural condition (Neumann condition) on $\partial\mathcal{O}$. This operator can be interpreted as the Schrödinger operator with rapidly oscillating metric $g^\varepsilon$, magnetic potential $\mathbf{A}^\varepsilon$ and electric potential $\varepsilon^{-1}v^\varepsilon +\mathcal{V}^\varepsilon$, involving a singular term $\varepsilon^{-1}v^\varepsilon$. The precise definition of the operator $\mathfrak{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ is given in terms of the quadratic form
The complex-valued functions $a_j(\mathbf{x})$ are defined by
a_j(\mathbf{x})=-\eta_j(\mathbf{x})+i\xi_j(\mathbf{x}),\qquad j=1,\dots, d.
Here, $\eta_j(\mathbf{x})$ are the components of the vector-valued function $\boldsymbol{\eta}(\mathbf{x})=g(\mathbf{x})\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{x})$, and the functions $\xi_j(\mathbf{x})$ are given by $\xi_j (\mathbf{x})=-\partial_j \Phi (\mathbf{x})$, where $\Phi (\mathbf{x})$ is the $\Gamma$-periodic solution of the problem $\Delta \Phi(\mathbf{x})=v(\mathbf{x})$, $\int_\Omega \Phi(\mathbf{x})\,d\mathbf{x}=0$. We have
It is easy to check that the functions (11.3) satisfy condition (1.9) with a suitable exponent $\rho '$ depending on $\rho$ and $s$, and the norms $\|a_j\|_{L_{\rho '}(\Omega)}$ are controlled in terms of $\| g\|_{L_\infty}$, $\|\mathbf{A}\|_{L_\rho (\Omega)}$, $\| v\|_{L_s(\Omega)}$, and the parameters of the lattice $\Gamma$. The function (11.2) satisfies condition (1.10) with a suitable exponent $s'=\min \{ s;\rho/2\}$.
Let $Q_0(\mathbf{x})$ be a positive definite bounded $\Gamma$-periodic function. We consider a positive definite operator $\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}:=\mathfrak{B}_{N,\varepsilon}+\lambda Q_0^\varepsilon$. Here, the constant $\lambda$ is chosen from condition (2.34) for the operator with the coefficients $g$, $a_j$, $j=1,\dots,d$, $Q$, and $Q_0$ defined above. The operator $\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}$ can be written as
Let us describe the effective operator. In the case under consideration, the $\Gamma$-periodic solution of problem (1.20) is the row-matrix $\Lambda (\mathbf{x})=i\Psi (\mathbf{x})$, $\Psi (\mathbf{x})=(\psi_1(\mathbf{x}),\dots,\psi_d(\mathbf{x}))$, where $\psi_j \in\widetilde{H}^1(\Omega)$ is the solution of the problem
Here, $\mathbf{e}_j$, $j=1,\dots,d$, is the standard basis for $\mathbb{R}^d$. Clearly, the functions $\psi_j(\mathbf{x})$ are real-valued, and the entries of the matrix $\Lambda(\mathbf{x})$ are purely imaginary. According to (1.22), the columns of the $(d\times d)$-matrix-valued function $\widetilde{g}(\mathbf{x})$ are given by $g(\mathbf{x})(\nabla \psi_j (\mathbf{x})+\mathbf{e}_j)$, $j=1,\dots,d$. The effective matrix is defined according to (1.21): $g^0=|\Omega|^{-1}\int_\Omega\widetilde{g}(\mathbf{x})\,d\mathbf{x}$. Clearly, $\widetilde{g}(\mathbf{x})$ and $g^0$ have real entries.
According to (11.3) and (11.4), the periodic solution of problem (1.30) is represented as $\widetilde{\Lambda}(\mathbf{x}) =\widetilde{\Lambda}_1(\mathbf{x})+i\widetilde{\Lambda}_2(\mathbf{x})$, where the real-valued $\Gamma$-periodic functions $\widetilde{\Lambda}_1(\mathbf{x})$ and $\widetilde{\Lambda}_2(\mathbf{x})$ are the solutions of the problems
where $\mathbf{A}^0=(g^0)^{-1}(V_1+\overline{g\mathbf{A}})$ and $\mathcal{V}^0=\overline{\mathcal{V}}+\overline{\langle g\mathbf{A},\mathbf{A}\rangle}-\langle g^0\mathbf{A}^0,\mathbf{A}^0\rangle -W$.
11.2. Elliptic results
According to Remark 8.5, in the case under consideration Conditions 8.1 and 8.2 are fulfilled, and the norms $\| \Lambda\|_{L_\infty}$ and $\|\widetilde{\Lambda}\|_{L_\infty}$ are estimated in terms of the problem data (11.5). Therefore, the corrector (8.1) without the smoothing operator can be used:
Applying Theorems 3.2 and 8.6, we obtain the following result.
Proposition 11.1. Suppose that the assumptions of § 11.1 are satisfied. Let $\zeta\in\mathbb{C}\setminus \mathbb{R}_+$, $\zeta =| \zeta | e^{i\phi}$, $0<\phi<2\pi$, $|\zeta| \geqslant 1$. Suppose that the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$,
Here, $c(\phi)$ is the value (1.40). The constants $\mathcal{C}_3$, $\mathcal{C}_4$, $\mathcal{C}_{12}$, $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_4$, and $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_{12}$ depend only on the initial data (11.5).
“Another” approximation of the operator $(\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon}-\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon )^{-1}$ follows from Theorems 9.1 and 9.7.
Proposition 11.2. Suppose that the assumptions of § 11.1 are satisfied. Let $\zeta \in \mathbb{C}\setminus [c_\flat,\infty)$, where $c_\flat = \frac{1}{2}\|g^{-1}\|^{-1}_{L_\infty} \| Q_0\|^{-1}_{L_\infty}$. Let $\varrho_\flat (\zeta )$ be the value (9.1). Suppose that the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant \varepsilon_1$,
The constants $\mathfrak{C}_1$, $\mathfrak{C}_2$, $\mathfrak{C}_{16}$, $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_2$, and $\widetilde{\mathfrak{C}}_{16}$ depend only on the initial data (11.5).
We can also apply Theorems 8.13 and 9.11 on approximations of the operator $(\mathcal{B}_{N,\varepsilon }-\zeta Q_0^\varepsilon )^{-1}$ in a strictly interior subdomain.
11.3. Parabolic results
Let us briefly discuss a parabolic problem. Let $u_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of the initial boundary value problem
Applying Theorems 10.2 and 10.5, we obtain the following assertion.
Proposition 11.3. Suppose that the assumptions of § 11.1 are satisfied. Let $u_\varepsilon(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of problem (11.6), and let $u_0(\mathbf{x},t)$ be the solution of the homogenized problem (11.7). Suppose that the number $\varepsilon_1$ satisfies Condition 3.1. Then, for $0<\varepsilon\leqslant\varepsilon_1$ and $t>0$,
Here, $c_\flat = \frac{1}{2}\|g^{-1}\|^{-1}_{L_\infty} \| Q_0\|^{-1}_{L_\infty}$. The constants $\mathrm{C}_1$, $\mathrm{C}_3$, $\widetilde{\mathrm{C}}_3$ depend only on the initial data (11.5).
We can also apply Theorem 10.12 and obtain approximation of the solution $u_\varepsilon(\,{\cdot}\,,t)$ in $H^1(\mathcal{O}')$. It is also possible to consider the initial boundary value problem for the non-homogeneous equation (the analog of (11.6) with the additional term $F(\mathbf{x},t)$ on the right-hand side of the equation) and apply Theorems 10.14, 10.15, 10.19, and 10.21.
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