The problem of asymptotic behaviour at infinity of solutions
to second-order differential equation can be reduced via the Liouville transform
to that of
an equation with almost constant coefficients. In the present paper,
we compare various methods of asymptotic integration in application to
the reduced equation $u''-(\lambda^2+\varphi(t))u=0$ and interpolate
the corresponding results in the case $\operatorname{Re}\lambda>0$,
provided that a complex-valued function $\varphi(t)$ is in a certain sense small
for large values of the argument.
Keywords:asymptotic integration, comparison equation, retraction principle, Lyapunov type function.
The above two substitutions are known as the Liouville transform. If $Q(x)$ behaves quite regularly at infinity and if the integral $\int^{\infty}\!\!\sqrt{Q(s)}\,ds$ diverges, the function $\varphi$ turns out to be small in a certain sense for large $t$. Sometimes several transformations of such a type are required to achieve the desired smallness of $\varphi$.
From the perturbation theory point of view it is natural to expect that solutions to the transformed equation (2) and to the associated comparison equation corresponding to the case $\varphi(t)\equiv 0$ are asymptotically close at infinity, and, therefore, the original equation (1) has a fundamental system of solutions
the integral $\int^{\infty}\!\!\sqrt{Q(s)}\,ds$ diverges (see [3]) and the function $\varphi(t)$ is integrable on the half-axis $\mathbb R_+$. Below, the function $\varphi(t)$ in (2) is assumed to be continuous.
In order to study the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to equation (2) in the case $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$, we reduce the corresponding first-order system
via the substitution $\left(\begin{smallmatrix}u\\u'\end{smallmatrix}\right) =\left(\begin{smallmatrix}1&1\\ \lambda&-\lambda\end{smallmatrix}\right)Y$, where $Y=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}\xi\\\eta\end{smallmatrix}\right)$. Now an application of the Levinson’s fundamental theorem (see [4]) produces the following result.
Proposition 1. If $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$, then there exists a pair of linearly independent solutions to equation (2) such that
In the case $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_2(\mathbb R_+)$, one can apply to equation (2) another method of asymptotic integration based on the substitution $u(t)=\exp\bigl(\mp\lambda t+\int_0^tw(s)\,ds\bigr)$ and transformation of (2) to the Riccati equation
after which this equation is reduced to an integral equation with quadratic non-linear term (see [4]). The following result is obtained within this approach.
Proposition 2. Let $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_2(\mathbb R_+)$ and let $\varphi(t)\to 0$ as $t\to\infty$. Then equation (2) has a fundamental system of solutions
The similarity between the asymptotic formulas for the solutions $u_{1,2}(t)$ with sharp estimates of the remainder terms, as given by Propositions 1 and 2, becomes even more vivid if the formula for $u_1(t)$ in Proposition 1 is written as
The natural question here is whether the above formulas can be derived within a unified approach capable of interpolating the specified summability conditions for the function $\varphi$. It turns out that the desired interpolation in the classes $\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, $p\in[1,2]$, can be achieved via an approach based on the known principle (see [5]) involving the topological notions of a retract and retraction (see § 2).
Theorem 1. If $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, $p\in[1,2]$, then equation (2) has solutions
The estimates for the remainder terms $\varepsilon_{1,2}(t)$ in formulas (4) coincide with those in Propositions 1 and 2 for $p=1$ and $p=2$, respectively, and can be actually considered as their deformations with respect to the parameter $p\in[1,2]$. The example $\varphi(t)=\sin t/\sqrt{t}$ shows that the condition of Theorem 1, which provides the asymptotic formulas
u_{1,2}(t)\sim\exp\biggl(\mp\lambda t \mp\frac1{2\lambda}\int_0^t\varphi(s)\,ds\biggr),\qquad t\to\infty,
for the solutions to equation (2), is sharp in the scale of space of integrable functions $\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$. Indeed, the corresponding equation (2) for $\lambda=1$ turns out to have (see § 5) solutions behaving asymptotically as $u_{1,2}(t)\sim t^{\pm1/20}e^{\mp t}$.
From the point of view of comparative analysis of various methods of asymptotic integration it is worth comparing the above assumptions on the function $\varphi(t)$ that provide the asymptotic equivalence as $t\to\infty$ of the solutions to equation (2) and to the corresponding model comparison equation with Hartman and Wintner type conditions (whose approach was developed in [6]–[9]). In [10], a number of results of this type (heterogeneous, at first glance) were unified by a method based on Leninson’s fundamental theorem. To be exact, we formulate here two such results (see [7], [8]), which we combine into a single proposition. For the sake of simplicity, we restrict to the case $\lambda>0$, which is non-elliptic in the language of [5].
Proposition 3. Let the integral $\int^{\infty}\varphi(t)\,dt$ converge (no matter absolutely or not) and let either of the conditions
The complementary convergence conditions for $\Phi_0(t)$ and $\Phi_1(t)$ are actually obtained one from another by deformation and are included into a one-parameter family of conditions, which guarantee the equivalence of solutions to equation (2) and to the comparison equation as $t\to\infty$. The desired interpolation between $\Phi_0(t)$ and $\Phi_1(t)$ is secured by the method based on the asymptotic factorization of the fundamental matrix for the corresponding first-order system (see § 6).
Theorem 2. Assuming that the integral $\int^{\infty}\varphi(t)\,dt$ converges, let the condition
be met for some parameter $\kappa\in[0,1]$, where $\mu(t)=\sup_{s\geqslant t}\bigl|\int_s^{\infty}\varphi(r)\,dr\bigr|$. Then equation (2) has solutions
The present paper is organized as follows. Lyapunov type functions are defined in § 2, where we also give an appropriate version of the retraction principle which applies directly to system (3). In § 3, we derive some auxiliary integral estimates, which will be used below. Further, in § 4 and § 5, we obtain a priori estimates for the solutions to equation (2). These estimates are then used for asymptotic integration of this equation (see the proof of Theorem 1). Corresponding counterexamples are also given. The sketch of the reduction method based on a transformation of a first-order system to the $L$-diagonal form is outlined in § 6. Finally, this method is applied in § 7 to the asymptotic integration problem under consideration (see the proof of Theorem 2). As a result, we obtain new conditions for asymptotic equivalence for solutions to equation (2) and to the corresponding comparison equation.
Examples show that the classes of functions $\varphi(t)$ satisfying the hypotheses of Theorems 1 and 2 are in general position. The corresponding results can be also given for equation (1) in the original representation (before application of the Liouville transform). Under proper conditions, these results provide effective estimates for the accuracy of Liouville–Green approximation for the corresponding solutions. Some of the results of the present paper were announced in [11].
and, in addition, $\sigma'=|\varphi(t)|-2\alpha\sigma$. As a result, on the null-level of the function $v^{(+)}(t,Y)$, that is, for $|\eta|=a\sigma(t)|\xi|$, we have
where $a\geqslant 2/|\lambda|$ and $\sigma(t)<1/a$ for $t\geqslant T$. This proves Statement 1.
Statement 2. If $Y(t)=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}\xi(t)\\\eta(t)\end{smallmatrix}\right)$ is a solution to system (3), then on the null-level of the function $v^{(-)}(t,Y)$ one has $dv^{(-)}(t,Y(t))/dt\geqslant 0$ for $t\geqslant T$ such that $\tau(t)< 1/a$.
Proof. Proceeding similarly and using the relation $\tau'=2\alpha\tau-|\varphi(t)|$, we estimate the derivative
where $a\geqslant 2/|\lambda|$ and $\tau(t)<1/a$ for $t\geqslant T$. This proves Statement 2.
Below, in application to system (3), we give an appropriate version of a topological principle required for our purposes. This principle involves the notions of a retraction, that is, a continuous projection (an idempotent) in a topological space, and a retract — the range of such projection. A continuous vector field associated with system (3) defines the flow and the corresponding fibering $\Psi\colon X\mapsto\Psi(X)$ of the extended phase space, where $X=(t,Y)$, and the fibre $\Psi(X)$ is the integral trajectory passing through $X$. Consider the subsets of the extended phase space
where $a=2/|\lambda|$ and $\tau(t)<1/a$ as $t\geqslant T$. By Proposition 2, for $t\geqslant T$ we have $dv^{(-)}(t,Y(t))/dt\geqslant 0$, and hence the field corresponding to (3) on $\Gamma$ is directed outside $\Omega$. Below, in § 4, we will define a set $\Sigma\subset\Omega|_{t=T}$ such that $\Sigma\cap\Gamma$ is a retract of $\Psi(\Sigma)\cap\Gamma$, and is not a retract of $\Sigma$ itself. Due to this fact, there exist initial data $\widehat{X}\in \Sigma$ such that $\Psi(\widehat{X})\subset\Omega$.
While applying the construction outlined above (see § 4) we will follow the general scheme developed in [5], which in fact goes back to [12]. However, for our purposes, a certain modification of this scheme is required to be able to achieve the interpolation estimates for the remainder terms $\varepsilon_{1,2}(t)$ as in Theorem 1.
Lemma 3. Assume that $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+),p\in[1,2]$. Then $\tau\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, $\tau\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$, $\tau(t)\to 0$ as $t\to\infty$, and for sufficiently large $t$,
\int_t^{\infty}|\varphi(s)|\tau(s)\, ds \leqslant (2\alpha)^{1-p}\int_t^{\infty}|\varphi(s)|^p\, ds.
Proof. Multiplying the equality $2\alpha\tau(s)=|\varphi(s)|+\tau'(s)$ by $\tau(s)^{p-1}$ and integrating over $[t,A]$, we have
for sufficiently large $A$, where $q=p/(p-1)$. Consequently, $\tau\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, and
\int_t^{\infty}\tau(s)^p\,ds \leqslant (2\alpha)^{-p}\int_t^{\infty}|\varphi(s)|^p\, ds.
Note that in this setting $q\geqslant p$, and, in addition, $\tau(t)\to 0$ as $t\to\infty$. Hence $\tau\in\mathrm{L}_q(\mathbb R_+)$. In view of the condition $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, this implies integrability of the function $\tau\varphi$ on the half-axis $\mathbb R_+$. Therefore, by Hölder’s inequality, we have, for sufficiently large $t$,
Lemma 4. Let $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, $p\in[1,2]$. Then $\sigma\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, $\sigma\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$, $\sigma(t)\to 0$ as $t\to\infty$, and
\int_0^t\sigma(s)^p\, ds\leqslant (2\alpha)^{-p}\int_0^t|\varphi(s)|^p\, ds.
Therefore, $\sigma\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$. By Lemma 2, in our setting $\sigma(t)\to 0$ as $t\to\infty$, and hence, $\sigma\in\mathrm{L}_q(\mathbb R_+)$. Since $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, the function $\sigma\varphi$ is integrable on the half-axis $\mathbb R_+$. Next, multiplying the equation $2\alpha\sigma(s)=|\varphi(s)|-\sigma'(s)$ by $\sigma(s)^{p-1}$ and integrating over $[t,\infty)$, we find that
Here, we used the fact that if $a,b,c\geqslant 0$ and $a^q\leqslant ab+c$, where $q\geqslant 2$, then $a\leqslant b^{1/(q-1)}+c^{1/q}$. Finally, applying Hölder’s and Young’s inequalities, we have, for sufficiently large $t$,
Statement 3. Let $\sigma(t)<|\lambda|/2$ if $t\geqslant T$ and let $Y(t)=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}\xi(t)\\\eta(t)\end{smallmatrix}\right)$ be any solution to system (3) such that $|\eta(T)|\leqslant (2/|\lambda|)\sigma(T)|\xi(T)|$. Then, for all $t\geqslant T$,
In the definition of the Lyapunov type function $v^{(+)}(t,Y)$, we set $a=2/|\lambda|$, and note that, for an arbitrary trajectory of system (3) with initial data satisfying the condition $v^{(+)}(T,Y(T))\leqslant 0$, from Statement 1 we have, for all $t\geqslant T$,
Statement 4. Let $\tau(t)<|\lambda|/2$ if $t\geqslant T$. Then system (3) has a solution $\widehat{Y}(t)=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}\widehat{\xi}(t) \\ \widehat{\eta}(t)\end{smallmatrix} \right)$ such that $\widehat{\eta}(t)\ne 0$ and, for all $t\geqslant T$,
where $ R > 0$. The set $\Psi(\Sigma)\cap\,\Gamma$ consists of segments of the integral curves $\Psi(X)\cap \,\Gamma$, where $X\in\Sigma$ so that the corresponding mapping $\gamma\colon\Sigma\to\Psi(\Sigma)\cap\Gamma$ is continuous, and the transform
so that $\varphi(t)\equiv 0$. Hence, $\arg (\xi/\overline{\eta})$ is constant on this segment. Therefore, we have $\pi(\Psi(X)\cap\Gamma)=\mathrm{const}$, as far as $|\xi|=a\tau(t)|\eta|$ on $\Gamma$.
Now let us show that there exist initial data $\widehat{X}\in \Sigma$ such that $\Psi(\widehat{X})\subset\Omega$, and so, $v^{(-)}(t,\widehat{Y}(t))\leqslant 0$ for $t\geqslant T$. Assume that $\Psi(X)\cap\Gamma\ne\varnothing$ for arbitrary $X\in\Sigma$. Then the mapping
is continuous on $\Sigma$ and is identical on $\partial\Sigma$. Hence the composition $\pi\circ\gamma$ is a retraction. However, $\Sigma\cap\Gamma=\partial\Sigma$ is a sphere, which by no means can be a retract of the ball $\Sigma$ according to the Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem (see, for example, [13]). Next, $\Psi(\Sigma)$ does not contain the stationary point of system (3), and hence $\widehat{\eta}(t)\ne 0$ for $t\geqslant T$. This proves Statement 4.
Proof of Theorem 1. Let $\tau(t)\to 0$ as $t\to\infty$ and let $\tau\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$. Integrating the equality
for the solution $\widehat{Y}(t)=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}\widehat{\xi}(t) \\ \widehat{\eta}(t) \end{smallmatrix} \right)$ of system (3), which was constructed in Statement 4. Here, we used the estimate $\widehat{\xi}(t)=O(\tau(t)\widehat{\eta}(t))$. The solution $u_1(t)=\widehat{\xi}(t)+\widehat{\eta}(t)$ to the original equation (2) obtained in this way behaves asymptotically as
Now let $\sigma(t)\to 0$ as $t\to\infty$ and $\sigma\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$. Consider the solution $\widetilde{Y}(t)=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}\widetilde{\xi}(t) \\ \widetilde{\eta}(t) \end{smallmatrix}\right)$ to system (3) specified in Proposition 3 such that $\widetilde{\xi}(T)\ne 0$. Hence $\widetilde{\xi}(t)\ne 0$ for all $t\geqslant T$. Proceeding as above and integrating the equality
where $\widetilde{\eta}(t)=O(\sigma(t)\widetilde{\xi}(t))$. Thus we have constructed the second desired solution $u_2(t)=\widetilde{\xi}(t)+\widetilde{\eta}(t)$ to equation (2) with the asymptotics
If $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, then $\tau(t)\to0$ and $\sigma(t)\to0$ as $t\to\infty$ by Lemmas 1 and 2. In turn, from Lemmas 3 and 4 we have the conditions $\tau\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$ and $\sigma\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$ with sharp estimates for the corresponding integrals. Consequently, under the assumption $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+),p\in[1,2]$, equation (2) has the fundamental system of solutions
is somewhat wider than the class $\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$, $p\in[1,2]$. Let us construct a function $\varphi\notin\mathrm{L}_p(\mathbb R_+)$ such that $\tau(t)\to 0$ as $t\to\infty$ and $\tau\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$. To this end, we set $\lambda=1/2$, $a_n=n^{3/2}$, $h_n=(\ln n)^{-1}, \varepsilon_n=n^{-4/5}$, where $n=2,3,\dots$, and define
where $\tau(\infty)=0$, shows that $\tau\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$ in our setting.
§ 5. Bellman asymptotic solutions
Under the condition $\varphi\in\mathrm{L}_3(\mathbb R_+)$, the method based on the transformation of (2) to the Riccati equation can be applied (see [4]) to construct solutions with the asymptotics
By the Dirichlet’s test, the integral $\int^{\infty}\varphi(s)e^{-2s}A(s)\, ds$ converges conditionally, and $\varphi(s)e^{-2s}B(s)$ and $\varphi(s)e^{-2s}C(s)$ possess absolutely integrable majorants, since
\int_1^s\frac{e^{2r}}{r^{\kappa+1}}\, dr \sim \frac{e^{2s}}{2s^{\kappa+1}},\qquad s\to\infty.
Corollary 1. If $\varphi(t)=t^{-\kappa}\sin t$, where $\kappa>1/3$, then equation (2) for $\lambda=1$ has a fundamental system of solutions which behave asymptotically as
this asymptotic formula is inconsistent with (6) for $\kappa\leqslant 1/2$.
On the other hand, the following result holds (see [14]).
Statement 5. Let $\varphi(t)=\varphi_1(t)+\varphi_2(t)$, where $\varphi_1'(t)\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$ and $\varphi_2'(t)=O(t^{-\alpha})$, $\alpha>1/2$. Then the limit
with a real-valued function $g(t)$. Equation (8) is regarded as an (unperturbed) model with respect to (7). It is assumed that (8), being non-oscillatory, possesses a fundamental system of solutions $\{y_1(t),y_2(t)\}$ which are positive for sufficiently large $t$ and such that
by the substitution $X=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}y_1&y_2\\ ry_1'&ry_2'\end{smallmatrix}\right)Y$. The transformation $Y=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}1&0\\ 0&1/\rho\end{smallmatrix}\right)\widetilde{Y}$ enables one to balance the off-diagonal matrix entries of the system
The goal of the current procedure (cf. [6]) is to reduce system (9) to the $L$-diagonal form. If $(g-f)y_1y_2\notin\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$, then one can try to achieve integrability of the perturbation $\widetilde{V}(t)$ by making an appropriate invertible transformation $\widetilde{Y}=(I+ \widetilde{Q}(t))\widehat{Y}$ so that
where $[\Lambda,\widetilde{Q}]=\Lambda \widetilde{Q}-\widetilde{Q}\Lambda$. If $\widetilde{Q}(t)=q(t)\left(\begin{smallmatrix} -1&-1\\ 1&1\end{smallmatrix}\right)$, then $(I+\widetilde{Q})^{-1}=I-\widetilde{Q}$, and so the reduced system takes the form
and $[\Lambda,\widehat{Q}]\,{=}\,(\rho'/\rho) \left(\begin{smallmatrix} 0&-\widehat{q}_{12}\\ \widehat{q}_{21}&0 \end{smallmatrix}\right)$. We next set $L(t) = \int_t^{\infty}q(s)\rho'(s)/\rho(s)\, ds$ and define $\widehat{q}_{11}=e^{-\kappa L}-1$, so that $(\widehat{q}_{11})'=\kappa(1+\widehat{q}_{11})q\rho'/\rho$. As the off-diagonal entries
where the right-hand side tends to zero as $t\to\infty$, since $\rho(t)\nearrow\infty$ and $q(t)\to 0$. Finally, by the above, $\widehat{q}_{22}(t)=O(\kappa|L(t)|+M(t))$ as $t\to\infty$.
The above reduction scheme was employed earlier (see [10]) in the cases $\kappa=0$ and $\kappa=1$ for the derivation of certain well-known (cf. Proposition 3) conditions for asymptotic equivalence for the solutions to equations (7) and (8).
§ 7. Hartman and Wintner type conditions
If $V\in\mathrm{L}_1(\mathbb R_+)$, then by Levinson’s theorem the reduced $L$-diagonal system
After inverse transformations, we obtain an asymptotic factorization of the fundamental matrix for the initial system (9), and, as a result, we arrive at the conclusion that the solutions to equations (7) and (8) are asymptotically equivalent, with sharp estimates for the accuracy of the corresponding approximations (cf. [14] and [15]).
Proposition 4. Let $q(t)\to 0$ as $t\to\infty$, let the integral
converge, and let the function $(\kappa|L(t)|+M(t))|q(t)|\rho'(t)/\rho(t)$ be integrable on the half-axis $\mathbb R_+$. Then equation (7) has the fundamental system of solutions
so that $q_{11}+q_{21}=\widehat{q}_{11}+\widehat{q}_{21}$ and $q_{21}+q_{22}=\widehat{q}_{21}+\widehat{q}_{22}$. Multiplying the above matrices, we find that
This gives us the desired fundamental system of solutions $\{x_1(t),x_2(t)\}$ to equation (7) with asymptotics (14) and with estimates (10)–(13) for the remainder terms.
Proof of Theorem 2. Equation (2) with $\varphi(t)\equiv 0$ will be chosen in our context as an unperturbed comparison equation within the framework of the above scheme, so that $y_{1,2}(t)=e^{\mp\lambda t}$ and $\rho(t)=e^{2\lambda t}$.
We claim first that if $\int^{\infty}\varphi(t)\, dt<\infty$, then both integrals
also converge for $\kappa>0$ and behave as $O(\mu(t))$, where $\mu(t)=\sup_{s\geqslant t} \bigl|\int_s^{\infty}\varphi(r)\, dr\bigr|$. Indeed, an integration by parts
To conclude, we give an illustrative example of equation (2) to which Theorem 2 applies, but Theorem 1 does not. Setting $\varphi(t)=\sin t^2$, we have
and, therefore, $\Phi_{\kappa}(t)\leqslant 2/t$. We also have $\int_0^te^{2\lambda(s-t)}\mu(s)\, ds=O(t^{-1})$, and so by Theorem 2 the corresponding equation (2) has linearly independent solutions of the form
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