Uniform asymptotic expansions of solutions of two-point boundary value problems of Dirichlet,
Neumann and Robin for a linear inhomogeneous ordinary differential equation of the second order with a
small parameter at the highest derivative are constructed. A feature of the considered two-point boundary
value problems is that the corresponding unperturbed boundary value problems for an ordinary differential
equation of the first order has a regularly singular point at the left end of the segment. Asymptotic solutions
of boundary value problems are constructed by the modified Vishik-Lyusternik-Vasilyeva method of boundary
functions. Asymptotic expansions of solutions of two-point boundary value problems are substantiated. We
propose a simpler algorithm for constructing an asymptotic solution of bisingular boundary value problems
with regular singular points, and our boundary functions constructed in a neighborhood of a regular singular
point have the property of "boundary layer", that is, they disappear outside the boundary layer.
Keywords and phrases:asymptotic solution, Dirichlet boundary value problem, Neumann boundary value problem, Robin boundary-value problem, bisingularly perturbed problem, small parameter, regularly singular point.
D. A. Tursunov, K. G. Kozhobekov, Bekmurza uulu Ybadylla, “Asymptotics of solutions of boundary value problems for the equation εy″+xp(x)y′−q(x)y=f”, Eurasian Math. J., 13:3 (2022), 82–91
D. Tursunov, Y. Bekmurzauulu, “Asymptotics of the Solution of a Two-Point Bundary-Value Problem with Single Points”, Bulletin of Science and Practice, 10:8 (2024), 20