Meetings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society St. Petersburg
Meetings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, St. Petersburg |
December 24, 2024 (Tue) |
1. |
Перекладывания отрезков в прошлом и в будущем A. S. Skripchenko December 24, 2024 17:00, St. Petersburg
November 12, 2024 (Tue) |
2. |
Динамические системы Морса - Смейла O. V. Pochinka November 12, 2024 18:00, St. Petersburg
June 4, 2024 (Tue) |
Совместное заседание Санкт-Петербургского математического общества, Cеминара по математической физике им. В. И. Смирнова и Секции математики Дома ученых РАН |
3. |
In memory of Vsevolod Alekseevich Solonnikov (1933-2024). Part 1. June 4, 2024 18:00, St. Petersburg, PDMI, room 311, zoom online-conference
4. |
In memory of Vsevolod Alekseevich Solonnikov (1933-2024). Part 2. June 4, 2024 19:00, St. Petersburg, PDMI, room 311, zoom online-conference
April 9, 2024 (Tue) |
Talks by the laureates of the Society "Young Mathematician" Prize |
5. |
Динамика метрик в пространствах с мерой и масштабированная энтропия G. A. Veprev April 9, 2024 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 12, 2023 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
6. |
Заседание памяти Н. А. Вавилова (1952-2023) December 12, 2023 18:00, St. Petersburg
January 12, 2023 (Thu) |
Совместное заседание Санкт-Петербургского математического общества, Общегородского семинара по математической физике имени В. И. Смирнова и Секции математики Дома Ученых |
7. |
Памяти академика О. А. Ладыженской January 12, 2023 15:00, St. Petersburg
March 7, 2022 (Mon) |
8. |
Совместное заседание Санкт-Петербургского математического общества, Семинара по математической физике им. В. И. Смирнова, Семинара по истории математики и Секции математики Дома ученых РАН, посвященное 100-летию со дня рождения выдающегося математика Ольги Александровны Ладыженской (1922 – 2004) D. E. Apushkinskaya, A. I. Nazarov March 7, 2022 15:00, St. Petersburg
December 28, 2021 (Tue) |
9. |
Новогодний рассказ о концентрации меры, обратных задачах, дискретизации D. Yu. Burago December 28, 2021 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 22, 2020 (Tue) |
Совместное заседание Санкт-Петербургского Математического общества, Петербургского геометрического семинара им. А.Д. Александрова и секции математики Дома Ученых |
10. |
Совместное заседание Санкт-Петербургского Математического общества, Петербургского геометрического семинара им. А.Д. Александрова и секции математики Дома Ученых, посвященное 100-летию со дня рождения Почетного члена СПбМО, замечательного математика, выдающегося преподавателя и человека Виктора Абрамовича Залгаллера December 22, 2020 18:00, St. Petersburg
October 27, 2020 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
11. |
Вечер памяти Якова Юрьевича Никитина (1947 – 2020) October 27, 2020 17:00, St. Petersburg
February 25, 2020 (Tue) |
12. |
Джулия Робинсон и 10-я проблема Гильберта (к столетию со дня рождения и пятидесятилетию со дня решения проблемы) Yu. V. Matiyasevich February 25, 2020 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 10, 2019 (Tue) |
Talks by the laureates of the Society "Young Mathematician" Prize |
13. |
Точные асимптотики $L_2$-малых уклонений для конечномерных возмущений
гауссовских процессов. Yu. P. Petrova December 10, 2019 18:00, St. Petersburg
14. |
О ветвящихся случайных блужданиях. M. V. Platonova December 10, 2019 18:00, St. Petersburg
May 21, 2019 (Tue) |
15. |
Геометрия нодальных множеств A. A. Logunov May 21, 2019 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 11, 2018 (Tue) |
16. |
Негладкий анализ и субдифференциальное исчисление M. V. Dolgopolik December 11, 2018 18:00, St. Petersburg
17. |
Гипотеза Эндрюса-Кёртиса S. O. Ivanov December 11, 2018 18:00, St. Petersburg
November 27, 2018 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
18. |
От истоков вариационного исчисления к современным работам в области оптимального переноса массы, удостоенным Филдсовской медали 2018 года E. Stepanov November 27, 2018 18:00, St. Petersburg
May 22, 2018 (Tue) |
19. |
Отчётно-выборное собрание Санкт-Петербургского математического общества May 22, 2018 17:30, St. Petersburg
20. |
Презентация коллективной монографии "Математический Петербург" May 22, 2018 18:00, St. Petersburg
April 10, 2018 (Tue) |
21. |
Заседание, посвященное 110-летию со дня рождения выдающегося математика С. Г. Михлина (1908–1990) April 10, 2018 18:00, St. Petersburg
May 30, 2017 (Tue) |
22. |
Заседание, посвященное памяти академика Л. Д. Фаддеева (1934–2017) May 30, 2017 18:00, St. Petersburg
November 1, 2016 (Tue) |
23. |
Впечатления о 7-м Европейском математическом конгрессе 2016 г A. D. Baranov, Yu. S. Belov, S. B. Tikhomirov, D. S. Chelkak November 1, 2016 18:00, St. Petersburg
May 17, 2016 (Tue) |
Talks by the laureates of the Society "Young Mathematician" Prize |
24. |
Функция Беллмана в гармоническом анализе P. B. Zatitskii, D. M. Stolyarov May 17, 2016 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 29, 2015 (Tue) |
Заседание, посвященное памяти Виктора Петровича Хавина (1933 – 2015) |
25. |
К математической биографии В. П. Хавина – 50 лет в пространствах Харди N. K. Nikol'skii December 29, 2015 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 22, 2015 (Tue) |
26. |
Заседание, посвященное 100-летию метода Галёркина I. I. Demidova, S. I. Repin December 22, 2015 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 1, 2015 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
27. |
Заседание, посвященное 200-летию со дня рождения Карла Вейерштрасса (1815-1897) G. I. Sinkevich, V. M. Tikhomirov December 1, 2015 18:00, St. Petersburg
October 20, 2015 (Tue) |
28. |
Заседание, посвященное 200-летию со дня рождения русского математика и механика Иосифа Ивановича Сомова (1815-1876) October 20, 2015 18:00, St. Petersburg
June 23, 2015 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of St.Petersburg mathematical society and St.Petersburg seminar on the Control Theory |
29. |
Заседание, посвященное памяти почетного профессора СПбГУ, члена-корреспондента РАН Владимира Андреевича Якубовича (1926-2012) June 23, 2015 16:00, St. Petersburg
February 24, 2015 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
30. |
Заседание, посвященное 100-летию со дня рождения выдающегося советского математика, президента Ленинградского математического общества в 1959 – 1965 гг., академика Юрия Владимировича Линника (1915 – 1972) February 24, 2015 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 23, 2014 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
31. |
Заседание, посвященное 100-летию со дня рождения лауреата государственной премии СССР Георгия Ивановича Петрашеня (1914 – 2004) возглавлявшего ЛОМИ АН СССР с 1957 по 1976 г December 23, 2014 18:00, St. Petersburg
November 11, 2014 (Tue) |
32. |
Заседание, посвященное 100-летию со дня рождения Сергея Михайловича Лозинского, президента Ленинградского математического общества в 1965-1985 гг November 11, 2014 18:00, St. Petersburg
June 3, 2014 (Tue) |
33. |
Преподавание математики в США V. V. Peller June 3, 2014 18:00, St. Petersburg
May 13, 2014 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and Seminar on the History of Mathematics |
34. |
Philosophy of logic and mathematics in Warsaw School R. Muravskii May 13, 2014, St. Petersburg
April 22, 2014 (Tue) |
Talks by the laureates of the Society "Young Mathematician" Prize |
35. |
Конформная инвариантность корреляций в критической модели Изинга K. A. Izyurov April 22, 2014 18:00, St. Petersburg
March 25, 2014 (Tue) |
36. |
Спектральная геометрия: слышать форму, видеть звук A. V. Penskoi March 25, 2014 18:00, St. Petersburg
November 12, 2013 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
37. |
Заседание, посвященное 125-летию со дня рождения заслуженного деятеля науки и техники РСФСР, выдающегося математика и педагога, основателя кафедры математического анализа Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета Григория Михайловича Фихтенгольца (1888–1959) November 12, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg
October 22, 2013 (Tue) |
38. |
Заседание, посвященное памяти профессора Николая Николаевича Петрова (1939 – 2012) October 22, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg, PDMI, Fontanka, 27, Marble hall
October 15, 2013 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
39. |
Заседание, посвященное 150-летию со дня рождения выдающегося кораблестроителя, механика и математика, академика Алексея Николаевича Крылова (1863 - 1945) October 15, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg
September 23, 2013 (Mon) |
Joint meeting of St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and Cohomology in Mathematics and Physics program at Euler Institute |
40. |
Finite algebraic models of processes in space D. Sullivan September 23, 2013 11:00, St. Petersburg
41. |
The roots of differential cohomology James H. Simons September 23, 2013 17:00, St. Petersburg
September 17, 2013 (Tue) |
42. |
Low dimensional topology: A survey J. W. Morgan September 17, 2013 17:00, St. Petersburg
June 11, 2013 (Tue) |
43. |
Computation and the future of mathematics Stephen Wolfram June 11, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg
June 3, 2013 (Mon) |
44. |
Колмогоровская сложность как энергия: две статфизические модели в информатике Yu. I. Manin June 3, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg
May 21, 2013 (Tue) |
45. |
Математический пейзаж Москвы: наука и образование M. A. Tsfasman, A. I. Zykin May 21, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg
May 14, 2013 (Tue) |
On the centenary of the birth of Paul Erdős (1913–1996) |
46. |
Несколько замечаний о математическом творчестве Эрдёша A. M. Vershik May 14, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg
47. |
Задача Эрдёша о различных расстояниях F. V. Petrov May 14, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg
May 7, 2013 (Tue) |
A joint meeting with the Chebyshev Laboratory |
48. |
Проблема P-NP и сложность задач компьютерной алгебры D. Yu. Grigor'ev May 7, 2013 17:30, St. Petersburg
April 23, 2013 (Tue) |
49. |
Нули случайных полиномов и аналитических функций D. N. Zaporozhets April 23, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg
April 17, 2013 (Wed) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
50. |
Meeting dedicated to the memory of Mikhail Birman (1928–2009) April 17, 2013 17:00, St. Petersburg
February 26, 2013 (Tue) |
51. |
Заседание, посвященное академику Ольге Александровне Ладыженской (1922–2004), президенту СПбМО в 1990–1998 гг February 26, 2013 18:00, St. Petersburg
February 11, 2013 (Mon) |
52. |
Совместное заседание семинара им. В. И. Смирнова по математической физике, семинара кафедры высшей математики и математической физики физического факультета СПбГУ, Санкт-Петербургского семинара по теории операторов и теории функций и Санкт-Петербургского математического общества, посвященное памяти Михаила Соломоновича Бирмана (к 85-летию со дня рождения) T. A. Suslina February 11, 2013 17:00, St. Petersburg
December 25, 2012 (Tue) |
Talks by the laureates of the Society "Young Mathematician" Prize |
53. |
Talks by the «Young Mathematician» Society Prize for 2012 laureates A. S. Anan'evskii, R. S. Pusev December 25, 2012 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 18, 2012 (Tue) |
54. |
Georg Cantor from St. Petersburg G. I. Sinkevich December 18, 2012 18:00, St. Petersburg
November 1, 2012 (Thu) |
55. |
Совместное заседание Общества и Секции математики Дома ученых, посвященное 100-летию со дня рождения академика А. Д. Александрова
(1912–1999) November 1, 2012 17:00, St. Petersburg
October 9, 2012 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
56. |
Alan Turing and number theory (to the centenary of Alan Turing's birth) Yu. V. Matiyasevich October 9, 2012 18:00, St. Petersburg, Dom Uchenykh, Dvortsovaya emb. 26
June 19, 2012 (Tue) |
57. |
Klein polihedra and Oppenheim conjecture for linear forms O. N. German June 19, 2012 18:00, St. Petersburg
May 22, 2012 (Tue) |
58. |
Meeting dedicated to the memory of N.A. Shanin (1919–2011) May 22, 2012 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka, hall 311
March 6, 2012 (Tue) |
Talks by the laureates of the Society "Young Mathematician" Prize |
59. |
Talks by the "Young Mathematician" Society Prize for 2011 laureates Yu. S. Belov, F. V. Petrov March 6, 2012 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka, hall 311
February 9, 2012 (Thu) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, the conference "Mathematics, Economic Sciences, and Management: the Centenary of L.V. Kantorovich" and the Section of the House of Scientists |
60. |
Reminiscences about Leonid Kantorovich (1912–1986) February 9, 2012 18:00, St. Petersburg, 26 Dvortsovaya emb., "Dom Uchenykh"
December 27, 2011 (Tue) |
61. |
Алгебры флагов A. A. Razborov December 27, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 13, 2011 (Tue) |
62. |
Классы Райдемайстера: алгебра, геометрия и анализ E. V. Troitskii December 13, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg
November 8, 2011 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
63. |
Заседание, посвященное 200-летию со дня рождения выдающегося французского математика Эвариста Галуа (1811–1832) November 8, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg
October 4, 2011 (Tue) |
64. |
Геометрия узлов и зацеплений A. D. Mednykh October 4, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka, hall 311
September 13, 2011 (Tue) |
65. |
Continuum hypothesis as a model-theoretical problem Jaakko Hintikka September 13, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka, hall 311
July 5, 2011 (Tue) |
A joint meeting with the Chebyshev Laboratory |
66. |
Information and interactive communication M. Braverman July 5, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka, hall 311
June 21, 2011 (Tue) |
67. |
A generalization to manifolds of Schperner's and Tucker's lemmas and of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem O. R. Musin June 21, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka, hall 311
May 24, 2011 (Tue) |
68. |
Diophantine equations of the form $f(x)=g(y)$ B. Sury May 24, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka, hall 311
May 10, 2011 (Tue) |
69. |
The governing PDE's for nonlinear material's science, conformal geometry and the Hilbert-Smith Conjecture Gaven Martin May 10, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka, hall 311, 18:00
March 15, 2011 (Tue) |
Talks by the laureates of the Society "Young Mathematician" Prize |
70. |
Structural stability of vector fields with shadowing property corresponding to some reparametrization classes S. B. Tikhomirov March 15, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka, hall 106
March 1, 2011 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
71. |
Conformal field theory and Shramm–Loewner evolution Stanislav Smirnov March 1, 2011, St. Petersburg
January 18, 2011 (Tue) |
Talks by the laureates of the Society "Young Mathematician" Prize |
72. |
Discrete topological quantum field theory P. N. Mnev January 18, 2011 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 27, 2010 (Mon) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
73. |
Amenability, self-similar groups and the Munchausen trick R. I. Grigorchuk December 27, 2010 13:00, St. Petersburg, PDMI, room 311 (nab. r. Fontanki, 27)
November 2, 2010 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
74. |
A meeting dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Arnold November 2, 2010 17:00, St. Petersburg, 26 Dvortsovaya emb., "Dom Uchenykh"
October 12, 2010 (Tue) |
75. |
V. A. Rokhlin's problem on multiple mixing and related problems in ergodic theory V. V. Ryzhikov October 12, 2010 18:00, St. Petersburg, 27 Fontanka emb., hall 311
May 25, 2010 (Tue) |
76. |
Higher composition laws and exceptonal groups N. A. Vavilov May 25, 2010, St. Petersburg
April 6, 2010 (Tue) |
77. |
John Tate, a new Abel Prize laureate M. I. Bashmakov, S. V. Vostokov April 6, 2010, St. Petersburg
March 30, 2010 (Tue) |
78. |
Inverse problems in stochastic geometry E. Spodarev March 30, 2010, St. Petersburg
March 23, 2010 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
79. |
Mathematical proof: yesterday, today, tomorrow N. A. Vavilov March 23, 2010, St. Petersburg
80. |
Mathematical proof: yesterday, today, tomorrow Yu. V. Matiyasevich March 23, 2010, St. Petersburg
81. |
Mathematical proof: yesterday, today, tomorrow A. M. Vershik March 23, 2010, St. Petersburg
February 16, 2010 (Tue) |
82. |
V. A. Steklov: mathematician, school founder, vice-president of the Academy, sitizen N. G. Kuznetsov February 16, 2010, St. Petersburg
December 24, 2009 (Thu) |
Talks by the laureates of the Society "Young Mathematician" Prize |
83. |
Jordan algebras, Lie algebras, and algebraic groups A. K. Stavrova December 24, 2009, St. Petersburg
84. |
Conglutinating particles, limit theorems, and delicate properties of random walks V. V. Vysotsky December 24, 2009, St. Petersburg
December 1, 2009 (Tue) |
85. |
The influence of the Uniform Graduation Examination (EGE) on the mathematical formation (following the results of 2009) December 1, 2009, St. Petersburg
November 16, 2009 (Mon) |
86. |
Crifical non-linearities of PDE S. I. Pokhozhaev November 16, 2009, St. Petersburg
November 3, 2009 (Tue) |
A talk by a Society "Young Mathematician Prize" laureate for 2008 |
87. |
Polylinear forms and exceptional groups A. Yu. Luzgarev November 3, 2009, St. Petersburg
October 20, 2009 (Tue) |
88. |
Meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the renaiscance of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society October 20, 2009, St. Petersburg
May 26, 2009 (Tue) |
89. |
On the Nielsen–Schreier method and ergodic properties of the boundary action V. A. Kaimanovich May 26, 2009, St. Petersburg
May 19, 2009 (Tue) |
90. |
Documentary film “Wolfgang Doeblin: A Mathematician Rediscovered” May 19, 2009, St. Petersburg
May 12, 2009 (Tue) |
91. |
Spectral duality and Smilansky conjecture for the inner and the outer Neumann Laplaceans in $\mathbf R^3$ B. S. Pavlov May 12, 2009, St. Petersburg
April 21, 2009 (Tue) |
92. |
Chavalley type theorems for groups of complex reflections O. V. Schwarzman April 21, 2009 18:00, St. Petersburg
March 24, 2009 (Tue) |
93. |
Boundary rigidity and minimal fillings S. V. Ivanov March 24, 2009, St. Petersburg
December 26, 2008 (Fri) |
94. |
Presentation of the awards at the meeting of St. Petersburg Mathematical Society December 26, 2008 18:00, St. Petersburg
December 2, 2008 (Tue) |
95. |
Spectral theory of boundary problems for ODE and Gaussian random processes A. I. Nazarov December 2, 2008, St. Petersburg
November 11, 2008 (Tue) |
96. |
Gusarov's theorem S. V. Duzhin November 11, 2008 18:00, St. Petersburg
September 30, 2008 (Tue) |
97. |
Geometry of Diophantine approximations N. G. Moshchevitin September 30, 2008, St. Petersburg
April 22, 2008 (Tue) |
98. |
Intersection theory on the space of $r$-spin structures D. A. Zvonkine April 22, 2008, St. Petersburg
April 19, 2008 (Sat) |
Mathematics lectures for students |
99. |
Несколько элементарных, но непростых интегральных неравенств A. I. Nazarov April 19, 2008, St. Petersburg
April 8, 2008 (Tue) |
100. |
Central extension of the group of infinite matrices and reciprocity laws on curves S. M. Arkhipov April 8, 2008, St. Petersburg
March 25, 2008 (Tue) |
101. |
“Quasi-classical” formulae for characters of the representations of the vertex-operator algebras B. L. Feigin March 25, 2008, St. Petersburg
March 11, 2008 (Tue) |
102. |
Mathematical etudes N. N. Andreev March 11, 2008, St. Petersburg
January 22, 2008 (Tue) |
103. |
Школьное математическое образование в Петербурге January 22, 2008, St. Petersburg
December 25, 2007 (Tue) |
Talks by the "Young Mathematician" Society Prize laureates for 2007 |
104. |
Time hierarchies for heuristic algorithms K. V. Pervyshev December 25, 2007, St. Petersburg
November 27, 2007 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
105. |
A memorial meeting dedicated to the Academician Vladimir Smirnov (on the occasion of his 120th anniversary) November 27, 2007, St. Petersburg
November 13, 2007 (Tue) |
106. |
Calculations in exceptional groups N. A. Vavilov November 13, 2007, St. Petersburg
October 30, 2007 (Tue) |
107. |
Toric topology T. E. Panov October 30, 2007, St. Petersburg
October 16, 2007 (Tue) |
108. |
Quantum mechanics and neurophysiology. In search of a unified theory N. N. Petrov October 16, 2007, St. Petersburg
October 2, 2007 (Tue) |
109. |
On the Borsuk problem A. M. Raigorodskii October 2, 2007, St. Petersburg
September 15, 2007 (Sat) |
Mathematics lectures for students |
110. |
Knotting of low-dimensional manifolds A. B. Skopenkov September 15, 2007, St. Petersburg
May 29, 2007 (Tue) |
111. |
Four results of J. Kleinberg Yu. M. Lifshits May 29, 2007, St. Petersburg
May 16, 2007 (Wed) |
A meeting dedicated to L. Euler's 300th anniversary. Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and International Historical and Scientific Conference with participation of the Euler Foundation |
112. |
Леонард Эйлер и становление рациональной механики G. K. Mikhailov May 16, 2007, St. Petersburg
113. |
Эйлер и закон взаимности S. V. Vostokov May 16, 2007, St. Petersburg
114. |
The first modern mathematician? Euler's contribution to the development of scientific style M. Mattmüller May 16, 2007, St. Petersburg
115. |
Соединить идеи с вычислениями. От Эйлера до компьютерной алгебры N. A. Vavilov May 16, 2007, St. Petersburg
116. |
Леонард Эйлер и современные представления о молекулярной структуре фуллеренов и фуллереноподобных наноструктур E. I. Kats May 16, 2007, St. Petersburg
April 24, 2007 (Tue) |
117. |
Geometrization conjecture and G. Perelman's works S. V. Duzhin April 24, 2007, St. Petersburg
April 10, 2007 (Tue) |
118. |
Braids and related structures V. V. Vershinin April 10, 2007, St. Petersburg
January 25, 2007 (Thu) |
119. |
Kadison–Singer problem is provokingly elementary? N. K. Nikol'skii January 25, 2007, St. Petersburg
January 9, 2007 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
120. |
Arithmetic intersection theory and homotopical algebra N. V. Durov January 9, 2007, St. Petersburg
121. |
Weak shadowing for omega-stable diffeomorphisms O. A. Tarakanov January 9, 2007, St. Petersburg
November 7, 2006 (Tue) |
122. |
Cohomology of finite-dimensional algebras: new methods and results A. I. Generalov November 7, 2006, St. Petersburg
October 24, 2006 (Tue) |
123. |
Arnold diffusion: the state of the art D. V. Treschev October 24, 2006, St. Petersburg
October 10, 2006 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists. Meeting dedicated to the 150th anniversary of A. A. Markov sr. (1856–1922) |
124. |
О работах Маркова по теории вероятностей I. A. Ibragimov October 10, 2006, St. Petersburg
125. |
Спектр Маркова для бинарных квадратичных форм E. P. Golubeva October 10, 2006, St. Petersburg
126. |
Проблема моментов в работах Маркова I. V. Videnskii October 10, 2006, St. Petersburg
127. |
Влияние работ Маркова на развитие математики в XX веке. Неизвестное письмо о методе наименьших квадратов N. S. Ermolaeva October 10, 2006, St. Petersburg
August 29, 2006 (Tue) |
128. |
Lifting the curse of dimensionality: numerical integration in high dimensions I. H. Sloan August 29, 2006, St. Petersburg
June 13, 2006 (Tue) |
129. |
A decomposition-separation theorem for Markov chains I. M. Sonin June 13, 2006, St. Petersburg
May 16, 2006 (Tue) |
130. |
Krichever–Novikov algebras, their representations and applications to geometry and mathematical physics O. K. Sheinman May 16, 2006, St. Petersburg
May 13, 2006 (Sat) |
Mathematics lectures for students |
131. |
Сложные структуры в динамике S. Yu. Pilyugin May 13, 2006, St. Petersburg
April 25, 2006 (Tue) |
132. |
Classification problems for complex supermanifolds A. L. Onishchik April 25, 2006, St. Petersburg
April 18, 2006 (Tue) |
133. |
13th Hilbert problem and algebraic groups V. L. Popov April 18, 2006, St. Petersburg
April 15, 2006 (Sat) |
Mathematics lectures for students |
134. |
О возведении пространств в степень S. V. Duzhin April 15, 2006, St. Petersburg
April 11, 2006 (Tue) |
135. |
Meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Isidor P. Natanson (1906–1964) April 11, 2006, St. Petersburg
April 1, 2006 (Sat) |
Mathematics lectures for students |
136. |
Универсальные графы и задачи, связанные с ними A. M. Vershik April 1, 2006, St. Petersburg
March 28, 2006 (Tue) |
137. |
Asymptotic behaviour of the spectrum for matrices of large dimension (the global mode) A. N. Tikhomirov March 28, 2006, St. Petersburg
March 14, 2006 (Tue) |
Meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founder of the Leningrad geometric function theory school Gennady M. Goluzin (1906–1952) |
138. |
G. M. Goluzin and geometric function theory G. V. Kuz'mina March 14, 2006, St. Petersburg
139. |
On the interpolation Goluzin–Krylov formula V. P. Havin March 14, 2006, St. Petersburg
December 27, 2005 (Tue) |
140. |
Algebraic geometry proof of Witten's conjecture S. K. Lando December 27, 2005, St. Petersburg
December 22, 2005 (Thu) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
141. |
Discussion on the interplay between mathematics and real world December 22, 2005, St. Petersburg
December 13, 2005 (Tue) |
142. |
Analysis, algebra, and logic in operator theory A. G. Kusraev December 13, 2005, St. Petersburg
December 6, 2005 (Tue) |
143. |
Rasmussen's invariant S. V. Duzhin December 6, 2005, St. Petersburg
November 29, 2005 (Tue) |
144. |
“Dif=Def” problems Vik. S. Kulikov November 29, 2005, St. Petersburg
November 22, 2005 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
145. |
Urgent problems of school mathematical education November 22, 2005, St. Petersburg
October 18, 2005 (Tue) |
146. |
Cartan type estimates for the Cauchy potential V. Ya. Èiderman October 18, 2005, St. Petersburg
September 13, 2005 (Tue) |
147. |
Motivic cohomologies and the Bloch–Kato conjecture A. A. Suslin September 13, 2005, St. Petersburg
June 14, 2005 (Tue) |
148. |
Topological field theories S. M. Natanzon June 14, 2005, St. Petersburg
May 24, 2005 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
149. |
Embedding and nonembeddability theorems in asymptotic geometry S. V. Buyalo May 24, 2005, St. Petersburg
May 5, 2005 (Thu) |
150. |
Koszul duality for operads A. S. Khoroshkin May 5, 2005, St. Petersburg
April 27, 2005 (Wed) |
Joint meeting of the Society and the conference "Analytical methods in number theory, probability, and statistics" dedicated to Yu. V. Linnik's 90th anniversary |
151. |
Reminiscences about academician Yu. V. Linnik April 27, 2005, St. Petersburg
April 19, 2005 (Tue) |
152. |
Power geometry as new mathematics A. D. Bruno April 19, 2005, St. Petersburg
April 5, 2005 (Tue) |
153. |
The Witten–Kontsevitch theory: from two-dimensional topological gravitation to random trees P. G. Zograf April 5, 2005, St. Petersburg
March 18, 2005 (Fri) |
Mathematics lectures for students |
154. |
Leibnitz's infinitesimal calculus in terms of nonstandard analysis Yu. N. Lovyagin March 18, 2005, St. Petersburg
March 1, 2005 (Tue) |
155. |
Diophantine equations (an attempt of a survey) B. Z. Moroz March 1, 2005, St. Petersburg
January 18, 2005 (Tue) |
156. |
A meeting dedicated to organizational matters January 18, 2005, St. Petersburg
December 14, 2004 (Tue) |
157. |
Discrete Painlevé equations in probability Alexey Borodin December 14, 2004, St. Petersburg
December 7, 2004 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
158. |
Aims and values of school mathematical education, and evaluation of its results December 7, 2004, St. Petersburg
November 30, 2004 (Tue) |
159. |
Universality and randomness in geometry, combinatorics, and analysis A. M. Vershik November 30, 2004, St. Petersburg
November 9, 2004 (Tue) |
160. |
Irrational windings of flat surfaces, Teichmüller's geodesic flow, and “time machine” A. V. Zorich November 9, 2004, St. Petersburg
October 19, 2004 (Tue) |
A talk of the Society Prize winner for 2003 |
161. |
Explicit reciprocity laws in local class field theory A. N. Zinoviev October 19, 2004, St. Petersburg
September 14, 2004 (Tue) |
A talk of the Society Prize winner for 2002 |
162. |
Poisson boundary for random walks on groops Anna Erschler September 14, 2004, St. Petersburg
April 20, 2004 (Tue) |
163. |
A new generalization of the continued fraction A. D. Bruno April 20, 2004, St. Petersburg
March 30, 2004 (Tue) |
164. |
A version of analysis that does not use the notion of continuum N. A. Shanin March 30, 2004, St. Petersburg
March 25, 2004 (Thu) |
165. |
Guaranteed exactness in spectral problems S. K. Godunov March 25, 2004, St. Petersburg
March 16, 2004 (Tue) |
166. |
A meeting dedicated to the memory of academician O. A. Ladyzhenskaya (1922–2004) March 16, 2004, St. Petersburg
February 24, 2004 (Tue) |
167. |
A meeting dedicated to the memory of G. I. Natanson (1930–2003) February 24, 2004, St. Petersburg
November 25, 2003 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
168. |
A. N. Kolmogorov, John von Neumann: mathematical genii of the XXth century. On the occasion of the 100th anniversaries of A.N.K. and J.v.N November 25, 2003, St. Petersburg
October 21, 2003 (Tue) |
169. |
Hyperbolic virtual polytopes and a uniqueness hypothesis for convex surfaces G. Yu. Panina October 21, 2003, St. Petersburg
October 7, 2003 (Tue) |
170. |
Cohomolgies of the space of knots and their combinatorial formulas V. A. Vassiliev October 7, 2003, St. Petersburg
September 19, 2003 (Fri) |
Mathematics lectures for students |
171. |
Tenth Hilbert problem: what one can and can not do with Diophantine equations Yu. V. Matiyasevich September 19, 2003, St. Petersburg
September 9, 2003 (Tue) |
172. |
Noncommutative geometry, nonstandard mathematics, and the theory of elliptic curves with “real multiplication” I. B. Fesenko September 9, 2003, St. Petersburg
June 24, 2003 (Tue) |
173. |
Introduction to symplectic topology: from Rolle's theorem to Floer homology Ya. M. Eliashberg June 24, 2003, St. Petersburg
May 27, 2003 (Tue) |
174. |
An algebra constracted via the volume polynomial of a simple polyhedron V. A. Timorin May 27, 2003, St. Petersburg
April 15, 2003 (Tue) |
175. |
Pavings of polyhedra, glueing of Schubert cells and compactification of configuration spaces Laurent Lafforgue April 15, 2003, St. Petersburg
April 8, 2003 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
176. |
Urgent problems of teaching mathematics at school April 8, 2003, St. Petersburg
March 25, 2003 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
177. |
Semialgebraic proofs E. A. Hirsch March 25, 2003, St. Petersburg
February 18, 2003 (Tue) |
178. |
Orbit shadowing S. Yu. Pilyugin February 18, 2003, St. Petersburg
November 28, 2002 (Thu) |
Mathematics lectures for students |
179. |
“Star dust” and probability M. A. Lifshits November 28, 2002, St. Petersburg
November 5, 2002 (Tue) |
180. |
What is a tangent function S. K. Lando November 5, 2002, St. Petersburg
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
181. |
Invariants of knots and graphs S. K. Lando November 5, 2002, St. Petersburg
October 29, 2002 (Tue) |
182. |
A meeting dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the outstanding Norwegian mathematician N. H. Abel October 29, 2002, St. Petersburg
October 15, 2002 (Tue) |
183. |
Polynomial functions and their behaviour at infinity D. Siersma October 15, 2002, St. Petersburg
October 8, 2002 (Tue) |
184. |
A meeting with G. M. Zuckerman, a representative of the “Mir” editors October 8, 2002, St. Petersburg
September 24, 2002 (Tue) |
185. |
Generalized Gelfand pairs: a survey Gerrit van Dijk September 24, 2002, St. Petersburg
July 11, 2002 (Thu) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
186. |
On spectral properties of the Laplacian on metric graphs M. Z. Solomyak July 11, 2002, St. Petersburg
June 22, 2002 (Sat) |
Joint meeting of the Society and the Russian-German Meeting dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of A. D. Aleksandrov |
187. |
Reminiscences about A. D. Aleksandrov June 22, 2002, St. Petersburg
June 18, 2002 (Tue) |
188. |
Stable models of logic programs V. A. Lifschitz June 18, 2002, St. Petersburg
May 27, 2002 (Mon) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
189. |
Minimal 3-dimensional manifolds Heiner Zieschang May 27, 2002, St. Petersburg
April 23, 2002 (Tue) |
190. |
Discussion of the approaching school reform April 23, 2002, St. Petersburg
April 17, 2002 (Wed) |
Mathematics lectures for students |
191. |
The notion of function in the making V. M. Babich April 17, 2002, St. Petersburg
April 8, 2002 (Mon) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
192. |
Infinitesimal Hilbert's 16th problem Yu. S. Ilyashenko April 8, 2002, St. Petersburg
April 2, 2002 (Tue) |
193. |
Dragging out of the stability loss in the dynamical bifurcations A. I. Neishtadt April 2, 2002, St. Petersburg
February 26, 2002 (Tue) |
194. |
A sharpening of some classical results in stability theory S. G. Kryzhevich February 26, 2002, St. Petersburg
January 22, 2002 (Tue) |
195. |
Quantum computers V. E. Korepin January 22, 2002, St. Petersburg
December 4, 2001 (Tue) |
196. |
Cell structure of the space of real polynomials V. A. Malyshev December 4, 2001, St. Petersburg
November 27, 2001 (Tue) |
197. |
Normal forms of the braid group A. V. Malyutin November 27, 2001, St. Petersburg
October 31, 2001 (Wed) |
Mathematical Lectorium for Students |
198. |
Symmetry and asymmetry of the solutions of extremal problems A. I. Nazarov October 31, 2001, St. Petersburg
October 27, 2001 (Sat) |
199. |
On points, straight lines and curves S. V. Duzhin October 27, 2001, St. Petersburg
October 9, 2001 (Tue) |
200. |
A meeting dedicated to organizational matters October 9, 2001, St. Petersburg
October 2, 2001 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
201. |
Random walks on groups and the Atiyah conjecture about $L^2$ Betti numbers R. I. Grigorchuk October 2, 2001, St. Petersburg
September 25, 2001 (Tue) |
202. |
Session dedicated to the 200th anniversary of M. V. Ostrogradski, organized with the participation of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society September 25, 2001, St. Petersburg
May 22, 2001 (Tue) |
203. |
Idempotent mathematics and mathematical physics G. L. Litvinov, V. P. Maslov May 22, 2001, St. Petersburg
April 3, 2001 (Tue) |
204. |
Discrete two-dimensional quantum gravitation V. A. Malyshev April 3, 2001, St. Petersburg
February 15, 2001 (Thu) |
Mathematical Lectorium for Students |
205. |
Criterion of complete positivity S. V. Fomin February 15, 2001, St. Petersburg
February 12, 2001 (Mon) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
206. |
Can we succeed in saving traditions of Leningrad–St. Petersburg mathematical schools? February 12, 2001, St. Petersburg
November 23, 2000 (Thu) |
Mathematical Lectorium for Students |
207. |
Mathematical theory of quasicrystals A. A. Lodkin November 23, 2000, St. Petersburg
November 21, 2000 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
208. |
Infinite-dimensional analogue of the Lebesgue measure and some properties of the gamma process N. V. Tsilevich November 21, 2000, St. Petersburg
209. |
Formal groups and the Hilbert symbol O. V. Demchenko November 21, 2000, St. Petersburg
October 31, 2000 (Tue) |
210. |
Computer technologies for teaching mathematics (explanations and demonstrations) October 31, 2000, St. Petersburg
September 7, 2000 (Thu) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
211. |
Meeting dedicated to the memory of S. V. Kerov (1946–2000) September 7, 2000, St. Petersburg
May 30, 2000 (Tue) |
212. |
The variational principle for a class of asymptotically Abelian $C^*$-algebras Erling Stormer May 30, 2000, St. Petersburg
April 14, 2000 (Fri) |
Mathematical Lectorium for Students |
213. |
International student olympiads on programming N. N. Voyakovskaya April 14, 2000, St. Petersburg
April 11, 2000 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
214. |
A joint meeting of the Society and the Mathematical Section of “Dom Uchenykh” dedicated to the memory of Paul Erdős (1913–1996) April 11, 2000, St. Petersburg
March 23, 2000 (Thu) |
215. |
Variational problems of phase transitions in continuous media mechanics V. G. Osmolovskii March 23, 2000, St. Petersburg
January 11, 2000 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
216. |
Joint meeting of the seminar and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society dedicated to the memory of A. G. Izergin January 11, 2000, St. Petersburg
December 23, 1999 (Thu) |
217. |
Surfaces in 3-space and their amoebas G. B. Mikhalkin December 23, 1999, St. Petersburg
December 7, 1999 (Tue) |
218. |
On Alexander problem in piecewise-linear topology N. E. Mnev December 7, 1999, St. Petersburg
November 16, 1999 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
219. |
A meeting in the memory of A. D. Aleksandrov (1912–1999) November 16, 1999, St. Petersburg
October 26, 1999 (Tue) |
220. |
Computers in mathematical investigations October 26, 1999, St. Petersburg
October 5, 1999 (Tue) |
221. |
The $(1+\epsilon)$-generation of finite simple groups and Hurwitz groups N. A. Vavilov October 5, 1999, St. Petersburg
June 1, 1999 (Tue) |
222. |
Integrable differential equations and combinatorics of polyhedra Pierre Cartier June 1, 1999, St. Petersburg
May 25, 1999 (Tue) |
223. |
Joining school with the world mathematical culture. A meeting dedicated to the memory of Nikolai B. Vasiliev May 25, 1999, St. Petersburg
May 21, 1999 (Fri) |
Mathematical Lectorium for Students |
224. |
Mandelbrot set and rigidity problem M. Yu. Lyubich May 21, 1999, St. Petersburg
May 20, 1999 (Thu) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
225. |
Holomorphic dynamics and hyperbolic laminations M. Yu. Lyubich May 20, 1999, St. Petersburg
May 19, 1999 (Wed) |
226. |
Ergodic theory of real quadratic maps M. Yu. Lyubich May 19, 1999, St. Petersburg
May 18, 1999 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
227. |
Feigenbaum universality and dynamics of quadratic polynomials M. Yu. Lyubich May 18, 1999, St. Petersburg
April 27, 1999 (Tue) |
228. |
Three-page approach in knot theory I. A. Dynnikov April 27, 1999, St. Petersburg
April 13, 1999 (Tue) |
229. |
Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations O. R. Musin April 13, 1999, St. Petersburg
March 30, 1999 (Tue) |
230. |
Wavelets and their applications A. P. Petukhov March 30, 1999, St. Petersburg
January 12, 1999 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
231. |
A joint meeting of the Society and the Mathematical Section of “Dom Uchenykh” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of academician V. A. Fock (1898–1974) January 12, 1999, St. Petersburg
January 5, 1999 (Tue) |
232. |
Symbolic dynamics, ergodicity of cocycles, and geometric applications V. A. Kaimanovich January 5, 1999, St. Petersburg
December 22, 1998 (Tue) |
233. |
Operator spaces and the similarity problem S. V. Kislyakov December 22, 1998, St. Petersburg
October 22, 1998 (Thu) |
Mathematical Lectorium for Students |
234. |
Homological algebra from the point of view of elementary algebra A. I. Generalov October 22, 1998, St. Petersburg
October 13, 1998 (Tue) |
235. |
Four squares and the Grothendieck conjecture I. A. Panin October 13, 1998, St. Petersburg
September 22, 1998 (Tue) |
236. |
Impressions about the 1998 International Congress of Mathematicians September 22, 1998, St. Petersburg
May 12, 1998 (Tue) |
237. |
Shadowing of pseudotrajectories in dynamical systems S. Yu. Pilyugin May 12, 1998, St. Petersburg
April 28, 1998 (Tue) |
238. |
Removable sets for analytical functions S. K. Smirnov April 28, 1998, St. Petersburg
April 7, 1998 (Tue) |
239. |
Ergodic properties of horocycle flows V. A. Kaimanovich April 7, 1998, St. Petersburg
February 17, 1998 (Tue) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
240. |
Computers in fundamental mathematical research. II February 17, 1998, St. Petersburg
December 16, 1997 (Tue) |
241. |
Computers in fundamental mathematical research December 16, 1997, St. Petersburg
December 13, 1997 (Sat) |
242. |
Statistical geometry of algebraic manifolds M. L. Gromov December 13, 1997, St. Petersburg
December 11, 1997 (Thu) |
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
243. |
Endomorphisms of infinitely-dimensional algebraic spaces M. L. Gromov December 11, 1997, St. Petersburg
November 11, 1997 (Tue) |
Recent results by young St. Petersburg mathematicians |
244. |
On some exact inequalities in approximation theory O. L. Vinogradov November 11, 1997, St. Petersburg
245. |
On the regularity of solutions of some boundary problems in mechanics T. N. Shilkin November 11, 1997, St. Petersburg
October 16, 1997 (Thu) |
Mathematical Lectorium for Students |
246. |
Topological classification of complex and real trigonometric polynomials and graph enumeration V. I. Arnol'd October 16, 1997, St. Petersburg
Joint meeting of the General Mathematics Seminar (POMI) and St. Petersburg Mathematical Society |
247. |
Topological questions of wave propagation V. I. Arnol'd October 16, 1997, St. Petersburg
June 24, 1997 (Tue) |
248. |
A joint meeting of the International conference in the memory of D. K. Faddeev (1907–1989) and of the Society June 24, 1997, St. Petersburg
April 15, 1997 (Tue) |
249. |
Best approximations and functions of the class $C^r$ V. V. Zhuk April 15, 1997, St. Petersburg
March 25, 1997 (Tue) |
250. |
Volume of a polyhedron as a function of lengths of its edges (a generalized Heron formula) I. Kh. Sabitov March 25, 1997, St. Petersburg
February 18, 1997 (Tue) |
251. |
Generalized Fourier transform related to a differential operator P. P. Kargaev February 18, 1997, St. Petersburg
November 19, 1996 (Tue) |
252. |
Invariants of finite degree of three-dimensional manifolds M. N. Gusarov November 19, 1996, St. Petersburg
October 22, 1996 (Tue) |
253. |
The arithmetic of the elliptic curves John Coates October 22, 1996, St. Petersburg
September 24, 1996 (Tue) |
254. |
Invariants of finite degree as degrees of mapping O. Ya. Viro September 24, 1996, St. Petersburg
April 8, 1996 (Mon) |
Joint meeting of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society and the Section of the House of Scientists |
255. |
The asymptotic theory of partitions from the standpoint of statistical physics A. M. Vershik April 8, 1996, St. Petersburg
March 5, 1996 (Tue) |
256. |
The Hopf's conjecture about the Riemannian metrics without conjugate points on the torus S. A. Ivanov March 5, 1996, St. Petersburg
February 20, 1996 (Tue) |
257. |
A meeting devoted to the jubilees of the Society members: V. A. Zalgaller, A. A. Ivanov, V. N. Kublanovskaya February 20, 1996, St. Petersburg